If it is one thing that I want to emphasise in all my
writings and conversations, it will be none other than ‘Mission'. Though
lingering for ages, it is making sense to few and is always an avoidable option
for many. Most often the Christians in the Churches are continually instructed
and exhorted on Christian ethics like how to be good, godly, loving,
benevolent, being a good husband /wife and a good parent. These are integral to
any individual irrespective of any religion or creed. But then, when it comes to
missions to the unreached world, it dilutes into a nice Christian philosophy.
The Churches and Christians long to do something about it and eventually
do nothing.
The gift of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12 is often
misunderstood for the anointing in 1 John 2:20, 27. Every individual who makes
a commitment to follow Christ and becomes His disciple embodies Christ’s
anointing. The anointing and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is often confused with the gift of the spirit. Holy Spirit is always misunderstood for something other than being a witness
for Christ. Acts 1:8 which clearly states, “But you will receive the
power when the holy spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”. Today,
this is immediately referred to the day of the Pentecost and people who spoke
in tongues. But then again, the truth is distorted with either a lie or
half-truth. The Churches and Christians fail to understand the implication of
the people who spoke in tongues. They were heard by people from so many
languages and races who gave their lives to Christ. I have spoken about this in
my earlier blogs too. The great Pentecostal event was measured by real
evangelism and measurable outcome which is found in Acts 2:41 “So
those who accepted his message were baptized and that day about three thousand
people were added to them.”.
Paul emphasises with these words in 1 Corinthians
12:29 “Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all
do miracles? Do all have gifts of miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do
all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?” The gifts vary but the
commission to the unreached does not. The Great Commission is not optional for
selected few, but for every individual who accepts Lord Jesus as Savior and
Lord. Matthew 28:19 is a mandatory command which says, “Go, therefore,
and make disciples in all nations….”. We are constantly talking
about the gifts of the Holy Spirit without equally emphasising on the obedience
to Christ’s mission.
Why people are not guilty when they miss to understand
and demonstrate the obedience to the Great Commission? Is it because the
Churches have made the people comfortable with Church activities and offerings?
Why is the outcome of the Churches always about full attendance and not about
holding the members responsible for the failure in sharing the gospel with the
non-Christians? Most of the Churches have a history of less than 5% of their
members who share the gospel and lead people to Christ. But whereas 95% and
more are the once who fall in the category of the Pharisee who said in his
prayer “I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of everything I get.” (Luke
18:12) without remorse. Many have no concern for the dying soul. We need
to confess not only for the sins of commission but for the sins of omission
Let us not forget the call of Christ which requires us to
be a disciple maker (Matthew 28:19) not just survive as a branded Christian.
Mark the words in the Great Commission passage which says, Go,
therefore, and make disciples. The disciples are the one who make
disciples. But today in Churches the disciples are the ones who have a
discipleship course certificate but sit in the Church unaccountable to the
mission of God laid out for every individual. This deliberate oversight can be
costly for all of us. Let us not forget, Jesus calls Himself a Good Shepherd by
constantly moving about taking the good news (Luke 8:1). The purpose of the
Church is to be the carrier of the Gospel to the dying world, not a reservoir.
You May read the Last Blog HERE
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