Every single day, moves us closer to meeting our Lord God. Soon we will all
face the King of kings to give an account of our lives and account of our
obedience to the Great Commission. God is not intimidating us when He is
talking about the Judgement day. But It is fair enough to understand on our
part that when we are entrusted with resources, privileges and
responsibilities, we are required to be accountable too. R.G. Lee coined this
short Caption, “Pay-Day – Someday”. We cannot escape giving
account of ourselves. The Bible says in Romans 14:12 “So then each of
us shall give account of himself to God.”
Times such as
this are difficult and unpredictable for all of us. Every believer including
many Pastors and leaders who are contemplating to irk a living in this period
of time are struggling to find an answer from God. Most of us struggle to
handle the silence from Him. We get disoriented when things do not happen just
the way we expected and prayed about. This was the case of disciples too.
After Jesus was resurrected, He was appearing to the disciples and many others
in His terms. He was no more present with them physically as He used to be with
the disciples in the short time of His ministry. This was raising lots of
apprehensions among the disciples and the silence disturbed them.
We find the
incident where Simon Peter said “I am going fishing” in (John
21:8-14), immediately other disciples also consented to accompany him and
said, “We are coming with you.”. The Bible records they caught
no fish nevertheless as you follow the story, you will notice the disciples
encountered Jesus and the miracle happened. These were the same disciples who
followed Jesus leaving their livelihood, profession and families (Mat 4:19-22
Mark 1:20). Peter at one point on behalf of the other disciples remarked, “See
we have left everything and followed you.”. Matthew 19:27. Do
you realize, these were the same disciples who were revolutionaries and never
again contemplated for their survival but went to the remotest part of the nation
with the Gospel and died as a martyr?
Jesus remarked, “For
whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because
of me will find it.”. There is a misunderstanding we have developed that we
save our lives by our own capacities probably because the varied catastrophes
are hitting the human race and it raises too many questions in the minds of the
people. Christ is in full control over you. Do not panic nor be intimated.
He never became
powerless, but maybe we are struggling to trust Him because our resources are
running out. God’s work can still effectively grow devoid of finances or for
that matter any resources. We have been given a mandate and most
disappointingly it is not carried out by every Christian believer.
During crisis our
focus on Christ's mandate, the Great Commission and Great
Commandment is becoming optional or abandoned by many. For believers
maintaining spiritual schedule by itself is a proud moment and a
satisfying factor. Sadly, it’s not true. Your salvation isn’t complete till you
share the Good news, the Gospel to the Non-believers. If you are still
struggling to share your testimony and lead someone to Christ, then probably
you are missing out on your responsibility. Do not confuse your Church
engagements and activities as mission work. Go and Preach the Gospel! There are
no alternatives.
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