
Thursday, 14 January 2021

The Jericho March - An Idolatrous Debacle!


The Jericho March ended up taking siege of the US Capitol Hill. When the so called evangelicals scourged the walls of the US senate building, the whole Christendom bowed its head, eyes closed with shame. So much for standing witnesses for Jesus Christ!

One single man, Donald Trump in this case could take the whole right wing and mess with their minds, driving them to a point of insurrection. There were many renowned spiritual leaders in this march who claimed that God spoke to them through visions of Trump being the leader (please refer to articles given below for further understanding). Now with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris taking up their posts we now know who is the liar, for the God we worship is true to His character - He can never lie.

Our zeal for men can run deep if kept unchecked and can easily slide into the realm of idolism. Donald Trump carrying the Bible in his hand does not automatically make him a a devoted Christian as much as a car that is parked in a garage. So how did the evangelicals play the Christian card when everything that happened so far clearly violated the first four of the ten commandments.

Whether it's individual or politics the rule remains the same. God is sovereign and His will prevails. The Bible says, "Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what he has made crooked?" Ecclesiastes 7:13 NLT, "If he snatches something, who can stop him? Who can ask him, “What are you doing?” Job 9:12 CSB. Being children of God we need to keep the will of God first. However, the situations pan out, God is still in control and knows very well what He is doing. Remember He is an Omniscient God.

 Dear brothers and sisters, idolism is a snare. Charles Spurgeon describes it beautifully, "If there is anything better than God you are idolaters; if there is anything you would not want to give up for God it is your idol: if there is anything you seek with greater fervor, than you seek the glory of God, that is your idol and conversion means a turning away from every idol." If there are known or hidden idols in our heart, it's time we convert even if we have been Christians from birth. Apostle Paul in his second letter to Timothy says, "holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them."2 Timothy 3:5 AMP. If we have to keep away from such people who instigate us to defile the Glory of God, let's do it, so that we may not be found wanting in the sight of God and lose out our opportunity for eternal life.

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Reference Articles:


Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Is money and power the epitome of success?

This world is becoming extremely alien and hostile to us Christians, that is, for those who are being sold out for God and anxiously waiting for His coming. Corona has made all places of worship shut down regardless of religion. Similarly, money and power have also infiltrated in God's name regardless of religion. There is no difference between us being the children of the Living God as opposed to the unbelievers.

Today in ministry, money is about everything. But we oversee the fact that money along with it brings corruption. Somehow, as believers we have come to the conclusion that more the money, more powerful the ministry. Is it true? Then why does Jesus say, "....“Foxes have dens, and the birds in the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” "Matthew 8:20 NET. His prayer room was the mountains and the wilderness.

Jesus' feelings for the rich were always, anger and pity. He lashed out at the Pharisees for their abuse of power and riches. So, why as Christians we still hail money and power as the epitome of success in one's ministry? If money is God's blessing then why does the Bible say, "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows."1 Timothy 6:10 NLT. If money is key to the furtherance of Christ's kingdom, then the existence of this verse is contradictory. Money's close compatriot is power and once it steps into the scene, abuse is not far off. One of the quotes by Edmund Burke says, "Greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.".

In the book of Proverbs we read, "First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. "Proverbs 30:8 NLT. My brothers and sisters in Christ, will we be able to dare ask God just to give us just what we need. That could also include poverty if God deems fit. It may leave us powerless. But are we courageous enough to trade our money and power for a life totally dependent on God and to be only led by His power? This will help us stay humble and be conscious of sin. We will never be able to experience the sweetness of fellowship unless we utterly abandon ourselves to God or risk having all the riches and power doing His ministry only to hear Him say, "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:23 KJV

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Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Direction & Goal - Part 2

It is a privilege for me to emphasize and throw some light on two aspects - direction and goal. As we start navigating this year strategically by clarifying our vision and journey map, I believe it is important to dwell on important criterion to accommodate our comprehensive understanding of our approaches and methodologies to include it in our personal and ministry strategy. In the article from Harvard Business Review, Elsbeth Johnson puts this beautifully, "Having time for strategy isn't a luxury it's a necessity. And it's not something you can delegate or outsource. Nor is it something that you should do once in a year. It needs to become part of your weekly schedule.".

Impact evaluation: This is an important concept where social sciences nudges people to move from activities to outcome, where they call it impact since it denotes a longtime positive change. Some quote 1 Corinthians 3:6, where it says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”. Eventually, in this context, many argue that they do not worry about results or analyzing the results because they believe that has to be left to God. I do agree, but what if our interventions are ambiguous and does not integrate the Biblical mandate of Christ? Nevertheless, there will be a celebration but not for the desired outcome connected to the Great Commission.  Remember when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he witnessed a great celebration among people for which Aaron was responsible, but as you all know the celebration was for the wrong reason (Exodus 32). What you celebrate should be Biblically compatible in reference to the Mission given to us.

