Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Imitate me & Imitate my Church

'What can I learn from your Church? How does it equip to be a vibrant member who exemplify Christ’s love? What does your Church model?  What special trait is visible and spoken of? What mechanism or protocol your Church follows to handle tough situation from within and without?  These are some question that needs to have answers unhesitatingly.

Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1 says "Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ." Let me ask you, to what extent are you confident enough to tell your kids, spouse, family members, church congregation to just follow you and be sure to make it up to eternity? I personally struggle to answer this question. Paul takes it further by asking the people to be imitators of the Churches in Judea.  "For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Christ Jesus that are in Judea....". 1 Thessalonians 2:14   How influencing you exist as an individual and Church and how you are spoken of and remembered matters a lot. There can be a possibility of false allegations against you and your Church, which you would be definitely in a position to defend. We hear about scandals at all levels. Some of the famous people and Churches who were in limelight are today exposed. I don't mean to judge anyone. I believe it is between that person and God but my point is how are we demonstrating the love of Christ as Individuals and Churches. Most of the time Christians want to be satisfied with themselves and their spirituality, that's a sad state of affairs. God expressed His concern too with such group. It says in Hosea 10:1 ” Israel is a luxuriant vine; He produces fruit for himself. The more his fruit, The more altars he made;..... "

The point I want to emphasize here is that qualifying Churches are not just confined to big numbers (by the way big numbers do not mark the success of a Church). Unfortunately, people are attracted to numbers rather than its values, which they can imitate. Aubrey Sequeira in the journal book "9marks Journal Fall 2015" quotes 'Numbers are the order of the day in every sphere of life, and the drive for impressive numbers has found its way into the church and the church’s mission, both in the West, and—as a result of Western influence—in India. Most mission’s buzzwords are in some way colored by the notion of numerical efficiency: “rapid,” “multiplication,” “strategy,” “growth.” A sinful craze for bigger and better numbers has tainted both indigenous ministries and the work of Western missionaries in India.'. Can we reposition ourselves and our Church so that it enhances, active spiritual fellowship, mission, care for the needy and then be in a position to be imitated and remembered?

I desire to remind us all of the early missionaries, whose sacrifice, dedication and work keeps influencing us though they are long gone. I am fascinated by the early missionaries who were not angels but just ordinary human beings like us but created immense impact as individuals. As Churches we are one of the largest group of volunteers with potential to impact our congregation and community for good. How well the leadership ignites the group/ congregation to be an immense blessing in our Church and in our societies? Here are few missionaries I wish to list;

Amy Carmichael: (1867–1951) was a Protestant Christian missionary in India, who opened an orphanage and founded a mission in Dohnavur (southern India). She served in India for 55 years without furlough and wrote many books about the missionary work there.  Amy Carmichael, helper of India’s underprivileged children. saved many children from prostitution through the establishment of the Dohnavur Fellowship, which still exists today.

William Carey’s contribution as a social reformer in India is unforgettable. He pioneered the movement that led to the abolition of the inhuman practice of Sati. He relentlessly fought against other social evils such as infanticide and caste system.

David Livingstone (1813-1873) was a Scottish physician and possibly the greatest of all African missionaries, explorers, and antislavery advocates.

In 1958, David Wilkerson (1931-2011) felt the call to leave his rural Pennsylvania upbringing and share the hope of the gospel with gang members and drug addicts in New York City. This 1963 bestseller (50 million copies) recounts the story of Nicky Cruz, who turned from gang life to Christ and Christian ministry. Wilkerson is known as founder of Teen Challenge, an addiction recovery program.

Martin Luther King Jr (1929–1968) lived and died to see society transformed. In 1964, he became the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize – for his work to end social segregation and discrimination.

I know we all can name more. The amazing fact is that these people who impacted Christianity did not limit themselves to establishing one Church and enjoying the fellowship within the four walls. Church fellowship was inclusive to the vision they had and all three elements that I insist through SHEFA  and call it Holistic Church approach (fellowship of the believers, Biblical mandate & social dimension) radiated through their lives and it is worth imitating them.


Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Catch me in my righteousness

It is inevitable we go through crisis and mess things up. The magnitude of the crisis and suffering varies from person to person. It moves you from abundance to scarcity most of the time. Everything that seemed so secure slowly disappears. You are confused and grope your way through the darkness unable to articulate. All the blessings that was at your arms reach are now fleeting. You battle in your mind to know if God even exists. You compare yourself to all the bad people enjoying the good things and so called “good” people who live their lives securely with hypocrisy and maliciousness. A sudden desperateness creeps in fearing that your righteousness has let you down. What do you do? cry out like Jeremiah, 'And You have bereaved my soul and cast it off far from peace; I have forgotten what good and happiness are.' Lamentations 3:17 AMPC. It is definitely not a bad idea to make Him know your despair. 
After battling with this myriad of emotions you muster the courage and start praying to God in darkness but you are faced with a deafening silence. Times like this you are tempted to measure your faithfulness to God with your ROI (return of investment) and get even more disappointed because you think your righteousness has not paid you with good returns and your lamenting resembles with that of Jeremiah, "Why has my pain been perpetual and my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? Will you indeed be to me like a deceptive stream with water that is unreliable? Jeremiah  15:18 NASB.
 You become a lunatic trying to survive in a bizarre way. The new journey finds you in a road of faltering, stumbling, mountain top experiences sometimes in extreme holiness and the next moment you find yourself in the deepest valley in a total mess. The precious learning is that the faith and the walk in Christ you had when you were living a secure life does not work here. You learn a completely different yet divine set of skills that takes you forward slowly. Then you pray and hope God blesses you before you become bad and mess up once again. In fact, you wish God notices when you live a righteous life and make things right by then. The moment we are less God conscious we mess up. 

In all my rantings above have you noticed that we have to work at being good.  We don't have to work at being bad.  Being bad comes naturally.  No one has ever taught us to do evil.  Why do they have to teach us to be good, if we are already good"?  Who is big enough to rescue our soul from our wretchedness and dichotomy, other than God. Therefore, it is absolutely fine to ask God to take notice of us and help us in our confused condition we are living in and make us strong.

God is trying to shake you up and strengthen you in His righteousness. The few messes cannot derail you. It is said "If you prefer error, truth will remain dormant.  But in the pursuit of truth, error is always a casualty, unless you want to hold both the true and false as true.". Whatever the reason is, the primary purpose is to slowly move you towards a strong learning to live and manage the situation in wantonness, despair, continual rejection, being humbled, confusion and you can go on naming all the desperate conditions you experience. Bishop T. D. Jakes in his book “God's provision for your every need” puts it this way "God brings us into the wilderness to perfect our faith. You cannot have all pleasure without pain, neither can you enjoy only good times without adversity. Your faith is perfected in the furnace of affliction and adversity.”.  It is said in Luke (22:39) "He went out and made his way as usual to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed him". The following verses says Jesus went to pray when He had to face the trail and humiliation. What is your usual comfort spot when things aren't working your way. Is it the feet of the Lord or meeting a potential earthly source who can help you? Understand this "When God wants to educate a man He does not send to the school of graces but to the school of necessities". God will never let what you have lost so far be the best you have ever had. He is only in the process to make you stronger, harder, and consistent so that He can use you for a greater purpose. What you are going through is temporary. The Bible says "For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. 2 Corinthians 4:17 CSB.

Meet God when you aren't sure how long you would be able hold on to your righteousness, He will help you because He counts on you. God does not rely on cowards, hypocrites and people who use God for their survival openly or subtly. He intends taking you through this intense training for His divine purpose. You are marked, don't delay the process of complete submission because suffering and crisis are part of His divine plan. May God help you in your journey close to God.


David Raj

Monday, 7 May 2018

Rwandan Churches in major Crisis- Where does our Churches stand?

But everything is to be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40 CSB 

 Alarming statistics!    -------   At the end of the blog are few questions positioned for pondering.

Churches Closed in 2018 in Rwanda           
2,164 in Northern Province
2,142 in Western Province
1,415 in Eastern Province
1,269 in Southern Province
714 in Kigali Province
(Source: Rwanda Governance Board)
There are myriads of pattern in the Bible that teaches us about system, orderliness, preciseness, genuineness, influence with right culture and many more. These only helps and directs towards maintaining a Holistic harmony as individuals, churches and organizations. Even corporates and secular organizations try to adopt biblical principle for better synchronization and to maintain a high standard. Whatever category a church belongs to, it is confined for sure to face the storm sooner or later. We all hear and sometime witness churches undergoing trying times. But yes, it can also be a grave concern if churches are closed for reasons where they are the defaulters. 

