Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Church Protected Missions ignored! Part-5


Mark 1:17, “Follow me” Jesus told them, I will make you become fishers of men”.

In my last blog the edicts of Jesus, the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the Great Compassion was explained. In case you have missed to read the same you may click HERE. Let me unfold what it means to be a disciple of Christ. When Jesus started His ministry preaching repentance and the kingdom of God (Matthew 4:17), He starts connecting with people. The book of Mark records when He met Simon and Andrew. He asked them to follow Him. It says in Mark 1:17, “Follow me” Jesus told them, I will make you become fishers of men”. The commission comes with a responsibility.

The word "disciples" was used to describe believers over 250 times in the Gospels and in Acts. The word Christian is only used 3 times. If these two terminologies - Christian and disciple, exists in the Bible, then probably we need to seriously find out what exactly each means. The word Christian first time appears in Acts 11:26 where it records “the disciples where first called Christians at Antioch”. It was not the other way round. You don’t become a Christian because you are born in a Christian family nor because you go to Church. Maybe Church attendance makes you a Christian, or baptism, or confirmation, or having someone lay hands on your head and speaking in tongues.  However, the Bible does not define that term or establish it as the goal to become a Christian. Everyone seems to be fighting for their type of Christian to be recognized as the true Christian, even if it totally irrelevant!

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Christian this way, “Christian’s are one’s who professes belief the teaching of Jesus Christ.”. After their training the apostles were commanded by Jesus to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19b). Though Christian is first found in Acts 11:26, the word disciple is found much earlier and more frequently in Acts. So, we can safely assume that the word "Christian" was built on the foundation of the word "disciple." Not vice versa. Without a discipleship, those believers would likely never have been called Christians. Today, all true disciples are Christians. But not all Christians are true disciples. Jesus has given the Church a Great Commission. He has clearly told us what we are to do: "Go and make disciples" But, instead we focus on making Christians. The word Christian has no biblical meaning apart from the word disciple. If today's Christianity is based on a foundation other than true biblical discipleship, it is not biblical Christianity.

One Feisty Scottish Pastors says; “The savior is not looking for men and women who will give their spare evenings to Him-or their weekends or their years of retirement. Rather He seeks those who will give Him first place in their lives. –Too often we look on Christianity as an escape of hell and guarantee of heaven. Beyond that we feel that we have every right to enjoy the best that this life has to offer. We know that there are those strong verses on discipleship in the Bible but we have difficulty reconciling them with our ideas of what Christianity should be.”.

Ensure disciples are increasing as recorded in Acts 6:1 “Now in those days when the disciples were increasing in number…”. When disciples increase in number there is revival, growth and impact. But if the members who think they are Christians increase in number probably your offerings may increase but the mission would still be stagnated.


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