
Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Beware of yourself!


My previous blog emphasized the difference between Real Mission and Shadow Mission (You can click HERE to read it). Today, it is indeed difficult to differentiate between real servants of God /Pastors/ Leaders, from the ones who follow the shadow mission. They attract and lead many to destruction with no realization of the same. The biggest false indicator of our times are the self-gratifying ones; having big money, big influence and mega crowd. Everything is big time compared to the ones who are serving God with little or no resources most of the time. With a miniscule size crowd, it is interpreted as having no impact.

Let me give below the categories of a man of God according to world:

1. The faithful workers who follow the vision and their mission will know what the priorities are. The success of the ministry may not be in big numbers but they are constantly influencing the people with the Gospel and attracting people to Christ. These people maybe poor according to “worldly standards” and are in need always. Their poverty dictates their level of common sense as they relentlessly work for God. But these people do not lose track due to the vision they are convinced about.

2. The second category of people are the ones who have big ministry, big Church and a big crowd. Everywhere they turn money, luxury, comforts and a crowd to follow them. Most of the time what they speak becomes theology and the interpretation of scriptures is seen as authentic. They are seen as the city movers with a great influence. Sometimes, under this banner most of the follies and heresies are covered, any contradictions are overlooked because they are spiritually exalted. We believe the rich and the powerful with loads of money are immensely blessed and used by God.  Ray Ortlund cautions the pastors with these words, "When our churches succeed because they are really well-run businesses, and the pastor is, in reality, a prop on the stage, then it isn’t ministry anymore; it’s brilliantly packaged crowd control. And judgment is not far off.".

3. The third category of people are the ones who are supported through international funds and have their ministry internationally affiliated and has an international brand. These are super giants who change the words of a famous Sunday school song "He's got the whole world in His hands" to "I've got the whole world in my hands". Many surround them always, to receive money thrown at them occasionally. Most of the work may not be structured, with outcome and impact far from their dictionary. All they have are big events and great activities to show as accomplishments.

Jesus cautioned again and again about people who can be seen as walking in the front and doing great works and still not qualify. Would you take time to honestly ponder on these verses cautioned by Jesus?

1. Jesus cautioning the super “so-called” spiritual giants / hero.

Jesus denying to accept the super spiritual giants with all the deeds and work, yet with a missing key element. In Matthew 7:23 Jesus uses the stronger words; “I never knew you. Depart from me, you lawbreakers!’ Matthew 7:21-23 CSB. You can have the manifestation of the spirit in words, deeds and sign, yet be rejected at all cost. Again, in the book of Luke, it is recorded like this, "‘I don’t know you or where you’re from.’ Luke 13:25 CSB. This passage does not indicate the non-Christians, mind it!

2. Going through the broader gate.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 CSB

There are many who would want to provide a blanket approval to all that is done by them because there are no barriers in their road and they assume, they are led by God. They fail to notice where Jesus emphasizes, that few will find the narrow gate and be willing to walk through it without making any compromises. Note the word "few".

3. Finally the ones who are at the forefront gets the warning too.

“So the last will be first, and the first last.” Matthew 20:16 CSB. What should describe our journey is not our swiftness or being there in the frontline, but our faithfulness and lack of love of money. Remember this, the ones who left everything are the ones who turned the world upside down and they were rewarded by being martyrs for Christ. "Then Peter responded to him, “See, we have left everything and followed you. So what will there be for us?” Matthew 19:27 CSB.

Let me end this blog by the warning given by Paul to all of us, "So, whoever thinks he stands must be careful not to fall.". 1 Corinthians 10:12 CSB.  Beware of yourself!

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