Recently authorities have closed more than 7,000 churches across Rwanda, including 714 in the capital city of Kigali, in the span of two months for failing to comply with health, safety, and noise regulations. The President Paul Kagame welcomed the shutdowns but was stunned at the figures: “700 churches in Kigali?”  He said during a government dialogue, "Are these boreholes that give people water? I don’t think we have as many boreholes. Do we even have as many factories? This has been a mess!”  The allegations to a large extent are facts. Churches failed to demonstrate concern for the needy. Churches are not meant to be one more shrine where people come for their own satisfaction and throw some money in the name of offering and after that neither congregation or church leadership connect with each other like the early Church. 

The government had set a standard but it seems Churches in Rwanda failed according to the government authorities to maintain safety measures and health standards.  Churches that were meant to bring serenity, healing, meet the needs of the poor were concentrating too much on themselves. Rwandan authorities maintain the churches were in such poor physical condition that they threatened the lives of churchgoers. We notice in the old testament there are laws in terms of personal and environmental hygiene and sanitation. Deuteronomy 23:14 CSB. says "For Lord your God walks throughout your camp to protect you and deliver your enemies to you; so your encampments must be holy. He must not see anything indecent among you or he will turn away from you.  Churches definitely have to maintain a high standard of it and not fall short of the mandated standard by God. 

The Churches failed to exhibit the essence of its existence, i.e. Gospel of love in action which prompted the government authorities to shut down without hesitation.  Most of the churches were just emphasizing on signs and wonders and did not have any strategy to demonstrate the gospel of love.

Pastor Zabroni Habimana of Natharen Ministries said 131 churches in a Huye district found to be without toilets and he supports the closure. Likewise, pastor Hassan Kibirango of Kigali’s Christian Life Assembly says churches should meet standards. He says it’s not good to start a church that is laughed at, as its mockery sends a bad example to society. There are allegations from all over and mixed responses. You may refer to the source link enclosed in this blog to learn more about the Church situation Rwanda.

People who are consistently reading my blog would be able to recollect my strong emphasis on Holistic Church approach. I have almost in all my blogs highlighted and brought out the church’s original purpose. Its existence is far beyond good worship, great sermon and return home with a “feel good factor”. Unfortunately, most of the churches existence is limited to Sunday service and also do not have active mission work nor consistent social intervention to meet the needs of the poor and the needy. 

How do we react to all of this? it will not be fair to raise allegations and naming it persecution, when as individuals and as Churches fail to put things in order and demonstrate the gospel. It is time to definitely pray for churches in Rwanda and world over but at the same time ensure that our church is modelling the right culture and depicting the early Church model where it was existing for others and ministering to the needs of the poor and favored by people.

I kindly request to seriously ponder the following questions and challenge yourself? It’s a clarion call for all of us to create a revolution:

1.What are your churches known for or spoken off in your community? What is the church’s critical success factor (CSF)?
2 If a non-believer had to get attracted to your church what is that one thing that will draw that person?  Is it limited to good music, exhilarating worship Period. and then exist like strangers for the rest of the week?
3. If a person in a desperate condition visits your Church, is there a platform he or she can talk to someone (recognize a counseling center if it is a big church)? 
4. What if a person who is unemployed visits your Church? Does the church have a pool of job opportunities on the notice board? (requirements and information from the congregation aggregated and displayed, maybe) 
5. Does your Church have a list of “Situation wanted' displayed? 
6. Is your Church tied up with reputed companies and organizations to allow them hire people from your church?  
7. Does your Church have a brand of its own?
8 Has your church done resource mapping?
9. What are the resources the church usually tries to tap? Is it limited to offering and for Church needs alone? 
10. How does the church structure look like? How does it connect with people beside Sunday's?
11. Does your church have regular newsletter or E-letter where your organization can have access to? 
12.What are the mission opportunities your church has created for the congregation?
14 Does your Church have feedback system or confined to one man leadership?

I pray our Churches will be a model Church and be recognized in our city.


