
Friday, 3 September 2021

Doubting John!

John the Baptist was chosen and appointed to make way for Jesus, the Messiah. In fact, it was his calling (Matthew 3:3). We are all aware that John was straightforward, bold in confronting sin and introduced the gospel of repentance (Matthew 3:2), which was soon echoed by Jesus when He started His ministry (Matthew 4:17).

John had clarity in the moral framework after he started preaching the message of repentance and about the kingdom of God. He soon found himself alone in a prison cell, staring at imminent execution for confronting Herod's sin of treachery based on the moral framework established by Jesus Christ, the Messiah. He was the voice in the wilderness, at the peak of his ministry, to the point of being mistaken as the Messiah. He imbibed moral values in people from different walks of life. In fact, John baptized Jesus Himself and thought all the prophecies concerning the Messiah is fulfilled right in front of His eyes. Yet, while in prison it shook his faith system, knowing Jesus was out free, doing His ministry.

John was battling with the fact that no help was coming his way while in prison. In his disciples’ regular visits to meet him, John raises this question and wanted an answer from Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Matthew 11:3

If we have to analyse this, we would soon realize that we also go through situations which raises questions and doubts on the lordship of Christ because we believe for sure everything will turn out to be good for those who believe and follow Him. We Christians are so familiar with Psalms 23, 91 121, 128 and many more such powerful promising words, but when things happen on the contrary, it shakes our very foundation of faith like John's. Today, we are bombarded with messages saying everything will be fine in the end, for Christians. Well, where does this conclusion come from? Are we brainwashed into thinking so? Did it end well for John? No! He was executed. Did it go well with Jesus? No! He was crucified by the cruel Romans. Did it end well for many faith heroes as described in Hebrews 11:34-40. Not at all?

We need to consider the fact that it does not have to end well here on earth, but surely it does end well in terms of our eternity. Jesus did respond to the surging doubt of John by aligning his faith and calling and with the work and ministry of Jesus himself. He said, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receives the sight, the lame walk, these with leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor are told the good news, and blessed is the one who isn’t offended by me.” Two things Jesus said, to report what they heard and to report what they saw. What they heard was the gospel, the good news and the hope of eternity and what they witnessed was the gospel accompanied by signs and wonders. Jesus was the Messiah who came to save and seek the lost.

We may have to face constant challenges, loneliness, crisis and hopelessness. But hold on to your faith in Christ Jesus. Don’t estimate life only to exist on this earth. Life is eternal, inclusive of life after death. Death is just a temporary barrier here on earth but a gateway to meet Jesus face to face. Peter encourages us with these words, "but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." 1 Peter 4:13 KJV. Suffering and crisis are part of our life, more so, for Christians to shape us and draw us closer to Him. All that Jesus expects is our unwavering faith on Christ and His finished work.

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