Conscience level To Compliance level
When we go through the old testament,
the so many laws (613 laws), system, regulations are so overwhelming and
burdensome. It is a sheer grace of God that through His son Jesus Christ we are
actually free from the huge burden of laws. Paul when cites in Ephesians 2:15 says like this, “He made this no effect of the law consisting
of commands and expressed in regulations, so that he might create in himself
one new man from the two, resulting in peace.”.
In Romans 2:15 it says “They show that the essential requirements
of the law are written in their hearts; and their conscience [their sense of right
and wrong, their moral choices] bearing witness and their thoughts alternately
accusing or perhaps defending them”. God has refined and tuned everything
to our conscience level. God’s voice is now so powerful with the help of the
holy spirit that ignites our conscience to do things that are pleasing to God
and do things right. God moved the entire old testament from a compliance to
Conscience level, but the Big question is, how much are we accountable in all
During the time of Joash when the temple
was repaired, the Money and wealth collected was given to those doing the work-
and those who oversaw the Lords temple would pay it out to those working on the
lords Temple (1kings1: 11-12) There was no confusion, in fact stronger testimony
of the people who supervised is cited in 1 Kings 2:15 CSB, “No accounting was required from the men who received the silver to pay
those doing the work, since they worked with integrity”.
How about today? Can this be so true
now? We have different committees, task forces, and when it comes to money,
there are diversification of interest, sadly in many cases resulting to court
cases and litigation. Even Christian make headlines when it comes to property
and wealth. The utilization of offerings is another big challenge in most of
the Churches. Working with most of the Churches all over India for more than a
decade there are sad stories that I witnessed. I wish and pray the leaders are more
careful to use the money for the right purpose.
There is definitely a breakdown of
systems in terms of utilization of funds in temples, mosques, Churches and in
any religions places. Anytime the freedom is not used properly or misused God makes
a way out, now It is becoming a forced level of pushing once again to a
compliance level. You are going to be monitored seriously. Supreme Court in India orders massive judicial scrutiny of all religious
shrines, where Church is included too.
Your choices are limited hereafter. The Church leaders are responsible to use the resources for all good reason and most importantly to restore and recover the early Church model ensuring that the poverty related issues are addressed effectively.
Your choices are limited hereafter. The Church leaders are responsible to use the resources for all good reason and most importantly to restore and recover the early Church model ensuring that the poverty related issues are addressed effectively.
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