David Raj



Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Unusual Benediction - Dare to try!

In this blog I wish to quote the psalm of David which I have titled as “Unusual Benediction” and provide some amazing statistics which I promise will be thought provoking. May the Lord bless you as you read through it and emphasize the focus towards the mandate. We all ensure to stay in the church until the benediction is pronounced. Benediction is like complete blessing given to us in a nutshell. It is so soothing and does not put any condition or demand any action from our side, for it to be realized. However the passage that i am bringing to your attention is slightly different. This is how it goes in Psalms 41:1-3 “How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble. The Lord will protect him and keep him alive, and he shall be called blessed upon the earth; And do not give him over to the desire of his enemies. The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, you restore him to health.” This benediction is forthright and guarantees blessing but on one condition. Our primary response to the call is to consider the helpless. It is the key to all the blessings pronounced. We may not be so comfortable with it because it involves commitment and obedience that incurs a cost, effort and intention on our part to reach out. Therefore, most of the time we want to overlook such passage in the Bible.
Let me confess that I have been emphasizing on reaching out to the poor and the needy in almost every blog to bring about the connection. Kindly note, it was not intentional at all. I am led by the Lord strongly to pen down on this particular area where the Bible demands to focus its attention towards the poor and needy. Jesus' ministry had a larger portion to rescuing people from bondage, pain and suffering. Acts 10:38 says “…He went about doing good..”. Rarely He rested, He did not have a comfortable office like what most of us enjoy, the journey was strenuous, He did not have sophisticated residence (all said and done we operate from a much comfortable lifestyle unlike Jesus). At one-point Jesus says in Mathew 8:20 “Foxes have dens, and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head”. Jesus operated from this humble position to save mankind from all the wretchedness.
His ministry was Holistic and left a model for all of us to operate from this premise and not to amputate the social area (ministering to the needy) from the gospel whatsoever. Jesus' call to people who are in brokenness is therefore so poignant in Mathew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. I pray this sinks deep in our heart so that each one of us, especially the Church intentionally incorporate programs towards the poor and the needy.              
I want to quote few statistics of Scott Todd partner of the newly launched initiative 'Integrated Philanthropic initiative'. Todd believes poverty can be eradicated based on advances in social- science, technology and so many other factors. He cites several statistics:
  • In the US in 1900 the average life expectancy was 49. Today it is 79.
  • In India in 1900 the average life expectancy was 24. Today it is 64.
  • In China in 1900 the average life expectancy was 32. Today it is 73.
  • In Ethiopia in 1900 the average life expectancy was 30. Today it is 56.
  • From 2000 to 2008 there was a 78 percent reduction in the number of people who died from measles.
  • From 2002 to 2008 the malaria rate was cut in half in 22 countries.
  • Worldwide the HIV/AIDS rate was cut by 16 percent.
Todd asks, “Why can’t we keep up with that progress in our generation?” No doubt the advance of Social science, medicines, NGO’s have played a larger part in this progress. It is still possible by Christians and churches worldwide if we seriously integrate and follow the mandate of God in taking care of the poor and needy following the early church model. We can make a great impact in reality. Todd goes a step further, he says to accomplish the goal of eradicating poverty by 2035 it will take $73 billion per year for 10 years. He says that amount should be easy to raise from Christians who earn $2.5 trillion every year. That’s a great piece of information and statistics, wouldn't you agree with me? It boost's our morale and hopes to make it possible. We live in an age where all of us want to amass wealth more than we actually would consume and call it security. In fact the Bible condemns and alleges concerning such people saying how can God's love reside in such people? (1John 3:17). Aroon Purie chief editor of ‘India Today group’ in one of his speeches points out that the top 1% owns 58 % of India’s wealth and it also captures 70% of new wealth created. The situation is not very different in Christendom too. Remember! Our blessings are not only for us alone but also to bless others.  Individuals and church, let us recite the unusual benediction pointed in this blog which promises hoards of blessings while we consider the helpless.
Church Holistic Approach

SHEFA wants to make all its attempt to help the churches establish a valuable consistent intervention towards this divine cause and integrate the Holistic approach professionally. Let us consciously as individuals and Churches establish a holistic framework and be a blessing to the community and to our nation. May God Bless you.

David Raj