Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Unusual Benediction - Dare to try!

In this blog I wish to quote the psalm of David which I have titled as “Unusual Benediction” and provide some amazing statistics which I promise will be thought provoking. May the Lord bless you as you read through it and emphasize the focus towards the mandate. We all ensure to stay in the church until the benediction is pronounced. Benediction is like complete blessing given to us in a nutshell. It is so soothing and does not put any condition or demand any action from our side, for it to be realized. However the passage that i am bringing to your attention is slightly different. This is how it goes in Psalms 41:1-3 “How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble. The Lord will protect him and keep him alive, and he shall be called blessed upon the earth; And do not give him over to the desire of his enemies. The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, you restore him to health.” This benediction is forthright and guarantees blessing but on one condition. Our primary response to the call is to consider the helpless. It is the key to all the blessings pronounced. We may not be so comfortable with it because it involves commitment and obedience that incurs a cost, effort and intention on our part to reach out. Therefore, most of the time we want to overlook such passage in the Bible.
Let me confess that I have been emphasizing on reaching out to the poor and the needy in almost every blog to bring about the connection. Kindly note, it was not intentional at all. I am led by the Lord strongly to pen down on this particular area where the Bible demands to focus its attention towards the poor and needy. Jesus' ministry had a larger portion to rescuing people from bondage, pain and suffering. Acts 10:38 says “…He went about doing good..”. Rarely He rested, He did not have a comfortable office like what most of us enjoy, the journey was strenuous, He did not have sophisticated residence (all said and done we operate from a much comfortable lifestyle unlike Jesus). At one-point Jesus says in Mathew 8:20 “Foxes have dens, and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head”. Jesus operated from this humble position to save mankind from all the wretchedness.
His ministry was Holistic and left a model for all of us to operate from this premise and not to amputate the social area (ministering to the needy) from the gospel whatsoever. Jesus' call to people who are in brokenness is therefore so poignant in Mathew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. I pray this sinks deep in our heart so that each one of us, especially the Church intentionally incorporate programs towards the poor and the needy.              
I want to quote few statistics of Scott Todd partner of the newly launched initiative 'Integrated Philanthropic initiative'. Todd believes poverty can be eradicated based on advances in social- science, technology and so many other factors. He cites several statistics:
  • In the US in 1900 the average life expectancy was 49. Today it is 79.
  • In India in 1900 the average life expectancy was 24. Today it is 64.
  • In China in 1900 the average life expectancy was 32. Today it is 73.
  • In Ethiopia in 1900 the average life expectancy was 30. Today it is 56.
  • From 2000 to 2008 there was a 78 percent reduction in the number of people who died from measles.
  • From 2002 to 2008 the malaria rate was cut in half in 22 countries.
  • Worldwide the HIV/AIDS rate was cut by 16 percent.
Todd asks, “Why can’t we keep up with that progress in our generation?” No doubt the advance of Social science, medicines, NGO’s have played a larger part in this progress. It is still possible by Christians and churches worldwide if we seriously integrate and follow the mandate of God in taking care of the poor and needy following the early church model. We can make a great impact in reality. Todd goes a step further, he says to accomplish the goal of eradicating poverty by 2035 it will take $73 billion per year for 10 years. He says that amount should be easy to raise from Christians who earn $2.5 trillion every year. That’s a great piece of information and statistics, wouldn't you agree with me? It boost's our morale and hopes to make it possible. We live in an age where all of us want to amass wealth more than we actually would consume and call it security. In fact the Bible condemns and alleges concerning such people saying how can God's love reside in such people? (1John 3:17). Aroon Purie chief editor of ‘India Today group’ in one of his speeches points out that the top 1% owns 58 % of India’s wealth and it also captures 70% of new wealth created. The situation is not very different in Christendom too. Remember! Our blessings are not only for us alone but also to bless others.  Individuals and church, let us recite the unusual benediction pointed in this blog which promises hoards of blessings while we consider the helpless.
Church Holistic Approach

SHEFA wants to make all its attempt to help the churches establish a valuable consistent intervention towards this divine cause and integrate the Holistic approach professionally. Let us consciously as individuals and Churches establish a holistic framework and be a blessing to the community and to our nation. May God Bless you.

David Raj

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