
Thursday, 30 April 2020

Presenting Gospel never a Choice, but a mandate- 1

The excitement and satisfaction after experiencing the gift of salvation does not become a revolution in most cases because somehow that experience gets boxed under a self-contentment and with a personal spiritual framework; either self-imposed or under a denominational barrier. The experience becomes too personal and rarely finds motivation to make it public.

Experiencing the gift of salvation isn’t passive in nature, or never too personal. If you recollect the amazing incident mentioned in Luke 7:36-40 about a sinful lady finding Jesus while He was dining in the house of Pharisees who invited to eat with him. Note, she is not an invitee, but probably Christ discourse and her earlier encounter with Jesus had induced conviction of sin in her, she couldn’t hold any longer private. It is told that the sinful lady barged into the house and demonstrated confession in an unusual way and was transformed with a new mission identity. Jesus declares in V48 “..Your sins are forgiven”, And Matthew records Christ said about her in Matthew 26:13 “Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed In the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.”

So, what am I trying to say here? When you encounter true real Salvation, you will not be able to cage it in, but you will actually become desperate to make it public and become a source of inspiration irrespective of any threats. Paul for example, after he encountered Christ, stayed with the disciples for some time (Acts 9:19), and then it is recorded this way, “immediately he began proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues: “He is the son of God.”. And further it records in Acts 9:22, “Saul’s preaching became more and more powerful, and the Jews in Damascus couldn’t refute his proofs that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. “.  Be aware of this fact, your Commitment to Christ can never force you to stay passive.

Sharing the good news is never a choice, it is a mandate and a serious business. Peter in His discourse says in the book of Acts, that God has appointed him (and all disciples) as witnesses and commanded to preach to the people about salvation and Judgement (Acts 10: 41-42).  Sadly, today people are satisfied with their personal worship which is extended and settled to corporate worshiping and fellowshipping in their Churches alone. I am assuming people are engaging in active fellowshipping, because nowadays visiting Church building per se, has become more important than the need to actively engage with each other. The powerful question to Isaiah is still echoing strongly today, “Who shall I send? Who will go for us?...” Isaiah 6: 8.

In the powerful words of E Stanley Jones, “Let it be noted that if Christianity isn’t worth exporting, it isn’t worth keeping, if we cannot share it, we cannot keep it.”. The great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19, has not migrated to a suggestion. Just because the people aren’t taking it up seriously, does not mean it is suggesting you to stay at home comfortably and pray for the salvation of people. It’s time to break your religious boundary and denominational barriers. Enough of rest my fellow-people. Mark the words of Horatius Bonar, a Scottish clergyman and songwriter of the nineteenth century. ‘The world is still sleeping its “sleep of death.” It has a slumber for many generations; -sometimes deeper, sometimes lighter,- yet still a slumber like that of the tomb, as if destined to continue till the last trumpet sound; and there shall be no more sleep.’.  This is so real in the case of so called Christians today. Can you seriously think over it?

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