
Friday, 7 December 2012

Apples of Gold

Have you noticed how the wisest man of the earth, Solomon beautifully decorates and makes the placement of words in an high setting, to make it magnificently attractive to the visual ability as you read in  Prov 25: 11. NASB Like apples of gold in the settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances . If you take consideration you will notice that all of us in spite of our rich learning’s and experience most of the time err to communicate correctly in a given circumstances. 

Words takes the prime position in the creation story, and thank God for the greatest gift of words by which we are able to express us to God and to everyone around us. One remarkable statement captured by Dr Luke about how Jesus communicated is seen in Luk 4:22  “all were wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips”. The words of Jesus were simple and sublime which attracted small kids, young and older groups of people. Paul is inspired too, and advises to utter the words comprised of grace.  Col 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt…”  We need to understand that while we speak we communicate our intentions too, which means words reflect the state of the heart and mind as we learn in Mat 12:34 “…For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.” So sad to see how people sometimes use prayer as a medium to make their presence known and to be noticed to people than to God. Jesus sensitises us on how we should not use vain words while we pray just to be recognised for our selfish motives “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” Mat 6:7.  And more importantly we need to bear in mind what we speak and how we speak can destine our eternity.  Mat 12:36-37 says that Every careless words that we speak shall we give an account in the day of judgment, and follow what it is said in verse 37 “By your words you will be justified , and by your words you will be condemned” isn’t it alarming? How often our words fail to make meaning to us and to others. A study by researches says that an average male person manages to speak  little over 2000 words per day  and that the women can speak an average 6000- 8000 words per day. I don’t know the authenticity of this research but yes we all communicate so much expressing our intentions, but the big question will remain how much of our words are like apples of Gold.

 I would like to draw the attention to one of the incidents from the Bible that is spoken about Joshua. It is seen in Jos 9:3-6 that when the Gibeaonites heard what Joshua did to Jericho and to Ai, they were afraid but to save their lives acted craftily. They sent envoys who came to meet Joshua having worn- out sacks on their donkeys and wine skins worn out to meet him and to give an impression that they are from a far country, and then they implored to consider their lives precious and not to kill them,  It is said that Joshua made peace with them and  promised not to kill them Jos 9:16. After 3 days Joshua came to know that they were not from a far country but lived within their land. Joshua though did not take counsel from the Lord 9:14 but the Lord still honoured the words of Joshua. Now after 300 years there was a great famine for 3 years in the days of David and the land was disturbed. And  David sought the presence of the Lord and the Lord spoke to him saying that it is for Saul and his bloody house because he put the Gibeonites to death. 2 Sam 21:1 The Lord was mindful of the promise that Joshua made with the Gibeonites that he would not kill them. This reminds us and cautions us that we need to be so much careful in how and what we speak because none of our words go unaccountable.

It is seen in  Job 11: 2 a question is pointed   “and should a man full of talk be justifed” ?   We live in the days where we are not able to trust all that we hear so much, from those who are dear to us. Most of the time people have learnt to speak so eloquently devoid of the truth.  How often we make false promises to maintain relationship, just for the sake of realising our presence we utter words that are so void. Psalmist says one who does not swear deceitfully will be noticed and dwell in His holy place Ps 24:4. Sometimes we see people emotionally make vows even with God and soon forget Eccles 5:4-5. Solomon summarises that we should be more cautious in not committing sin by our speech. Eccles 5: 6 “ Do not let your speech cause you to sin and do not say in the presence of the messenger of God that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry on account of your voice and destroy the work of your hands?”. May the Lord help us to speak right in every situation and communicate our intentions that will motivate and influence others. May we pray every day as David Prayed in Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

God Bless

David Raj

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