
Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Has your congregation graduated yet?


My previous blog pointed out the need to address a bigger crisis than Covid-19. Follow the link HERE  in case you missed the blog.  Death is inevitable. The Bible says on Hebrew 9:27, “And as it is appointed for men to die once...”. We don’t have control over the time of our death. We may assume that our lives are extended because of our good health practices, good diet and so on. But we are inevitably closer to our expiry date. It can be Covid today or something else tomorrow as the reason for our death. As much as each day new lives are born, there are equally a large number of people who die every 24 hours. The big question remains, how are we going to ensure that the people we influence find Christ in their lives before they die?

Psalmist writes in 19:1-2, “the heavens declare the glory of God. and the expanse proclaims the work of the hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.”. When creation is explicit about the existence God and His sovereignty, aren't catastrophes, raging pandemics, disasters causing turbulence in the universe screaming something very important to the entire human race and most importantly to the so-called Christians? The plan of redemption for the entire human race was accomplished by Christ our Savior and then before His ascension He entrusted His mandate to all of us. But are we still effective carriers of the Gospel as Christ is expecting or are we just the recipients of the Gospel satisfied and settled in our spirituality, confined to the four walls of the Church? Many Christians are like Israel stated in Hosea 10:1 “Israel is a lush vine; it yields fruit for itself...”. Pandemic can become just another excuse to dismiss the importance of sharing the Gospel.

If we observe carefully, Christendom to a larger extent is complacent within the four walls of the Church and never feels the need to go out of their spiritual comfort zone and share Gospel in their sphere of influence. By and large Christians are not sensitized on the urgency of the Great Commission, which is the mandate of Christ.  How is that Christ's mandate has become dangerously irrelevant? Who is to be blamed? Is it the Pastor or Church leadership or the congregation’s psychic ability to comprehend Christ Mandate? Sadly, Churches have imprisoned their congregations for years by keeping them satisfied with Church activities and confining to Sunday service, stunting them to remain a student and never graduate at all. In another scenario, congregation members have imprisoned themselves to the four walls of the Church for too long. It is astonishing to note that majority of Church members have not led even one person to Christ in their long years of being a Christian. A disciple making church does not just exist without doing any good for the community. The Church just can’t keep saying ‘Church is the hope of the dying world’ and do nothing about it. Dietrich Bonhoeffer put’s it beautifully, “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without Church confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ.”.

Today, we have come to a point where meeting in Church buildings itself has become a threat. Churches are not what happens online for our satisfaction. If Christians are not restless about sharing the claims of Christ to Non-Christians, then we need to seriously examine ourselves. Every individual is a Church, which means there is a space in every Christian where he/she can present gospel and include people in his/her space. If the Bible does not urge one to share Gospel, then probably, he/she is not attentive to what it says.  Dave Harvey remarks, "Everything in scripture is either preparation for the Gospel, presentation of the Gospel or participation of the Gospel.".

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