of the biggest challenges in Churches worldwide is creating a connection among
believers and improving horizontal relationships. Church goers strangely settle
themselves to be self-absorbed, self-sufficient, self-centered and
move and exist as independent bodies. And when it comes to young
people they seem to be even more disconnected from the
Churches today. Churches make no meaning to them. No doubt, it is a global
problem, but it is important that Church leaders understand the gaps and narrow
it down to fix the missing links. Someone beautifully articulated this, "Churches
for our forefathers was a commitment, for our fathers, it was an inheritance,
for us it is a convenience and to our children it is a nuisance.".
of the primary reasons which stands as a concern in creating the
irrelevance is when the vision and mission of the Church is not clearly
articulated and when there are no measurable goals, no milestones
as to when they are going to achieve what, then it is nothing
more than a mere religious institution functioning to exist like any
other entity. Nobody in that case will be responsible for any task,
because in real there may be actually no task and no project except the
Sunday services and people leaving satisfied by giving their offerings.
All are satisfied except God. A W
Tozer comments, ""What has the church gained if it is popular but
there is no conviction, no repentance, no power?"
many Church goals is only about raising funds for a project that is confined to
erecting a building and it doesn't lead to a sustainable
program, which means there are not much requirements for the members
involvement towards structured mission work, than to attend Church as a
formality and leave with no conviction. Congregations may only be tuned to
the needs of the pastor alone and never find the necessity to find the
need to relate with the fellow believers and extend any
support to build each other.
Let us not forget what Apostle James said which I
am reiterating quite often in my blogs, " Pure and undefiled religion
before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their
distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27 CSB.
Many people practice spirituality in isolation and mind, that's not the reason
Christ established the church. Church is compared to a body that works in
perfect harmony. You are responsible to keep your relationship with God intact
and as well as to reach out to those who are suffering.
Ortlund, Pastor of the largest Church in Nashville, Tennessee puts it
forthright, which does make a lot of sense in many Churches
today. "When
our churches succeed because they are really well-run businesses, and the
pastor is, in reality, a prop on the stage, then it isn’t ministry anymore;
it’s brilliantly packaged crowd control. And judgment is not far
off." The
Church when it will be in a position to articulate the vision with all its
components meticulously and make available the blueprint where it will
involve the members, young people, children to spiritual sustainability and
meeting the needs of our community and nation then, it will for sure ignite the
spirit of volunteerism and make them support the goals of the Church and create
an effective connection and display the early Church pattern..
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