Sunday, 30 December 2012

Displaying YOU

There was a time if we could recall the transmitting of Christmas & New  Year greetings was so extensive among all age groups, hearts were filled with curiosities and expectations, happiness and relationships had its prime place, be it from any religion the feelings of joy and happiness was  exuberantly high. If you notice, the intensity has quite reduced in these days. The change of times are resulting to lesser and weaker relationship with one another and with God. A small writing which is humorous but makes sense;  21st CENTURY LIFELESSNESS..!!  Our communication – Wireless, Our dress - Topless , Our telephone - Cordless , Our cooking - Fireless , Our youth - Jobless , Our food - Fatless , Our labour - Effortless , Our conduct - Worthless ,  Our relation - Loveless ,  Our attitude – Careless,  Our feelings - Heartless ,  Our politics - Shameless ,  Our education - Valueless ,  Our follies – Countless, Our arguments - Baseless ,  Our religion - Creedless ,  Our faith – Godless.”
I am sure everybody will recount the sad happening in December, where the 23 year old girl lost her life by a horrific and heinous act of few miscreants. The ghastly assault and rape of female paramedic in Delhi has produced an avalanche of protest and comment on why we treat women so badly. The whole nation is disturbed and are working on various solution to arrest such kind of crimes in future. Don’t you think many such acts are the result of serious moral problem, all the good living is not able to address it, and sadly we are bound to live in a very unsafe environment. Living a good moral life, teaching moral values and value education alone would definitely not going to help at all. So Sad to see all forms of vulgarity is promoted by media, newspapers, etc.  How we display, no more matters. Our dress culture has changed so badly even Christian young people are no exception. One of the placard held by a girl during the protest in Delhi says like this, “ Don’t teach me what to wear, Teach your sons not to Rape” How sad our generation is not willing to understand the root problem.
It’s high time that we Christians need to rise up, and model a Holy life to the whole world. Paul puts in 2 Thes 3:9 profoundly “…to offer ourselves as a MODEL for you, so that you would follow our example”  Can we seriously try with help of the holy Spirit to model a holy life and thereafter  challenge everyone to follow us as Paul 1 Cor 11:1 “Be imitators of me just as I also am of Christ”.  Let us make a commitment to live a holy and acceptable life for God. With every New day and New year we are only moving quicker towards death or to the coming of the Lord whichever will take us first. The world needs a model to follow can we be the one?
In case you have gone accumulating sins by which so often grieved the Lord and the Holy Spirit then it’s high time we stop adding sin to sin as said IS 30:1 “..Do not add sin to sin. You cannot live a double life and show yourself a model to the world James 1:8. Even God hates to see you compromising with Sin PS 50:16-22 “…when you see a thief you are pleased with him and you associate with adulterers…”  Yes may be when you live a godly life you will be left alone but please be encouraged with this beautiful verse which says Num 23:9 “For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nationsGod will watch you recognize you and identify you as His own.
Lastly set up a pattern  in the way you do things so that people identify you and follow you. Paul while he ends 2 Thes 3: 17 confirms saying “ I Paul write this greetings, with my own hand and this is a distinguishing mark in very letter: this is the way I write”  Do you have a pattern?  How are you recognized?  Let the world know that Christians has a particular pattern in all that they do.  May God help us in offering  ourselves as a Model, stop adding sin to sin and set up a pattern in order to draw the world to Jesus in the new Year 2013. May the lord crown the year with His  goodness Ps 65: 11, and you have blessed year ahead.
God Bless

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