
Thursday, 1 September 2022

Church protected Mission ignored! Part-6

 “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. ". Luke 10:2 CSB

This article will emphasize the position of Missions today. It states the understanding and misunderstanding of Churches regarding the mission of Christ. Mission is the most misunderstood term in today’s Christendom. Everyone is deriving their own definition to suit their existence. The definition of Mission eventually culminates to one broad field i.e., “Ministry” and it is classified as Church ministry, worship ministry, Music ministry, media ministry, etc. Quickly each ministry gradually is institutionalized and thrives for its own purpose.

Let me remind you the incidence of the Babylon Tower where people came together to build the tallest tower in the city for themselves that would be matchless, reaching the sky. The need to exhibit ultimate power is seen through this incident. We all know how the Lord disrupted the whole thing and brought it to an end. I want to call this the Babel Tower Syndrome. Even today Pastors and leaders are running pillar to post to mobilize people for money so that they can establish their own kingdom and call it a Mission centre. Facility, property, resources, money are constantly shown as the biggest need for Missions. I do accept that these are necessities indeed and that we all wish to have enough resources to do many things pertaining to the Church’s mission. But these are not the actual reason due to which the Great Commission is ignored and has become redundant.

It looks like all have the same reason, the lack of funds to blame for the failed mission. When Jesus pointed out the biggest concern for unfilled mission, it was the lack of laborers (Luke 10:2) and not the lack of funds. It is we who have created and amplified the financial needs as a big problem. Churches and people become the means to achieve the financial target. Today, you see anywhere, Christian leaders and Churches are advertising their financial needs and mobilizing the funds at all costs. Paul comments in 2 Corinthians 2:17 “For we do not market the word of God for profit like so many. On the contrary, we speak with sincerity in Christ, as from God and before God.”. It is unfortunate to see leaders are not hesitant to beg, borrow and steal to establish God’s kingdom. It is a hard observation, yet a stark reality.

If financial need happens to be the roadblock for your ministry to reach out to people, then technically God is to be blamed, not you.  When a mission is given, the resources need to be provided by the one who gave the mission. God cannot be wrong. He did not introduce a ‘Fund model’ for effective ministry but brought in the ‘Disciple model’. We all know it doesn’t always have to be financial stability to share the gospel. All want a mega program where the turnover of money is the goal. We think we should accelerate the gospel work and therefore, we need to accelerate financial mobilization for the same. God never thinks that financial need will pose as a threat to mission rather it is the disobedience to the call. What percentage of your believers are successful in reaching out and leading a new soul to Christ? Based on Jesus' 1-12-72 Model   is your Church excited and equipped enough to reach out to the non-Christians?

Mission is the cooperative act. The ones who are rich with resources have a greater responsibility, to join hands in mission work and spread of the gospel. The Gospel is holistic and therefore the mission approach should be holistic too.  Apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth in 2 Corinthians 9:13 “.Because of the proof provided by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedient confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity  in sharing with them and with everyone.”.  It is required that people demonstrate their obedience to the gospel and with their resources to create a holistic impact. In verse 12 , Apostle Paul acknowledges the ministry of service, which is overflowing in many expressions to reach people with the gospel. Let Christ’s mission flow through each member in your congregation so that the Church is a movement to impact lives and transform communities.

Click HERE  in case you have not read Part 5 of this series


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