
Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Gatherer or scatterer!


“…anyone who does not gather with me scatters.”  Matthew 12:30

Understanding Christendom today is a little more complicated than the first Century Christians. Church denominations, culture, language, race and so many other factors have impacted the Christian perspective and the church today. Each church denomination is like an independent institution with a customised set of thoughts, duties and expectations. People are operating and existing by the culture of the Church more than the expectations and mandate of Christ. And then the “Church worshippers”, I mean the ones who think God is equal to church building has nothing to do with missions. Church obligations and being part of the church activities are in themselves the biggest mission people think they are accomplishing.  Church obligations rob people of the purpose for His mission.

The mission and purpose of Christ Jesus is becoming more and more ambiguous because of personal interpretations and the interpretations of church denominations. Majority of the Christendom are missing the purpose of Jesus coming to this earth. It is muddled up with programs, entertainments, strengthening the fellowship with each other, making a family, making church big, I mean as a building and institutionalizing it. And sadly, the purpose of Christ Jesus is missed and, in most cases, ignored blatantly. Jesus articulated his purpose so clearly which says, “For the son of man has come to seek and to save the lost” Luke 19:10. If you notice, most of the parables support the purpose of Jesus coming to this earth. As individuals and Churches if we are not making it as part of our lifestyle then for sure we would continue to entertain ourselves as Christians but fail to be the disciple of Christ.  Here are few parables that also support Christ Mission and clarifies our mission on this earth,


  • Sowing the seed and gathering the wheat (Matt 13:29),
  • Impacting the flour with the leaven, (Matt 13:33), influencing the majority,
  • Large net thrown in the sea to collect every kind of fish (Matt 13:47),
  • parable of Lamp (Matt 5:14-16) the need to be the light and draw people,
  • The Lost sheep (Matthew 18:10-14) leaving the 99 to find the 1,
  • The feast of the Great Banquet (Matt 22:1-14) inviting maximum people for the banquet,
  • Ten talents of gold coin (Matt 25:14-30) compared to multiplying souls,
  • The Lost coin (Luke 15:8-10) rejoicing over one sinner,
  • The prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) Father waiting for his lost son,
  • The rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) the pain the rich man had for his lost brothers.


Can you honestly tell what percentage of all your spirituality is contributed to reaching out to people who are in darkness? If the above is not part of your daily schedule that makes the purpose for your existence, then what else is? What is our Church teaching? Here a person Hasti Gomes shares her disappointment about her Church experience.

Analyze this statement Jesus makes which is recorded in Matthew 12:30, “Anyone who is not with me is against me, and anyone who does not gather with me scatters.”. Be warned, you cannot play neutral here. It does not say that you are either gathering or not gathering, but it says that if you are not gathering then you are scattering. This is powerful and alarming. Jesus was in the business of gathering the people for the kingdom of God. Many are seen today institutionalizing the Church and busy trying to manage it and in most cases, making it an enterprise.  Church today, merely confines to edifying people for a good living. Sadly, never equipped to gather the lost people for the kingdom of God. What is your role today? You can explain and satisfy people with all that you are doing, but then if all that you are doing is not contributing to gathering, then you are scattering and working against Christ and His mission as said in Matthew 12:30. The 10 parables is just a reminder not for a story telling exercise but a call to come back to the core purpose of your existence, i.e. to be a disciple of Christ and seriously carry the gospel to the non-Christian world


You May read the Last Blog HERE


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