We are all
familiar with the great commission and its implication yet the challenges
remain to what extent the Churches and the people are ardently obeying to God's
demands. How effectively are we demonstrating the gospel and attracting people
to Christ? The terms discipleship, great commission, evangelism & mission
in many cases are replaced by activities, worships, events and programs. Is the
mission of the Church (the good news) still centering around Christ mandate?
Let me draw
your attention to some hard facts:
block Non-Christian per
Does the
above given statistics disturb you? It is seen in most cases that the
Churches focus on Christ mandate and the mission work within the four walls of
the Church only. Yes, it is definitely agreed, provided it is also equipping
the members to be able to demonstrate the gospel in the market places, work
areas, schools and colleges? Think about it! The data and research from
Joshua’s Project (A research center that provides data) are really intimidating
and raises serious questions in our existence as children of God. It is also a
matter of grave concern. How are we prepared to mitigate and create an impact
among the dying souls in our nation?
Every other
thing comes under our radar with high priority, except the mandate.
Dustin Benge puts these words so powerfully and challenges us. - “Sunday
by Sunday people are told how to embrace “the good life” have happy marriages,
and raise nice children, but not how to be right with God. Biblical preaching
is hard, Discipleship is hard serving other is hard, Evangelism is hard. Do the
hard things!”
After Christ
commissioned the disciples and all of us to preach the Gospel and make
disciples it is recorded in the book of Mark this way, “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord
worked with them and confirmed the word by the accompanying signs.”. Mark
16:20. Signs and wonders are just an accompaniment while the preaching of
the gospel is kept as priority. Today many leaders make the signs and wonders
as a priority drawing attention towards them, disregarding the gospel
Let’s not
forget in most cases people who seek God to be free from debt, or expect
their materialistic needs to be met, get healing from their physical
ailments don’t find the need of God later, they actually abandon and will
return only when the next need arises. The biggest miracle and signs and
wonder that should happen is the transformation of life. And if you take note
of the above verse it says, “while the Lord
worked with them”. God works with us to transform lives and
help people find eternity, to this extent God joins hands with us and
works with us. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3: 9, “We are God’s
Coworkers.”. God is working with us to help us reach out to the dying
soul. Let me end this small article challenging all of us and putting these
words of Reinhard Bonke. “So, our main task must be the implementation
of Great Commission – the going, the making, and the discipling. The Church is
a lifeboat, not a pleasure boat. Entertainers are neither needed nor
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