
Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Be a Crazy Sower!


We are all familiar with the “parable of the Sower” (Matthew 13:1-9). I have heard all my life this parable coming in so many different forms and ways. The specialty of this parable is to know that Jesus took time to explain the whole parable second time to the disciples. This came in allegorical form as well us in a lay man language.  The highlight of this parable is to know that though the seeds were sown, yet all did not yield growth due to various interceptor and infiltration.

There are so many factors that probably draw the attention of the reader. Factors like where the seed fell, the factors that choked the growth, description of variable outcome and even more. But here I wish to direct all your attention to the Sower. Curtis Mitchell once shared about the Parable of the Sower emphasized on this, which said, “Don’t be a soil inspector, be a crazy Sower.” The highlight of the parable is not the spiritualization of the parable itself but the focus on the Sower, the crazy Sower who went about sowing irrespective of the ground realities. The Sower was least bothered about the quality of the field level. He sowed in almost all places.

Are you a crazy Sower? Or, are your other priorities have robbed you from the prime Job that you are called for, i.e., Sowing? Today, many instead of Sowing are busy only praying for the soul and getting involved in all the spiritual activities without actually going out to Sow. If you notice the life of Jesus you will notice He did spend lots of time in prayer which included praying all night in preparation to go out during the day to for all the activities that would primarily focus on preaching the good news in a Holistic approach (Luke 3:21-22; Mark 1:35-36; Luke 5:16; Luke 6:12-13; Matt:11:25-26; John 6:1; Matt 14:23; Mark 7:31-37; Matt 7:31-37; Matt 15:36; Luke 9:18). He did not pray all night and then go to sleep during the day. Today many who say they are busy praying so much day and night miss the most important part, Sowing. Even if the sowing had to happen it happened within the four walls of the Church building, but rarely among the larger community, the Non-Christians.

Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is a remarkable one.  In 17:9, the prayer says, “I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those you have given me, because they are yours,” is a confidence for all of us. But it does not end there. In Verse 18  Jesus acknowledges his obedience to the mission that was given to Him and the passing of the mission. “As You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”.  And Paul exactly followed the same when he said in 1 Corinthians 15:3, “For I passed on to you as most important what I also received…” What is happening in Sowing? The gospel is sowed in all places. In an agricultural field there is a framework, a boundary. You don’t sow outside the boundary because it will contradict the law of agriculture. But while sowing the word, the living word which is the gospel there are no framework. You just have to have one qualification, i.e., to be a crazy Sower. Are you so long overlooking the parable of the Sower to different components mentioned in parable? It is time that we all come together and teach the people, motivate the people, inspire the people, revolutionize the people to be a Crazy Sower. Do not forget this fact which says, every minute 49 people are dying without knowing who Christ is. We are responsible. We have no other job than to sow. Keep sowing, Be a cray Sower. 

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