We are constantly gauging, evaluating, estimating when others say something
which either directly or indirectly matters to us, but hardly concerned about
what we say and whether we are able to keep our word. Most often we say
just for the sake of saying and it doesn’t bother us at all. This is almost
true with most of the people including people who are in a leadership
position, sadly Christian leaders are not exempted. With the growing
communication platforms, by which I mean, social networks,
like WhatsApp and similar chats we have not become any better. We use the same to evade, slip away, escape,
procrastinate, hypocritically respond, maliciously pretend and disrespect
people by ignoring them forthright but most often in a subtle manner.
I would like to quote a
verse, “don’t say to your neighbor “Go away! Come back later, I’ll give it
tomorrow” when it is there with you” Pro 3:28. I have observed that people
are so accustomed to ignore people when they can actually respond
courteously. I am using this in the context of communication. We are so used to
saying “I’ll get back” and never feel an iota of guilt to
know, that word has been given and they need to keep it. ‘Tomorrow’ for
such people never comes.
Why are people not
honest and open to communicate correctly? Did they truly forget or pretend they
have forgotten because they are not interested for some reason, but not honest
enough to express? Let’s know that relationships are built with honest
communication. Sometimes I am even forced to wonder about their
conviction. Are they using it for their convenience or simply go with their
preferences and based on the scope for advantage? It is important to understand
that each time we mess up in the way we communicate we distort the gospel and
disrupt the relationship.
King David in his psalms
talks about the ones who would qualify to stand in his holy presence, in Psalms
24:4 states “.. one who has not sworn deceitfully”, as one of
the traits. But most of the people fall in between the two, which means they
would neither promise nor say a forthright 'No'. They become deceptive in
their responses. Sadly, most of the time Christians also make
such politically correct statements.
Drawing out in the
context of communication there is this next verse which states “Don’t
withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.”.
Proverbs 3:28. Whether it is communication or when you can do
something today do not postpone things, it is a bad example of leadership
It’s a leader’s responsibility
to know the difference between right and wrong, no matter what anybody else
says or does. You can never be right by doing wrong, and you can never be wrong
by doing right. Let us not forget that we are all accountable and are
judged for every careless word we speak. (Mat 12:37)
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