If asked to list all our accomplishments for 2021, what would be our top 5 that we would want to celebrate? Besides the testimonies about our healing, high business returns, costly investments on assets and so on, we will be tempted to summarize our achievements to those that gave us profit or earned a goodwill, giving us reason to celebrate.
But, Pastor/leader when coming to specifics, Christian, what have you done this year that God is celebrating about you? We all like to flaunt activities and programs that gathered crowd, but barely giving attention to measurable outcomes. The poor ‘outcome’ in any of our activities and programs are never considered. Churches in most cases are institutionalized. Crowd control has become the top priority for Church leadership. At the end of the day all have a reason to be happy. But do you think that makes God happy and if He has a reason to be proud, what would that be?
Do we want to still measure our achievements based on ABC method - Attendance, Building and Cash? How should we actually be measuring our accomplishments? Let me throw some light in this blog. In a blog written earlier I have enumerated the top 3 purposes for every individual ( Finding Purpose), which I would like to bring to your notice once again. They are:
1. Knowing God and having fellowship with Him (John 17:3; 1 Cor 1:9)
2. Being
a disciple maker (Matthew 28:19, 2 Timothy 2:2)
3. Be a
carrier of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:3)
Hence, in terms of the purpose of every individual listed above, how would we measure our progress and celebrate it?
In terms of the Christ's Commission to all, as stated in Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15, where do we like to position ourselves? Have we been intentional in sharing the gospel and making disciples? People who have churches would want to respond by saying we have shared the gospel and have been investing on them weekly. Great! But what is the ROI (Return of investment)? How many in our congregation were successful in leading at least one person to Christ? It is easy to pray for the nation for salvation and have seminars about evangelism without actually acting upon it. Evangelism in many cases have become a spiritual fashion word.
Actual evangelism thrives on relationship, which has been brutally marred in this digital age. No one has time to spend with the one lost soul, do weekly follow-ups and walk with them patiently. We act more like flying squads, distributing tracts, forwarding videos, sharing YouTube links, presenting a discourse and assume it will do its work. Evangelism is much more than just what was listed. It is sparing our time intentionally, building relationship and walking with the person in the journey before we can actually prepare the person to be a vibrant disciple.
If heaven has a reason to celebrate, then it is based on what is said in Luke 15:7 “I tell you in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over the ninety-nine righteous people who don’t need repentance.”
Churches and Christians think they need to grow more in the Lord, be filled more with Holy Spirit and speak more in tongues. But if they were to be asked to define what is ‘more’, many would be blank with no answer. If our ‘more’ is not filling our hearts with compassion for people (Matthew 9:36) and we are unwilling to reach out to them, then our so called ‘more’ is meaningless. Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:19, “… I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, then ten thousand words in tongue.”. Let our five words be the gospel to save dying souls.
In the day of Pentecost more than ten language group people heard the gospel in their own language. Isn’t it wonderful to know that the tongues were not limited to ‘prayer language’ but used to proclaim the gospel? Jesus when stating the Great Commission recorded in Mark 16:17 says, “.. they will speak in new languages”, which is to carry the gospel in people’s known languages. If we have a reason to celebrate then it should always be in connection with the purpose of the individuals and the Great Commission. That, God would be proud about!
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