
Thursday, 25 October 2018

Faking it out! God noticed it.

I always wonder why  many people are not up to themselves? Why do we sugar coat things and comfort someone when actually we don’t mean it? Why on earth we always want to hide behind the position, designation, influence, our artificial smile and our common unrealistic slogan most of the time that we use, “I am praying for you”? The list is endless. Is it just because our survival means a lot and we want to maintain it? Can we seriously think from God's point of view and confess the ignominy of our masks? We all may have a valid reason to do so but miserably fall short from Christ estimation. Ever wondered how He takes it?

Psalms 51:6 “Behold you desire truth in the innermost being and in the hidden part of my heart. .”.

The psalmist King David is conscious while he articulates the above claim, ‘God desires truth in the innermost being’. As Christians, Leaders, Pastors it is so important that we display the transformed personality of who we are and not give a mirage image of ourselves. I can narrate so many experiences that I encountered with Christian leaders with whom I happened to discuss and get to know about their work and ministry. Some of them were so promising in their commitment to God and to the ministry, later at some point when I have tried texting them or contacting them (mind, not for any help) they would not even read the message and can just ignore it as a trash. 

 At one time I had a long discussion with a Christian leader about trying to add value to enhance the ministry. He was very assuring too, but then after a week or so I tried calling to know how things are going he ignored my calls thereafter. What we do to one we will do to others. This is who we are sadly but never have the slightest guilt for our misdemeanor. We contradict ourselves in so many areas and yet seen in the forefront to minister to people in various ways and expound God’s word.

Proverbs 23:7 “.. ‘He says to you Eat and drink!” but his heart is not with you.’.

Just prior to the above verse it warns us not to eat or drink with ‘a selfish man’ basically not to have any fellowship with such kind of a person irrespective of who he is, because of his selfish nature. We may judge a person by the content of the message and act, but God judges us by our intent, therefore we are inescapable. It is so easy to preach, write articles, send daily devotions to groups, send amazing quotes yet fake our identity in Christ. Proverbs 24:12 says “Does He not consider it who weighs and examines the hearts and their motives? . . . Will he not repay [you and] every man according to his works?


Thursday, 18 October 2018

Have you ever wondered how you would look if the presence of God leaves you?

In the book “Run with horses” by Eugene Peterson who is the author of the brilliant message version, narrates a personal story which has a stronger impact on me and I do not want to forget it all my life. The real time incident goes like this, a man by the name Willi Ossa was an artist, who worked as a janitor at night in a Church on New York’s west side and during the day he painted. Eugene got to know him when he was a theological student working at the same Church as an assistant pastor. Willi decided to paint a portrait of Eugene for which he had to visit couple of time to his house and sit for thirty minutes. The only condition by the painter is not to see the picture before it is completed.
The painting work was nearing completion when one day Eugene wife came to the room and looked at the portrait and exclaimed in outrage because the picture looked like a corpse. Willi had to pacify her and gave the reason for what he was doing and said, “He’s not sick; that’s the way he will look when the compassion is gone, when the mercy gets squeezed out of him.”. Does it make sense? So much for me. When the presence of God had to move out from our lives we would just be like a dead corpse attempting all that we did while God was with us and yet bringing blasphemy to His name. Romans 2:24.

Let’s not forget Samson once used by God powerfully when lost His presence had to play a part of a clown, entertaining the crowd gathered in the temple (Numbers 16:25)

Lucifer the most beautiful angel whose description magnificently narrated was thrown from the position Ezekiel 28: 12-19 (Sad latter stage)

The Ephesus Church was warned because of the fallen stage and it says, “..I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place ...’ NASB Revelation 2:5

Paul warning the common people too in Galatians 5:7 “you were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth”

Let us be careful not to lose His presence and fight a losing battle with the enemy. May our prayers be like David in Psalms 51:11 CSB, “Restore the joy of your salvation to me, and sustain me by giving me a wiling spirit.


Thursday, 11 October 2018

Have you attained the celebrity status?

Human beings tend to flocking themselves to one who is famous, who has attained celebrity status, who is often televised and in the news all the time. The factors of preferences change depending on people tastes and choices. Christendom isn't spared from this. There are two things to it, one a particular minister of God with a special gift or may be with the opportunity for him to appear in public gained fame and starts establishing a strong fan club. The next is the common people whose needs are being met by this one man/woman of God, or he/she felt God speaking to them through this man/woman of God, totally clings to this person and starts depending on him/her all the time.

