
Tuesday, 29 January 2019

What are you good at?

Quite often my daughter who is 12 years of age, poses stunning yet poignant questions casually that makes me ponder over it and refine my perspective towards the purpose of my existence and my position in Christ. The recent one was "Dad, what are you good at?". Most often to such question we like to surprise the people by talking about our talents, in some cases maybe we want to let others know that we are a good singer, musician, worship leader etc.and surely it makes us feel good, right? 

Now let me make a point here, if such question is from someone who is not your family member, but from your team or anybody who intends to understand your passion and what you are good with, then it is obvious in order to sound impressive you will like to give the best response, which usually consists long explanation in order to create a finest impression about who you are in order to be sellable at some point. What if it comes from someone who is your own like in my case, then you just can't brag to impress who you are, coz they know you.

In business there is something called USP (unique selling proposition), and the definition for the same goes like this, "Your USP is the unique thing that you can offer that your competitors can't. It's your "Competitive Edge." It's the reason why customers buy from you, and you alone". Now as a child of God and if you happen to be in a leadership position, I think the best stand to such question will be what you are good at, not from a personal vantage point, but from others vantage point, i.e. how useful you are to somebody and to everybody. Apostle Paul in one incident beautifully remarks, "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time for my departure is close.". 2 Timothy 4:6 CSB, he further explains drink offering to the context where one can sacrificially commit for the service of others. (Philippians 2:17).

 My long experience in working with Churches of all denomination in India includes integrating the social intervention with their Organization vision and mission. In other words, after hearing from people their desires and all they want to do, I specialize in sketching out a Blueprint for their ministry and a clear road map for their Missions/organization and support along their journey in different capacities. I acknowledge what David in the Bible confesses in 1 Chronicles 28:19 “By the Lord’s hand on me, He enabled me to understand everything in writing, all the details of the plan.”.

Some people immediately would conclude that it’s the business tactics and I am trying to adopt to make a profit out of it. Not true at all, this is my passion for which God has trained me for a very long years in order to be a blessing to Churches and Christian Organization. I connect with professionals who can also join hands with me to work closely with Churches and bring about clarity in their functions, with proper outputs, strategies, linking resources to the Churches/Organization, managing risks and invigorating the theory of Change. For the past two years without any support and demands able to walk beside the various ministries and help to streamline their work to their highest capacity with my personal resources.

If you did not know, Church is the only institution from where we can mobilize the largest volunteers and money (resources) that can eradicate the poverty worldwide. According to the research done by “integrated philanthropy initiative” that states, to accomplish the goal of eradicating poverty by 2035 it will take $73 billion per year for 10 years and it says that amount should be easy to raise from Christians who earn $ 2.5 trillion every year. Does it tell you something?

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 1:5 “because our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, in the Holy spirit . . .you know how we lived among you for your benefit”. Let us continue to be able to exist as individuals and as Church for the benefit of others. Let your goodness keep flowing. "For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge.". 2 Peter 1:5 CSB.


In Case you want to refer the article on Early Church Model, Click the link below;

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