In the parable of the sower Jesus explains about the seeds falling on good ground and He adds a measurement metrics too. Follow the verse in Matthew 13:8, “still other seed fell on good ground and produced fruit: some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times what it was sown.”. Jesus did not just blanket and generalise the results but He distinguishes them. Jesus concluded the parable by adding an emphasis in the following verse 9 of the same chapter which says, “Let anyone who has ears listen.” The results are invariably measured. Let us be reminded of the fact, “What gets measured gets improved.”. I urge you to seriously consider your ministry journey map and align all parameters for greater impact in your Church and in your community.

Quality Assurance: Bible talks about “Quality assurance”. Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:13 warns us by stating, “each one’s work will become obvious. For the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, the fire will test the quality of each one’s work.”. God does not use a blanket approval just because we do ministry. The quality of our work will be gauged. This means that our interventions and works will need specifications and details. Remember, we worship a God of specifications, be it Noah’s ark or the tabernacle or Solomon’s temple. Specifications were given in terms of design and outcomes. So why do you intend to run  haywire and be all over the page failing to create a meaningful impact. You may be having an independent ministry or a Church ministry or an organization. Regardless of what you have, it is time to spend your energy to set your direction right to bring about measurable results. Do not forget, at the end, your work will be tested by fire.

In this New Year 2021, I urge you both lay people as well as those in the ministry to dream big, to define your dream and vision, list goals and outcomes, work out milestones, identify the risk factors, articulate the ministry plan and develop a ministry blueprint. Mission is concerned with nothing less than the completion of all that God has begun to do in the creation of the world and of humankind. Its concern is not sectional but total, holistic and universal. May God use you and your ministry to impact the community and the nation. 

You may check Direction & Goal - part 1 for getting clarity and continuity.

Wishing you a blessed New Year 2021!!!!

I am glad God gave me this unique ministry, (SHEFA MINISTRIES) in India to help Churches find their vision, goal and develop a ministry Blueprint, strategy document and most importantly a detailed roadmap to follow. I had an opportunity to help many Churches of different denominations to have their 5 year or 10-year ministry plan as requested by them, enlisting definite measurable outcomes. You may connect with me to get support in designing your ministry blueprint, trainings and seminars on Church Holism, Holistic Approach and other concepts dealt in this blog.

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Saturday, 2 January 2021

Direction & Goal -Part 1

At the outset, I want to wish you all a great 2021 year ahead! Moving towards the right direction and moving towards the fixed goal matters. Paul in Philippians 3:14 claims, “So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize which is God’s call through Christ Jesus to the life above.”. (GNB). We learn so much from Paul about goal, direction, confidence and trust. It is not our beginning alone that matters but the whole course and most importantly the ‘means’ and the ‘end’. Albert Einstein warns, “If you want to be happy tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”. Would it be possible to retrospect all your undertakings in 2020? 

Pandemic gave us the opportunity to do things differently. But then, did you give some thought to understand what did not work well? Do you seriously wish to contemplate making a course correction this new year? Or, are you content with your present activities because it kept you comfortable, happy and secure?   

As we all begin this new year, I would like to highlight important criterion, which will ensure direction, focus, and results. It will be important that we put our ministry and Church in proper perspective. If you happened to read my past blogs you would notice that I have always reiterated on this aspect of defining your dreams, personal vision, ministry vision and articulate the strategy with proper roadmap. You can check my blog on this, Mission Strategy Model. This is exactly the vision of my ministry (SHEFA Ministries). You cannot have a great ministry plan in your mind without clarifying your journey roadmap. Is it Biblical? Yes. 100%. As you start considering to articulate your ministry plan, I would like to clarify few crucial areas of focus in my next two blogs to emphasize integration in the interventions and create an impact by transforming lives and communities for Christ.

Of my three criterion, the first criteria I would like to deal with in this blog is Holistic Approach.

Holistic Approach: The terms Holism is the integration of physical and spiritual. Jesus' mission statement in Luke 4:18-19, talks about it. The Biblical mandate; The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the last words of Jesus “you shall be my witnesses” (Acts1:8) which serves as a supplement and append to the call. Then there is the Great Commandment (to Love others) is equally crucial that demands our commitment and our obedience. It is of paramount importance that we meet the spiritual need and the physical need of the people you cannot draw the importance one over another. Bryant L Myers in his book Walking with the poor gives a word of caution by putting this beautifully, “When we separate the spiritual from the physical, not only do we separate evangelism from development, but we separate gospel-as-word from the gospel-as-deed, and provide no home for gospel-as-sign.”.  You may check on my blog Holistic Mission to get more information. 

To be continued....

I am glad God gave me this unique ministry, (SHEFA MINISTRIES) in India to help Churches find their vision, goal and develop a ministry Blueprint, strategy document and most importantly a detailed roadmap to follow. I had an opportunity to help many Churches of different denominations to have their 5 year or 10-year ministry plan as requested by them, enlisting definite measurable outcomes. You may connect with me to get support in designing your ministry blueprint, trainings and seminars on Church Holism, Holistic Approach and other concepts dealt in this blog.

Once again, Have a Blessed new Year 2021!!!

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