Sunday, 30 December 2012

Displaying YOU

There was a time if we could recall the transmitting of Christmas & New  Year greetings was so extensive among all age groups, hearts were filled with curiosities and expectations, happiness and relationships had its prime place, be it from any religion the feelings of joy and happiness was  exuberantly high. If you notice, the intensity has quite reduced in these days. The change of times are resulting to lesser and weaker relationship with one another and with God. A small writing which is humorous but makes sense;  21st CENTURY LIFELESSNESS..!!  Our communication – Wireless, Our dress - Topless , Our telephone - Cordless , Our cooking - Fireless , Our youth - Jobless , Our food - Fatless , Our labour - Effortless , Our conduct - Worthless ,  Our relation - Loveless ,  Our attitude – Careless,  Our feelings - Heartless ,  Our politics - Shameless ,  Our education - Valueless ,  Our follies – Countless, Our arguments - Baseless ,  Our religion - Creedless ,  Our faith – Godless.”
I am sure everybody will recount the sad happening in December, where the 23 year old girl lost her life by a horrific and heinous act of few miscreants. The ghastly assault and rape of female paramedic in Delhi has produced an avalanche of protest and comment on why we treat women so badly. The whole nation is disturbed and are working on various solution to arrest such kind of crimes in future. Don’t you think many such acts are the result of serious moral problem, all the good living is not able to address it, and sadly we are bound to live in a very unsafe environment. Living a good moral life, teaching moral values and value education alone would definitely not going to help at all. So Sad to see all forms of vulgarity is promoted by media, newspapers, etc.  How we display, no more matters. Our dress culture has changed so badly even Christian young people are no exception. One of the placard held by a girl during the protest in Delhi says like this, “ Don’t teach me what to wear, Teach your sons not to Rape” How sad our generation is not willing to understand the root problem.
It’s high time that we Christians need to rise up, and model a Holy life to the whole world. Paul puts in 2 Thes 3:9 profoundly “…to offer ourselves as a MODEL for you, so that you would follow our example”  Can we seriously try with help of the holy Spirit to model a holy life and thereafter  challenge everyone to follow us as Paul 1 Cor 11:1 “Be imitators of me just as I also am of Christ”.  Let us make a commitment to live a holy and acceptable life for God. With every New day and New year we are only moving quicker towards death or to the coming of the Lord whichever will take us first. The world needs a model to follow can we be the one?
In case you have gone accumulating sins by which so often grieved the Lord and the Holy Spirit then it’s high time we stop adding sin to sin as said IS 30:1 “..Do not add sin to sin. You cannot live a double life and show yourself a model to the world James 1:8. Even God hates to see you compromising with Sin PS 50:16-22 “…when you see a thief you are pleased with him and you associate with adulterers…”  Yes may be when you live a godly life you will be left alone but please be encouraged with this beautiful verse which says Num 23:9 “For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nationsGod will watch you recognize you and identify you as His own.
Lastly set up a pattern  in the way you do things so that people identify you and follow you. Paul while he ends 2 Thes 3: 17 confirms saying “ I Paul write this greetings, with my own hand and this is a distinguishing mark in very letter: this is the way I write”  Do you have a pattern?  How are you recognized?  Let the world know that Christians has a particular pattern in all that they do.  May God help us in offering  ourselves as a Model, stop adding sin to sin and set up a pattern in order to draw the world to Jesus in the new Year 2013. May the lord crown the year with His  goodness Ps 65: 11, and you have blessed year ahead.
God Bless

Friday, 7 December 2012

Apples of Gold

Have you noticed how the wisest man of the earth, Solomon beautifully decorates and makes the placement of words in an high setting, to make it magnificently attractive to the visual ability as you read in  Prov 25: 11. NASB Like apples of gold in the settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances . If you take consideration you will notice that all of us in spite of our rich learning’s and experience most of the time err to communicate correctly in a given circumstances. 

