Saturday, 2 January 2021

Direction & Goal -Part 1

At the outset, I want to wish you all a great 2021 year ahead! Moving towards the right direction and moving towards the fixed goal matters. Paul in Philippians 3:14 claims, “So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize which is God’s call through Christ Jesus to the life above.”. (GNB). We learn so much from Paul about goal, direction, confidence and trust. It is not our beginning alone that matters but the whole course and most importantly the ‘means’ and the ‘end’. Albert Einstein warns, “If you want to be happy tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”. Would it be possible to retrospect all your undertakings in 2020? 

Pandemic gave us the opportunity to do things differently. But then, did you give some thought to understand what did not work well? Do you seriously wish to contemplate making a course correction this new year? Or, are you content with your present activities because it kept you comfortable, happy and secure?   

As we all begin this new year, I would like to highlight important criterion, which will ensure direction, focus, and results. It will be important that we put our ministry and Church in proper perspective. If you happened to read my past blogs you would notice that I have always reiterated on this aspect of defining your dreams, personal vision, ministry vision and articulate the strategy with proper roadmap. You can check my blog on this, Mission Strategy Model. This is exactly the vision of my ministry (SHEFA Ministries). You cannot have a great ministry plan in your mind without clarifying your journey roadmap. Is it Biblical? Yes. 100%. As you start considering to articulate your ministry plan, I would like to clarify few crucial areas of focus in my next two blogs to emphasize integration in the interventions and create an impact by transforming lives and communities for Christ.

Of my three criterion, the first criteria I would like to deal with in this blog is Holistic Approach.

Holistic Approach: The terms Holism is the integration of physical and spiritual. Jesus' mission statement in Luke 4:18-19, talks about it. The Biblical mandate; The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the last words of Jesus “you shall be my witnesses” (Acts1:8) which serves as a supplement and append to the call. Then there is the Great Commandment (to Love others) is equally crucial that demands our commitment and our obedience. It is of paramount importance that we meet the spiritual need and the physical need of the people you cannot draw the importance one over another. Bryant L Myers in his book Walking with the poor gives a word of caution by putting this beautifully, “When we separate the spiritual from the physical, not only do we separate evangelism from development, but we separate gospel-as-word from the gospel-as-deed, and provide no home for gospel-as-sign.”.  You may check on my blog Holistic Mission to get more information. 

To be continued....

I am glad God gave me this unique ministry, (SHEFA MINISTRIES) in India to help Churches find their vision, goal and develop a ministry Blueprint, strategy document and most importantly a detailed roadmap to follow. I had an opportunity to help many Churches of different denominations to have their 5 year or 10-year ministry plan as requested by them, enlisting definite measurable outcomes. You may connect with me to get support in designing your ministry blueprint, trainings and seminars on Church Holism, Holistic Approach and other concepts dealt in this blog.

Once again, Have a Blessed new Year 2021!!!

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