Monday, 7 May 2018

Rwandan Churches in major Crisis- Where does our Churches stand?

But everything is to be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40 CSB 

 Alarming statistics!    -------   At the end of the blog are few questions positioned for pondering.

Churches Closed in 2018 in Rwanda           
2,164 in Northern Province
2,142 in Western Province
1,415 in Eastern Province
1,269 in Southern Province
714 in Kigali Province
(Source: Rwanda Governance Board)
There are myriads of pattern in the Bible that teaches us about system, orderliness, preciseness, genuineness, influence with right culture and many more. These only helps and directs towards maintaining a Holistic harmony as individuals, churches and organizations. Even corporates and secular organizations try to adopt biblical principle for better synchronization and to maintain a high standard. Whatever category a church belongs to, it is confined for sure to face the storm sooner or later. We all hear and sometime witness churches undergoing trying times. But yes, it can also be a grave concern if churches are closed for reasons where they are the defaulters. 

Recently authorities have closed more than 7,000 churches across Rwanda, including 714 in the capital city of Kigali, in the span of two months for failing to comply with health, safety, and noise regulations. The President Paul Kagame welcomed the shutdowns but was stunned at the figures: “700 churches in Kigali?”  He said during a government dialogue, "Are these boreholes that give people water? I don’t think we have as many boreholes. Do we even have as many factories? This has been a mess!”  The allegations to a large extent are facts. Churches failed to demonstrate concern for the needy. Churches are not meant to be one more shrine where people come for their own satisfaction and throw some money in the name of offering and after that neither congregation or church leadership connect with each other like the early Church. 

The government had set a standard but it seems Churches in Rwanda failed according to the government authorities to maintain safety measures and health standards.  Churches that were meant to bring serenity, healing, meet the needs of the poor were concentrating too much on themselves. Rwandan authorities maintain the churches were in such poor physical condition that they threatened the lives of churchgoers. We notice in the old testament there are laws in terms of personal and environmental hygiene and sanitation. Deuteronomy 23:14 CSB. says "For Lord your God walks throughout your camp to protect you and deliver your enemies to you; so your encampments must be holy. He must not see anything indecent among you or he will turn away from you.  Churches definitely have to maintain a high standard of it and not fall short of the mandated standard by God. 

The Churches failed to exhibit the essence of its existence, i.e. Gospel of love in action which prompted the government authorities to shut down without hesitation.  Most of the churches were just emphasizing on signs and wonders and did not have any strategy to demonstrate the gospel of love.

Pastor Zabroni Habimana of Natharen Ministries said 131 churches in a Huye district found to be without toilets and he supports the closure. Likewise, pastor Hassan Kibirango of Kigali’s Christian Life Assembly says churches should meet standards. He says it’s not good to start a church that is laughed at, as its mockery sends a bad example to society. There are allegations from all over and mixed responses. You may refer to the source link enclosed in this blog to learn more about the Church situation Rwanda.

People who are consistently reading my blog would be able to recollect my strong emphasis on Holistic Church approach. I have almost in all my blogs highlighted and brought out the church’s original purpose. Its existence is far beyond good worship, great sermon and return home with a “feel good factor”. Unfortunately, most of the churches existence is limited to Sunday service and also do not have active mission work nor consistent social intervention to meet the needs of the poor and the needy. 

How do we react to all of this? it will not be fair to raise allegations and naming it persecution, when as individuals and as Churches fail to put things in order and demonstrate the gospel. It is time to definitely pray for churches in Rwanda and world over but at the same time ensure that our church is modelling the right culture and depicting the early Church model where it was existing for others and ministering to the needs of the poor and favored by people.

I kindly request to seriously ponder the following questions and challenge yourself? It’s a clarion call for all of us to create a revolution:

1.What are your churches known for or spoken off in your community? What is the church’s critical success factor (CSF)?
2 If a non-believer had to get attracted to your church what is that one thing that will draw that person?  Is it limited to good music, exhilarating worship Period. and then exist like strangers for the rest of the week?
3. If a person in a desperate condition visits your Church, is there a platform he or she can talk to someone (recognize a counseling center if it is a big church)? 
4. What if a person who is unemployed visits your Church? Does the church have a pool of job opportunities on the notice board? (requirements and information from the congregation aggregated and displayed, maybe) 
5. Does your Church have a list of “Situation wanted' displayed? 
6. Is your Church tied up with reputed companies and organizations to allow them hire people from your church?  
7. Does your Church have a brand of its own?
8 Has your church done resource mapping?
9. What are the resources the church usually tries to tap? Is it limited to offering and for Church needs alone? 
10. How does the church structure look like? How does it connect with people beside Sunday's?
11. Does your church have regular newsletter or E-letter where your organization can have access to? 
12.What are the mission opportunities your church has created for the congregation?
14 Does your Church have feedback system or confined to one man leadership?

I pray our Churches will be a model Church and be recognized in our city.


David Raj


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