A well-established famous in the locality is our idea of Church whereas it was very different for Jesus. The local synagogue in Jesus’ time was so self-involved that they failed to notice Jesus, who is the true temple. Jesus in whom we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28) is the fulfilment of all promises. Some chose to follow the mobile temple - Jesus and followed Him, while many chose to stay within the four walls of the synagogue for affiliation and perks. We see this in the story of the man born blind (John 9:22). Temple affiliation and approval overtook the mission of Jesus which is still cancerous among churches today.
There are few passages that show Jesus not being excited about large crowds gathering in a locality. In Matthew 8:18 it is recorded, “when Jesus saw a large crowd around Him, he gave the order to go to the other side of the sea.”. Does this mean Jesus was afraid of crowds? Of course not. It would have been easy for Jesus to stay with this crowd like our churches today. Rather He ordered the disciples to go to the other side. Similarly, Gospel of Mark records a scenario where Jesus along with His disciples stayed in a place and early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, went out and made His way to deserted place; and there He was praying. Simon and his companions searched for Jesus and when they found Him they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” The Bible records Jesus replying, “Let’s go on to the neighboring villages so that I may preach there too. That is why I have come.” (Marks 1:35-38).
Is Jesus teaching us something here? Today, we are happy to set up a facility in a locality where crowds come and call it a Church. We are excited to serve them, pray for them, pray for their sickness and their well-being and do a self-help program. It compels us to create an institution and increase our wealth though offerings and tithes. This becomes the definition of a successful Church, which I call it as ABC Model - Attendance, Building and Cash. We revel in the soaring attendance, splendid building and stabilized fund flow.
Consumerism culture has infiltrated our Churches where people want to receive benefits. In John 6:1 it is recorded ‘that a huge crowd was following him because they saw the signs that he was performing by healing sick’. Then there is the miracle of five barley loaves, and 2 fish which was blessed and 5000 men with their families were satisfied. The story continues to state that the people wanted to make Jesus the king. However, Jesus reacted by slipping from the crowd to a lonely place in the mountain. They followed Him in boats to Capernaum. John 6:26 states “Truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs but because you ate loaves and were filled.”. He warns them and asked to look for food that will lasts for eternal life (John 6:27). Today, we are excited with signs and healing as it guarantees huge crowd following eventually making us rich and famous.
Jesus was not running philanthropy or healing crusades. “Jesus came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This requires us to step out of our comfort zone, i.e. the Church. Please do not misread me that it’s wrong to go to Church. My desire here is to redefine the meaning of Church. Statistics say 95% Christians or more have never shared the gospel even once in their lifetime as they have found comfort within the four walls of the Church. As leaders of the Church, we are supposed to empower and help believers to reach out to the lost. Like how Jesus did in Luke 8:1. He was travelling to towns and villages, preaching and telling the good news of the kingdom of God, and then appointed 12 disciples and sent them in Luke 9:1, and finally in Luke 10:1 added 72 more people (70 in local versions) and sent them two by two. I call it as Jesus 1-12-72 model.
Being church leaders, how will an honest analysis of the condition of your church make you feel? Content or miserable? Unless you share the good news as a pastor, your Church elders/leadership share the gospel which influences your congregation to share the gospel, revival will be far-fetched. You will exist with good funds, but you will be a dead church.
You may read the last blog HERE
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