
Thursday, 6 February 2020

Effective Vs Ineffective zone!

“..since a live dog is better than a dead lion.".  Ecclesiastes 9:4 CSB

When God makes you (Mark 1:17), marks you (John 17:24) and starts using you (Philippines 1:6), He always does from your highest potential to complete what He has begun in you. Start operating from an effective zone and Influence everyone. There is a purpose that is tied to what you do, therefore how you behave in the process matters a lot.

When Bible talks about Lucifer it records, He was a shining morning star who received highest priority from God, but soon he miserably fell because of his ill attitude and pride (Isaiah 14:12). Till we are in the center of His will and move towards fulfilling the purpose for which we have been called we operate effectively. The slightest deviations or carnality could cater to the downfall and can force us to operate from an ineffective zone. 

Many leaders and pastors are maintaining a mediocrity and operating from an ineffective zone today. It doesn't bother them much because in most cases, it doesn't affect their livelihood. Samson is a good example who was called for a definite purpose and was operating from an effective zone, but slowly drifted to a point where he was becoming comfortable and was succeeding in what he wanted, and then he started operating from an ineffective zone, losing his credibility and the splendor God had bestowed upon him.

Whenever I happen to listen to the testimony of some amazing Christian leaders it gives me goosebumps, the way their initial ministry was on fire. But sadly, many couldn't sustain the vibrancy as comfort and selfishness slithered its way in, and they just survive thereafter. 

Therefore King Solomon nails it when he says, "..a live dog is better than a dead lion.". Ecclesiastes 9:4 CSB. To be effective like a dog is better than to be like a Lion yet lifeless. Mark how John Calvin put it, "A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.".  

The other area when one can be ineffective is when one’s motive is settled for gain alone. Picking the story of Laban and Jacob we notice at one-point Laban's attitude changes. it says, “and Jacob saw from Laban’s face that his attitude toward him was not the same as before.". Genesis 31:2 CSB. Many are today like Laban affected seriously with selfish motives for a gain, and their whole ambition thereafter is to build personal security. Soon their perspective and their financial dealings are affected and they start operating from an ineffective zone.

God wouldn't allow us to perform and operate from an ineffective zone very long. The best indicator is (this works in most cases), if a meeting or a deliberation is set for us to minister and then the same is cancelled or gets procrastinated, I first assume God thinks I am not ready for it. Well there can be a genuine reason for such postponement or delay. Yes! May be in some cases God allows the barrier for his sovereign reasons, but it is better to do a personal spiritual check to see if you are operating from an effective or ineffective zone. God will not allow you to operate from an ineffective zone always.

Let me close with this verse, 
"I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.". Philippians 1:6 CSB. Let's be careful to remain in Him and allow God to mold us and use us effectively for His glory.

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