
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

When everybody has a channel to follow...

We are in a digital age where connecting virtually has become easier, a fashion, a priority and the inevitable. Have you noticed almost everyone has at least one channel or a preacher who they follow and does a promotion on behalf of the channel? You send a link to the least common person and he is ready to send you back with two links of someone on earth who is there on the air already and who is desperately waiting for a follow from you.

The speaker in the YouTube, social media or a blog desperately wants a follower base and by the end of the video or a blog ensures he catches your attention by borrowing and begging your attention to like him/her and share his video link. If you carefully notice people are conceited with a false sense of satisfaction, I mean the one who is an ardent follower and the one who is begging to increase his followers’ group.

Well, you may say Paul asked his people to follow him. Yes, you are right, but if you carefully notice it says, "Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.". 1 Corinthians 11:1. Paul was worth imitating because the likeness of Christ and the gospel was revealed in him and moreover it demanded the followers to actively engage in the Mission of Christ unlike today who in social media and YouTube who are promoting self, and in most cases literally has nothing to do with you. Each day he is excited to see his likes and followers shooting up and that means it fetches him some good money. It may sound crude, and you may want to discontinue reading, that's ok, but I thought it is good to strip the deception than people partaking in it.

Everything is sadly connected with money and maintains a superficial and an uncommitted relationship. And God had to break it to an extent, that everything has come to a halt. But the big guy and one in social media is not ready to leave you to a larger extent, because it can mean loss of his business. And all are ready to virtually keep you stay connected with that person. Please don't be deceived. Such people will not go to heaven and neither allow you to go to heaven. Follow this verse, “Woe to you experts in the law! You have taken away the key to knowledge. You didn’t go in yourselves, and you hindered those who were trying to go in.” Luke 11:52 CSB.

What's my point? I am not against online Churches but the mere fact that it handicaps a person to just be there connected without engaging in the grandeur Mission of great commission is treacherous. Many people are satisfied by giving some money for Mission work and escaping from their responsibility.  And sadly, many spiritual giants on TV and YouTube are also wanting them to be so as long as they benefit. Disastrous!

There are more followers of the big guys in media than followers of Christ. How do we escape the deception? Where are the big healing campaigners in this Corona pandemic? Hiding in their houses for personal safety! Where are the Christian giants who were making a big show to drive the demons and published who they are in media? Please don't be conceited with the false teachings and teachers. You have the anointing already (1 John 2:27) and a helper and a comforter too (John 14:16). Share the gospel and make disciple by all means and support who honestly are also engaging in the same.

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