 The next thing the people want to do is identify themselves with this Christian celebrity sharing his/her fame and feel good about it. Sadly, they even go to the extent to mobilize money, resources and promote all his commodity and be satisfied emotionally or sometimes be profited. How do we address this? Does it even hit us? God keeps reiterating again and again by saying I am the savior and there is none beside me (Isaiah 43:11, 44:6) Paul addressed this in 1 Corinthians 3:2-3 ‘because you are still worldly. For since there is envy and strive among you, are you not worldly and behaving like mere humans? For whenever someone says “I belong to Paul”, and another “I belong to Apollos”, are you not acting like mere humans?

There is an incident narrated in Acts 14 where a man without strength in his feet, lame from his birth was healed by Paul.  The crowd immediately jubilant and remarked that Gods have come down in human form and intended to sacrifice bulls for them. In (Acts 14:14) We see Paul and Barnabas tore their robes and immediately clarified that it is Jesus and they have no power. They did not  come up with a plan to build a club rather directing their attention to Jesus always. At any point of time in their ministry they never encouraged the celebrity status.  Do we see this happening today? This same Paul now when he writes to Corinthians condemns people who are flocking to a group.

There is a warning for both, one who have attained a big status and not conscious enough to keep correcting the attention of people and the followers who are just so happy to be identifying with their fame. God Says in Isaiah 42:8 “.. I will not give my glory to another..”. Also in 1 Corinthians 3:21 MSG Paul warns, "I don’t want to hear any of you bragging about yourself or anyone else...". We read so many stories of miserable fall of so called great people and the news are there everywhere. 

Unfortunately, Christianity is judged by the abuse of such people who were used by God or whom the ordinary lay people made them gods.  “Being Christians does not mean we’re any better than unbelievers. We are still as sick as anyone - we just have found the doctor.”.  “We are all broken”, it is assured. “we are all miserable failures is the refrain. ". Stop promoting yourself openly or subtly and stop creating a fan club and be deceived miserably.  Christ is the only Savior and God, don’t try to replace God.
Check this Video.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Are you prepared to be persecuted and killed”- Jesus said it.

As strange as it seems there are undeniable truths which are rarely articulated and sometimes deliberately pushed under the carpet. I am sure you would agree with me that we have already stepped into a dreadful era where Christians are the target of violence all over. Things are culminating towards the prophetic end. I am personally inspired to pick on this very important topic to sensitize everyone including me. This is about God's truthfulness while He declared on some of the things which unsettles our comfort zone.  Apart from the promised pronouncement of blessings like abundance, refilling, refueling, extension of the territory there are also other things that will happen to “Christians” who in all sense determine to live as true disciples. 
“Then they will hand you over to be persecuted, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name.”.Matthews 24:9 (CSB)

In Spite of Christian agencies advocating the security of Christians, persecution is definite and would only stand to increase rapidly. Few may be rescued but a large number will be persecuted and die with increased intensity as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ. Mind, not even one disciple of Jesus was spared from the martyr's death, in fact their death was cruel and gruesome incomprehensible to our human existence. This takes us back to the core principle of evangelism found in John 12:24, where Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces much fruit.”, there ends the matter. He further takes people to the past, giving an example in Matthews 5:12 “…For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”. Church history is the witness where it gives us proof that many are giving their lives to Jesus from the place where people where martyred for the sake of the gospel. Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians induces the spirit of Martyrdom, “You fool what you sow does not come to life unless it dies”. (1 Corinthians 15:36)

“In fact, all who want to live a godly life will be persecuted.”. 2 Timothy 3:12. (CSB)

Apostle Paul is leading us one step forward by declaring the challenges and the cost one has to pay to live and lead a godly life. This means those of us who claim to be His disciples will be tested. We will have to pay a cost to be a Christian. It is high time to shed all hypocrisy and complacency and build our determination in Christ. The Bible says, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”. Matthews 24:13. Our Lord God will definitely be with us while we have to undergo excruciating challenges.

What you become in the end matters. Dallas Willard puts it beautifully “What matters is not the accomplishments you achieve, what matters is the person you become.”   India ranks 11th in terms of persecution (according to world watch data) towards Christians, it is spreading like a wild fire. I kindly request you to share testimonies and prayer requests from any portal or source that can keep Christians informed, motivated and pray unceasingly for our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are being persecuted. Prepare the churches on this important matter so that people can come out from their comfort zone and be strongly built in Christ for higher immunity. Jesus promised, “..You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”. John 16:33 (CSB)

I am attaching a video which speaks about persecution and its implication to a Christian in the most clear and simple way: