has recently found increased relevance and used to accelerate, accomplish, and
achieve their desired goals. However, it is misused and misrepresented,
misleading people. Being a strategist myself, developing Ministry Church
blueprint and a roadmap, helping Churches and ministries in developing strategy
documents for many Churches and Organisations, I noticed some assumed that
their Church / ministries have not done well in the past because they either
did not have a strategy or probably the present one is ineffective.
Using this word in the context of Church and Missions is good, but I don’t think it is all about strategy and activities alone. The Bible gives us so many patterns (good, bad and no pattern) of strategies and models. Unfortunately, some focus on one strategy and miss the true representation of God. I have noticed some leaders judge my efficiency of my skill by wanting to know if I could show a strategy that worked. But what they fail to understand is that strategy by itself doesn’t work, the intention, motivation and conviction to the mission are some of the key factors that complement the process.
Let me place before you few incidents from the Bible which did right but failed. Probably you can say, they used the right strategy yet fell flat.
1. Incident where the disciples couldn’t cast out the demon: In Matthew 17:14-20 When Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a mountain to reveal His glory, a man brings his demon possessed son to the rest of the disciples. The disciples fail, so the man approaches Jesus and Jesus easily casts it out of the boy. After he heals the boy, the disciples privately ask Jesus why they could not cast out the demon (V 19-20). What do you think? These disciples who were with Jesus, by now so accustomed to how Jesus was doing yet failed to cast out the demon. It just shows that it was not just the skill but something more than that. Jesus responds that it was because of the little faith, and few other versions which has Verse 21 states this, “however, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”. Prayer and fasting are not the result of a strategy but relationship and reliance on God. Today, sadly you will get to see today prayer has become a merchandise, a program, activity, and an event.
3. Sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-16): Here
Luke records the many unusual miracles happening by the hands of Paul. In verse
12 it records, “so that even handkerchiefs of aprons were brought from his
body to the sick and the diseases left them, and the evil spirits went out of
them”. Probably many today assume it to be a strategy to be followed. Since
it looks such a simple strategy probably the sons of Sceva wanted to replicate it.
Yes, as a strategy it looked so simple to just use the name of Jesus, heal the
people and cast the demons out. The sons of Sceva tried it, this is what it
happened. (Verse 15 & 16) “And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus
I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” Then the man in whom the evil spirit
was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they
fled out of that house naked and wounded.”. This is so true of current
times where people have a superficial relationship with Christ Jesus and yet
use His name deceptively for spiritual ambience. Paul to the book of Timothy
states about such people as “having a form of godliness but denying its
power…” 2 Timothy 3:5.
3. Demon possessed slave girl in Mission (Acts
16:16-18): An incident where a slave girl who was possessed by the spirit
predicted the future for her owner and brought large profit encounters Paul and
Silas was making this powerful mission statement. Acts 16:17 “…These men,
who are proclaiming to you a way of salvation, are the servants of the Most
High God.”. Was she deviating from the gospel? Absolutely not! But Paul had
to command the spirit to stop the annoyance and come out of her. And it left
her right away. Acts 16:18. Many are using His name right, using Jesus’ model right,
but still are not a voice that can impact transformation. They need to be
transformed first to use the mission rightly. Even demons can preach gospel and
say the right thing as seen here but God doesn’t recognize such people at all.
missions, Church ministries, and leaders are assuming that a better plan, best
model and an effective tool is the solution for global mission. I think it is
time to have a relook at the perspective. Our God is a holy God. Stop
improvising models, strategies, activities and hoping it is going to bring
revival by the way we do things. There are many things that needs to be
addressed at the heart level to make a serious impact. Would you consider
doing so?
You may read the last blog HERE
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