Words takes the prime position in the creation story, and thank God for the greatest gift of words by which we are able to express us to God and to everyone around us. One remarkable statement captured by Dr Luke about how Jesus communicated is seen in Luk 4:22  “all were wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips”. The words of Jesus were simple and sublime which attracted small kids, young and older groups of people. Paul is inspired too, and advises to utter the words comprised of grace.  Col 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt…”  We need to understand that while we speak we communicate our intentions too, which means words reflect the state of the heart and mind as we learn in Mat 12:34 “…For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.” So sad to see how people sometimes use prayer as a medium to make their presence known and to be noticed to people than to God. Jesus sensitises us on how we should not use vain words while we pray just to be recognised for our selfish motives “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” Mat 6:7.  And more importantly we need to bear in mind what we speak and how we speak can destine our eternity.  Mat 12:36-37 says that Every careless words that we speak shall we give an account in the day of judgment, and follow what it is said in verse 37 “By your words you will be justified , and by your words you will be condemned” isn’t it alarming? How often our words fail to make meaning to us and to others. A study by researches says that an average male person manages to speak  little over 2000 words per day  and that the women can speak an average 6000- 8000 words per day. I don’t know the authenticity of this research but yes we all communicate so much expressing our intentions, but the big question will remain how much of our words are like apples of Gold.

 I would like to draw the attention to one of the incidents from the Bible that is spoken about Joshua. It is seen in Jos 9:3-6 that when the Gibeaonites heard what Joshua did to Jericho and to Ai, they were afraid but to save their lives acted craftily. They sent envoys who came to meet Joshua having worn- out sacks on their donkeys and wine skins worn out to meet him and to give an impression that they are from a far country, and then they implored to consider their lives precious and not to kill them,  It is said that Joshua made peace with them and  promised not to kill them Jos 9:16. After 3 days Joshua came to know that they were not from a far country but lived within their land. Joshua though did not take counsel from the Lord 9:14 but the Lord still honoured the words of Joshua. Now after 300 years there was a great famine for 3 years in the days of David and the land was disturbed. And  David sought the presence of the Lord and the Lord spoke to him saying that it is for Saul and his bloody house because he put the Gibeonites to death. 2 Sam 21:1 The Lord was mindful of the promise that Joshua made with the Gibeonites that he would not kill them. This reminds us and cautions us that we need to be so much careful in how and what we speak because none of our words go unaccountable.

It is seen in  Job 11: 2 a question is pointed   “and should a man full of talk be justifed” ?   We live in the days where we are not able to trust all that we hear so much, from those who are dear to us. Most of the time people have learnt to speak so eloquently devoid of the truth.  How often we make false promises to maintain relationship, just for the sake of realising our presence we utter words that are so void. Psalmist says one who does not swear deceitfully will be noticed and dwell in His holy place Ps 24:4. Sometimes we see people emotionally make vows even with God and soon forget Eccles 5:4-5. Solomon summarises that we should be more cautious in not committing sin by our speech. Eccles 5: 6 “ Do not let your speech cause you to sin and do not say in the presence of the messenger of God that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry on account of your voice and destroy the work of your hands?”. May the Lord help us to speak right in every situation and communicate our intentions that will motivate and influence others. May we pray every day as David Prayed in Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

God Bless

David Raj

Friday, 2 November 2012

“Life is one indivisible whole”

But whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all”.  Jam 2:10

I am sure you are familiar with this powerful statement made by Mohandas Gandhi “One man cannot do right in one department of life, whilst he is occupied doing wrong in any other department. Life is one indivisible whole”.  I hope this makes sense to us. We keep compartmentalizing our life for multiple reasons of our own, most often for our own moral reason. We also hear and witness how Christians make a segmentation of their life and call as ‘Sacred’ and ‘Secular”. Life is sacred and is consistent. One area which disturbs most of us is to see and witness some, who are so convincing in the podium and in their inspirational deliveries to others, are so contrary in their lifestyle. We forget that the Lord is watching us intensely. Pro 5: 21 says “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He watches all his paths”. How often Bible is stretched left and right to communicate their personal agendas. How pathetic and heartbreaking to see such categories of people who are “walking encyclopedias but living failures”.  Tit-1:16 says They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. 
James 2:10 Puts in this way “But whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all”.  It is just not possible to manage spirituality and live a consistent life in one situation and continue to do wrong and be inconsistent in another situation, we will be deceiving ourselves.  Pro 20:10  Divers weights,  and divers measures, both of them  are alike abomination to the LORD” There is an old saying that comes to my mind “A person who is nice to you and rude to the waiter is not a nice person” Davd Barry. We tend to be nice based on how favorable the situation is to us and cultured to  professionally display ourselves as nice and good and sadly prove to be inconsistent. These are the categories of people who not only mess their life, but end up in wrong prejudices and in encouraging the wicked. Prov 17:15 says “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord”. The Making of wicked in most cases happens by such categories of people who live in contradiction. Some have their defense, saying it is just not possible to remain consistent and perfect as we are all fallen human being. Did you notice what Jesus said in Mat 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children,….”. which means  that we are blessed to  have the power of choosing to do  right and be consistent. And moreover we need to thank God for leaving with us the helper, as promised by our Lord in John 16:7.
.Jam 3:11 says “Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water” definitely not! Why then we adhere more to such contradiction in life and be erroneous? Remember if you prefer error, truth will remain dormant, but in the pursuit of truth, error is always a casualty, unless you want to hold both the true and false as true. Jesus explained a simple principle in Mat 12:35 “The good man out of his good treasure bringeth forth good things: and the evil man out of his evil treasure bringeth forth evil things” How we behave and display depends on what we have treasured. A good man will bring only good things in any situation. You cannot even pretend to display yourself as a good person, which is even worse. In Luk 20:20  it has been documented about the people who pretended. Follow this as it says “So they watched Him and spent spies who pretended to be righteous in order that they might catch Him in some statement ...” this is documented and even today we come  to know that there were this group of people who lived in double standard.  May the Lord help each one of us to live focused on our lord Jesus Christ who never changes. Let us be reminded that “Life is one indivisible whole”
God bless

Friday, 12 October 2012

In the times of ignorance God overlooked…Now Commandeth to Repent

“The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked; but now he commandeth men that they should all everywhere repent”  Acts 17 30

In the times of ignorance God overlooked…Now Commandeth to Repent
I am sure nobody can be completely ignorant nor on the other side fully be informed or educated in all the matters.  In this Passage a very strong and clear message of repentance is communicated especially to the ones who are in the ‘informed’ list. Most of the time we take God granted just because we are not reprimanded immediately for the mistakes we do. Yes, God is gracious and full of Compassion and that does not mean that we continue to take advantage or manipulate God’s grace. Rom 6: 1.
The second part of the verse in Acts 17:30b “… But now He commandeth men that they should all everywhere repent”.  I think it is crucial that we who have experienced the love of Christ should be careful to ensure that we “Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentanceMat 3:8.  My friend if it is not the time of your ignorance, then it’s time that you repent from all the self-centered practices. How often the greatest miracle and the free gift of the Lord “the Salvation” that has reached us once upon a time, no more seems to excite us and lead us closer to God . Paul says in Phil 2:12 “…Work out your salvation with fear and trembling”.  The Lord is serious and commandeth that we who claim to know Him, repent and do the deeds of righteousness. We see in Acts 24:24-25 that Felix and Drusilla who sent for Paul to hear from him of his faith concerning Jesus Christ. And it is said in Acts 24:25 that Paul was discussing about righteousness, self-control and Judgment to come, Felix became frightened and sent him away. Felix set a convenient season of being reminded and to set his way right, unfortunately that convenient season never came.  Jer 2:33 it says Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love? A pointed question that needs to be  answered. What do we love the most which makes us to procrastinate the decision making.  Remember now is the day of salvation; tomorrow may be too late.
 Be aware that God will not continue to overlook your follies after you have come to know His salvation.  The immediate next verse in Acts 17: 31 says  “because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness…”   Judgment is certain my friend. In Heb 2: 3 says “How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation”. Try to identify if there is anything that goes unnoticed in your life that needs immediate change. Maverick psychiatrist  R D Laing captured in the words below how failing to notice that we have this space kills our ability to change. “The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.  And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change, until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.”  And then of course there is this Law of certainty which talks about the 3 groups of people.
1.      Think that they know what they do not know.
2.      Conscious that they do not know, may or may not use the right method to find it
3.      Tragically do not think that they know at all, not bothered about finding
May the Lord help us that we do not fall in this category, but able to know our shortcomings and repent and return as said in Acts 3: 19 "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord." 



Sunday, 2 September 2012

Internal system failure.

Ps 40:12 “…. My heart has failed me”

How often we groan and become anxious when things don’t go well with us. And almost all the time we try to find the answers from without. One such anxious situation of Jacob while his sons had to go through planned plight in Egypt, and this was rocking him through, and he cries  “…All things are against me” Gen 42: 36. If any point of time if you happen to undergo haphazard situation and you are in a helpless condition, then it’s time to investigate to see if there is any internal system failure. David in this verse 12 groans saying “for evils beyond number have surrounded me, my iniquities have overtaken me so  that I am not able to see they are numerous than my head and my heart has failed me.”  How often we suppress the inner voice that comes from the Precious heart that Christ connects with.  Due to our presumptuous sin we entrap our self and are guilty resulting to breakdown and then try to manage and fabricate the situation with weak solutions in order to suppress the guilt. We have different scientific branch of studies that help us to acquire temporary peace to an extent when there is an internal system failure. There are these Psychologists that help us to “FEEL BETTER” through temporary processes; after all cognitive psychology has been dealing with forgiveness and guilt for decades. Getting rid of guilt is in our interest and historically has been one of humanity’s greatest desires. Have you heard of the distinction between a neurotic and a psychotic? A neurotic, because of anxiety and guilt and distress, builds castles in the air. A psychotic, because he’s lost touch with reality, lives in those air castles, and a psychologist collects rent from both. And then we have this Priest advising us to “DO BETTER” You suppress your conscience so that you’re not particularly alive to its voice anymore. Only talk about Horizontal forgiveness. And then the Philosophies that demands us to “THINK BETTER”  to help us to oversee the internal disturbances.

  In 1 John 3:21 it says “if our heart does not condemn us we shall have boldness before God”. It is important that your heart respects you and prove you to be an honourable person. It is so easy also to be justified by the accolades and praises that we receive from people and sadly if your heart is not with you then you are scorned to mockery by this internal system. Need to answer this crucial question in  Jer 4:14  “ …wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thine evil thoughts lodge within thee?. The greatest problem of mankind, the SIN continue to barge every human being in order to corrupt the internal system. It’s time to make a serious commitment to God and go to the throne of grace for cleansing of our hearts that happens by faith Acts 15:9 .  How blessed we are to have the active scanner within us. Pro 20 27 “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the innermost parts of his being”  once you identify your problem confess the same to be cleansed and to be made whole, return to Him, for He remains merciful. Isa 55:7  "let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon".  Let us keep the internal system "the Heart" sensitive and conscious towards purity as said in Prov 4:23 "watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life".



Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Led by God

Right from the beginning of this year I was inundated with the two thoughts; having the mind of Christ that I penned down in Jan’12, and being led by the Spirit of God that I wanted to put it down this time. Before I can mark it across I thought I should articulate this with all humility,  to anyone who happens to read this blog “liferedifened4god” that one of my dear brother in Christ motivated me and helped me to create it, and wanted to put my thoughts into. But honestly wanted to say that this is not meant to display ME. And there is nothing great in having a Blog site or even a website with loaded followers, which can be possible most of the time. Also I do not intend to create a monthly write up as part of my writing skill and pattern. The Lord in different situation has intervened so powerfully that I thought should pen down the conviction for my learning and reference, and the same to be a source of inspiration to someone. I am sure the spirit of the Lord intervenes, speaks, inspires every individual to draw closer to Him, I would suggest that we pen it down for our personal reminders and to the inspiration to the one who will read the same. Hab 2:2 says “Write the Vision and make it plain upon tablets that he may run that readeth it.”  It would be really great if we can record the vision and convictions, which necessarily has to substantiate with the Word of God and then to be on our heels to action. And if the same can be the source of influence and inspiration, then this chain will keep impacting each other. We are in the days with too many opinions, information’s, and pleasing messages without a stronger conviction. I pray that we surrender to His will and be led by Him.

All are not God’s Children but yes, definitely all are God’s creation. And to have the privilege of calling Abba father and being led by the spirit of God is no doubt the divine blessing in ones life.  Rom 8:14 “Those who are led by God's Spirit are God's children.” a verse of hope and assurance is promised only for the one who has given oneself completely in His hands. Being led would mean His Provision, and then His Supervision in all times. It is sad that most of us substitute Gods provision by Power, Money and Fame, commonly called PMF index. Ask any one on the streets what they aspire, definitely at least one of the above will be as a part of their dream. And it is so entwined that it cannot stop with one, which means that it will lead to the aspiration of another. Now we see the fourth factor is attaching to the PMF Index which is the “fan club”. Take any social website, Christian website, Blog site; the number of followers and fans becomes so important and significant and decides the success.

And then, just because someone is paid more than average probably in 5 or 6 figures does not qualify that  he are she is led by God, then at that case the many outsiders who having the world richness would also claim that they are being led by God.  Being led by God also does not mean Materialism, nor it necessarily guarantee all situations will work out perfectly for you. But yes His Provision will be always available for you at any situation. The Familiar verse most often quoted from Rom 8:28 “And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose” forget the previous verse, 27 of the same chapter in Romans “and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit.”  With the right and pure heart when we surrender our will then we can see the leading of the holy spirit obvious in our lives. Pro 20:24 Man’s steps are ordained by the Lord, how then can man understand his way” A sinless holy life conscious of how he or she may bring joy to the Lord by deeds and thoughts can understand this, because he or she has the Mind of Christ.  And it is important that we do not lean on our own understanding, and on the set of worked out patterns and experiences based on the past. Things may not happen based on your expectation but definitely it will fall in line with the blue print designed for your life by the Most High, and that will be marvelous in your eyes. Ps 118:22

In situation when things are not favorable what do we do then? Can we still say that we are led by God? If we note what David in Psalms 119:23 says “Even through princes sit and talk against me, your servant will mediate on your statutes.”  As we continue to learn depending and clinging on Him and cherish His love, then He paves the way for us and leads us thoroughly. The famous Psalms 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”

Thursday, 26 January 2012

1 Cor 2: 16 “..But we have the mind of Christ.”

Cognitive Psychologists are continuing to do lot of research and study in terms of human mind and its related behaviour. I am sure nobody has a complete formula to decipher human mind and all that is going within it. Paul explains in the previous verse 15 the difference between “Natural Man” and “Spiritual man”. And then settles down saying “We have the mind of Christ”. The greatest discovery and accomplishment I guess would be to know and have the “Mind of Christ.” Undoubtedly things will become so easy that any struggles would mean very less to us and help us to go forward without stumbling, but it is seen more often we strive to understand the mind of our boss, some their business partner, and some their friends, and yet some the ones from where they can acquire favours. And then, when things do not fall in place we tend to blame the externals.

Product of our own thoughts:

Follow how Thomas Sikking beautifully brings out these lines for our inspiration You’re not the product of a broken home, a devastated economy, a world in the upheaval of war, a minority group, a family of drunkards or a poverty-ridden neighbourhood.  You are the product of your own thinking processes and whatever you’re thinking about today is the cornerstone of your tomorrow.”   I would add asking does your thought qualify the Godly standards of purity? For the Bible says in Prov 16:2 “.The Lord weighs our motives” The motives behind every thought. Therefore it is important to have the right and Godly thoughts which would result in the Right Action. Ponder the observation of the Lord on human thoughts and how He articulated it.

GEN 6:5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” The tone of despair is portrayed here; some even say that this is the saddest verse in the Bible therefore God intended to remove man from the face of the earth. 3 levels are seen from this verse.
·         Every thoughts are evil
·         Was only evil
·         Was evil continually

Not having the mind of Christ we end up having ruthlessly selfish thoughts and then following the thoughts in our ACTION. Most times thinking that we are helping someone, inspiring someone actually mislead someone. Please understand that you cannot be good and do good without God who is both Good and Holy, and therefore the standard of holiness and purity depends upon what you allow your mind to think. Follow this verse too Jer 7:9-10 the Heart is more deceitful and desperately sick, I the Lord search the hearts and test the mind even to give each man according to his ways according to the result of his deeds”.  The “heart” includes the mind and all that proceeds from it. Someone said that every sin we commit, we commit twice, once in our thoughts and again when we act upon those thoughts. Follow this verse in Micah 2:1 “Woe to them that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds! When the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their mind.”  If this is our state, than we need to seriously ask God to help our state of wretchedness.  It is important that we  Watch our heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life as said in  Prov 4:23  It is easiest to rid our lives of sin if we attack it at the fundamental thought level rather than waiting for it to become rooted in our lives by our actions and then try to pull it out. A fatherly advice by king David to his son is here 1 chro28:9 “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever. The only way we can please the Lord is to have the right thinking before even Right Action. And the Right thinking depends upon what  you put in to your mind.

Human Brain and Thoughts

A small understanding of human brain and thoughts is highlighted for our understanding. It is said that an average dimensions of the adult brain: Width = 140 mm/5.5 in, Length = 167 mm/6.5 in, Height = 93 mm/3.6 in and at birth our brains weigh and average of 350-400g (about 4/5 lbs), as adults the brain averages 1300-1400g (about 3 lbs). It is estimated that our brains produce as many as  30,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day depending on how 'deep' a thinker we are. Further it is said that we have 42 thoughts per minute and in that 65-80% of our thoughts are negative. And it is said that 4 positive thoughts are needed to change 1 negative thought. How true we prove to God’s portrayal of despair seen in Gen 6. The Bible says in Eccles 7:29 “…. God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices”.

"Thinking" precedes “Doing”

If your thinking is holy and Godly your action becomes pleasing to God. Most of the Sin is committed in our minds. Can we ask God to purify our thoughts and consecrate our lonely and silent area of our life which is what the Lord is interested in. Normally we are good and admirable to others based on how good we present ourselves, but remember  the inner you is visible to the Almighty my friend, and he says in Pro 12:2 “He will condemn a man who devises evil” and in Pro 17:20 “He who has a crooked mind finds no good” This year if we intend to acquire good from the Lord then it is important that we feed  the mind  with what is pleasing to the Lord, and in the meditations of the word and  worshipping the Lord the almighty. Let us take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ as said in 2 Cor 10: 5 and be Renewed in the spirit of our mind as seen in Eph 4:23. I am seriously thinking on this 2 simple principles as articulated by Paul in Eph 5:17 Understanding what the will of the Lord is in every situation and allowing it to happen, and then in Eph 5:10 Trying to please the Lord always in every situation and then to say confidently, “We have the mind of Christ”.
