And then if you recollect your
readings from Habakkuk the prophet starts the book Hab 1:2 by asking a question
“How long O Lord will I call for help..”
He is frustrated to see the wicked gaining strength and “..Justice is never upheld” Hab 1:4 and mostly perverted. And we notice his questions become even more
sharper as we read in Hab 1:13 Your eyes
are too pure to approve evil and you cannot look on wickedness with favor, why
do you look with favor on those who deal treacherously,,” We look around
and see the surfacing of corruption in all level and how sad to know that there
are much possibility to become victims and sometimes sufferers. How do we go
about it? The prophet finds out the answer and articulates in Hab 2: 4 “… the righteous will live by faith.” and
ends the book by saying “The Lord God is
my strength” Hab 3:19. I think the greatest gift and blessing we need is to
see our faith being strengthened and understand that God is our strength.
Prov 13:12 Says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of
life.” What do you wait for? Why do you wait for? Is your waiting
justifiable and then what do you desire to achieve by waiting? In all this do
you see God as a central figure? Just keep thinking and sharpen your thoughts
on the light of the word of God and close communion with Him. I would like to
draw your attention to the verse of Hope in Rev 10:6 “that there will be delay no longer”. Where do you stand? Do you
justify your deeds? Or you think it’s high time that you introspect your life
and get right with the Lord so that your waiting makes sense, definitely not to
expect the evildoer to perish but the Lord of justice to restore righteousness
and justice. Is 42:3 says “A bruised
reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish, He will
faithfully bring forth justice in the earth,” and in 42:4 “He will not fail nor be discouraged till He
have set justice in the earth.” May the Lord God help us to maintain
righteousness and exemplify the standard for righteous living, and He may help
us to trust on the Lord that our longings are not spent in pain but with Hope
and shaping our lives in Him. God knows your aspiration and desire. Prov 10:24
says “…the desire of the righteous will
be granted” because “the desire of
the righteous is only good..” Prov 11: 23.
David Raj
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