
Thursday, 16 November 2023

When Personal experiences are exaggerated!

Let me start by narrating Jesus’ encounter with Nathanael which is recorded in the gospel of John 1:47-50. This man Nathanael was enthralled when Jesus exactly revealed to him who he was, where he was when Philip invited him to meet Jesus and revealed the state of his heart, he just couldn’t believe it. Immediately, we see Nathanael confessing and saying these words, which is recorded in verse 49 “Rabbi,” Nathanael replied, “You are the son of God; you are the king of Israel.”. Jesus then responded and clarified with these words, “...Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these (John 1:50). Jesus did not want Nathanael to be excited with the revelation, which was shared with him but to know that He was the Messiah indeed.

Let me now draw parallels to the present time happenings. We all love experiences and love to make our experiences monumental, but somewhere down the line, the mission gets disillusioned.  Let's consider a scenario. If a preacher calls a person by name and prophesies on future happenings through the gift of prophecy, then the excitement shoots up and the experience becomes memorable. The person quickly becomes the follower of this prophet. And that prophet becomes a celebrity, savior and the mission ends there.

Let me talk about the five offices of the Church in Ephesians 4:11 which says, “And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and teachers.". People end up assuming it to be areas of specialization. This is soon institutionalized and many Churches today have stopped existing for the purpose for which it was introduced. The original purpose is misconstrued so often. People forget the following verse which says, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ.”. (Ephesians 4:12).

Similarly, let me refer to the Pentecost experience. The experience of the Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) talks about the rushing wind, the sound, the fire, the tongues, is what catches the attention of the people, they like to dwell on it and excitedly wait all their life. In some cases, people train themselves and others to speak in tongues but fail to become the reason for which the experience was given. I have quoted this incident in my earlier blogs too. If you just hold on to the experience for a spiritual trademark you have got Christ's mission all wrong. The important thing that happened is not that people spoke in tongues, but it is when people from different people groups heard them speaking in their own languages as recorded in Acts 2:6, "When this sound occurred, a crowd came together and was confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language”.  The purpose was reached when people heard them speak in their native languages. Peter immediately clarifies the experience but did not stop there. We notice Peter preached Jesus to the crowd. And the outcome was 3,000 people experienced the salvation (Acts 2: 41).

In another significant incident when Simon the sorcerer saw people experiencing the Holy Spirit and miracles were happening when hands were laid on people, he was so excited and thought he can purchase it from Peter. We find Peter literally reprimanding Him and pronouncing the Judgement. (Acts 8:20-23). When Mission is overlooked people will be enthralled and talk about the experiences all their life without being useful for Christ's mission at all.

Let me quote the final example, the incident where Jesus raising Lazarus from the grave after four days. Have you noticed, there is not a single passage that records Lazarus speaking about his death experience? If it were today, we would have made a video, called a press conference and flaunted on the experience and narrate what happened during the four days. Lazarus did not do anything of that sort. He became the reason for many to experience the love of Jesus. Though the Bible records many deserted Him because of Lazarus, nevertheless many believed Jesus on account of Lazarus' resurrection (John 12:11)

Dear friends, Christ's mission is lying desolate. Everybody is interested to amplify one’s own experiences and talk about it,  but would you seriously carry Christ mission and influence others to do so?

You may read the last blog HERE


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Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Disqualified yet on the top!


1 Corinthians 19:27 CSB "Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified."

It is actually possible to be irrelevant and yet survive in the ministry as pastors, elders, worship leaders, missionaries, mission heads, CEO's of Christian Ministries, tele-evangelists and so on. The cravings for power, status, fame, money, luxury, and the need for survival have distorted the view of many from the true mission and purpose. Sadly, they continue to live satisfied, celebrating their accomplishments. Many are living a life of deception because their Church institution and organization are surviving. Even for the fallen leader you will find a faithful mob still approving, applauding, and following them ardently. These renowned Christian leaders have learnt to gauge their approval because of their gifting and accomplishments.

So often people forget that we are not measured by our giftings and accomplishments but by our faithfulness to God. Gifting and accomplishment are from the Lord, but faithfulness is our response to Him.  Apostle Paul states in Romans 11:29 "since God’s gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable.". As the gifts are not snatched away from us abruptly, people have taken things for granted merchandising their gifts and calling. Anything is converted to a business plan and a strategy today including Christ Mission.

The deception and money laundering in many Christian organisations and Churches are rampant and heart wrenching. Their consciences are seared and calloused. People in the forefront have become a stumbling block for the non-Christians. They are living devoid of conscience, with no fear of God. God is mocked because of His tolerance. In Psalms 50, Asaph is considered to have written this chapter, and it is so powerful.  Let me quote few verses, "But God says to the wicked: “What right do you have to recite my statutes and to take my covenant on your lips? You hate instruction and fling my words behind you. When you see a thief, you make friends with him, and you associate with adulterers.". Psalms 50:16-18 CSB. Sadly, many have taken God for granted. Verse 22 is powerful "You have done these things, and I kept silent; you thought I was just like you.". You will often get to see Christian leaders deriding God to their level of foolishness. Psalms 50 does not end there but concludes with the judgement. Verse 22-23 "... But I will rebuke you and lay out the case before you. “Understand this, you who forget God, or I will tear you apart, and there will be no one to rescue you.".

With this context in mind let us carefully ponder the highlighted key verse in the blog "Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified.”. There is a marvelous possibility of influencing others, yet at the same time a terrible fact of being disqualified and left behind. We are not accepted on the basis for what we do for God if our intent is wrong and selfish. We are all aware of our motives and God knows that too because He weighs our intentions and the motives of our heart (Proverbs 16:2; 17:3). 

Another false ideology that is existing today is that He cannot perform without us. People believe that He needs them for His mission to survive in this earth. That is an absolute deception and lies. You can be substituted anytime the moment you become irrelevant. You may have your mission, organisation and Church going on with people gathering week after week but that is immaterial in God's eyes. Remember Saul! The moment he started becoming irrelevant, the substitution plan began consequently. Saul was substituted by David. But yes, I need to say this, probably the complete annihilation of one’s existence can take time on a case-by-case basis. Many are surviving like a switched off fan, still rotating for some time.

God does not need you at all in true sense. I quite often quote this from C S Lewis, "God does not need you, the reason He has chosen to need you is because you need to be needed.”. As we read the story of Kings from the Bible, we are reminded that the moment the kings became irrelevant they were replaced. I wish and pray leaders understand that all the worldly prizes are just a trash and garbage. We should be ready to leave it behind at any point of time. I wish the statement of Apostle Paul in Acts 20:24 is true in each one of us, "But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God's grace.". If you wish to truly make an impact through what you do then be faithful, selfless, and ready to pour yourself as a drink offering as Apostle Paul stated (Philippians 2:17).


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