
Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Imbalance overlooked seriously!


Why should some hear the Gospel many times over when others have not heard it even once?” Does this question disturb us? This has haunted me often and its glaring truth breaks my heart. Randy Alcorn Founder & Director of Eternal Perspective Ministries in his finding states, "the Church budgets irrespective of where it is located, often designate less than 10 percent of their income to missions. And what’s called “missions” often includes our own country or community.”.  If we all believe the Church is the only hope for the dying world, why then is our energy spent in preserving the members inside the four walls of the Churches than broadening the horizon? It can be observed, today’s Church has become salt and light to itself and not to the world as it was called to be, which left to itself becomes artificial light and self-preservation? The concern highlighted in the book of Hosea is about Israel profiting itself, “Israel is a lush vine; it yields fruit to itself…”. It is a warning that we should refrain from being "self-useful".

Do you know what is the central message in most of the Churches today? Week after week sermons from the pulpit emphasizes on taking care of the family, raising children, enhance family bonding, love their spouses, love their pastors and attend Churches regularly. Where is the message that talks about going out, obedience and engagement to the Great commission? Matthew 19:27, Peter on behalf of the other disciples says, “See we have left everything and followed you…”. The point to note here is that it was a response to the call of Jesus. It was not just a call, “Follow me”, but little more than that.  If you notice in Matthew 16:24-25 Jesus said, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”. And it comes with a warning in verse 25 “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.”. Following which, Jesus confirms the reward for leaving everything and following Jesus in verse 29, “And everyone who has left houses or brother or sisters or father or mother or children or fields because of my name will receive a hundred-time ore and will inherit eternal life.”. Though all the disciples are believed to have taken care of their families well, but we don’t get to read what they did with their families and their loved ones but we are definitely apprised about their commitment to leave everything and take the Gospel throughout the world. Thank God! Thomas came to India in 52 AD and spent twenty years spreading the good news before he died in 72 AD.

We are bombarded time and again that when we come to Christ, He will bless us manifold, everything will be fine and we will start climbing the ladder of success. Sorry to break your bubble! this is not what Jesus said at all.

Some of Christ’s disciples must leave behind their money and possessions to go reach the thousands of unreached people groups of the world. Some of His disciples must stay where they are, reaching out to those around them and living lifestyles that allow them not only to pray for others but also to give generously, to send and support them, and more importantly to share the Gospel in their work spaces and in their community.

We are called to obey His mission. What does it mean? Paul explains Christ mandate beautifully in 1 Corinthians 15:3 “For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: That Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that was buried that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures.”. That means we have no right to keep what we have received. This is the format of the Gospel work. But unfortunately, we are never burdened for the sins of not giving out what we have received. We only want to repeat hearing and repeat teaching about the love of Christ. Let us not forget the central verse of the Bible in John 3:16 “For God so loved that he gave his only begotten son…”. Love resulted to give His son. Let me close with the question again, “Why should some hear the Gospel many times over when others have not heard it even once?”

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