
Thursday, 26 January 2012

1 Cor 2: 16 “..But we have the mind of Christ.”

Cognitive Psychologists are continuing to do lot of research and study in terms of human mind and its related behaviour. I am sure nobody has a complete formula to decipher human mind and all that is going within it. Paul explains in the previous verse 15 the difference between “Natural Man” and “Spiritual man”. And then settles down saying “We have the mind of Christ”. The greatest discovery and accomplishment I guess would be to know and have the “Mind of Christ.” Undoubtedly things will become so easy that any struggles would mean very less to us and help us to go forward without stumbling, but it is seen more often we strive to understand the mind of our boss, some their business partner, and some their friends, and yet some the ones from where they can acquire favours. And then, when things do not fall in place we tend to blame the externals.

Product of our own thoughts:

Follow how Thomas Sikking beautifully brings out these lines for our inspiration You’re not the product of a broken home, a devastated economy, a world in the upheaval of war, a minority group, a family of drunkards or a poverty-ridden neighbourhood.  You are the product of your own thinking processes and whatever you’re thinking about today is the cornerstone of your tomorrow.”   I would add asking does your thought qualify the Godly standards of purity? For the Bible says in Prov 16:2 “.The Lord weighs our motives” The motives behind every thought. Therefore it is important to have the right and Godly thoughts which would result in the Right Action. Ponder the observation of the Lord on human thoughts and how He articulated it.

GEN 6:5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” The tone of despair is portrayed here; some even say that this is the saddest verse in the Bible therefore God intended to remove man from the face of the earth. 3 levels are seen from this verse.
·         Every thoughts are evil
·         Was only evil
·         Was evil continually

Not having the mind of Christ we end up having ruthlessly selfish thoughts and then following the thoughts in our ACTION. Most times thinking that we are helping someone, inspiring someone actually mislead someone. Please understand that you cannot be good and do good without God who is both Good and Holy, and therefore the standard of holiness and purity depends upon what you allow your mind to think. Follow this verse too Jer 7:9-10 the Heart is more deceitful and desperately sick, I the Lord search the hearts and test the mind even to give each man according to his ways according to the result of his deeds”.  The “heart” includes the mind and all that proceeds from it. Someone said that every sin we commit, we commit twice, once in our thoughts and again when we act upon those thoughts. Follow this verse in Micah 2:1 “Woe to them that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds! When the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their mind.”  If this is our state, than we need to seriously ask God to help our state of wretchedness.  It is important that we  Watch our heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life as said in  Prov 4:23  It is easiest to rid our lives of sin if we attack it at the fundamental thought level rather than waiting for it to become rooted in our lives by our actions and then try to pull it out. A fatherly advice by king David to his son is here 1 chro28:9 “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever. The only way we can please the Lord is to have the right thinking before even Right Action. And the Right thinking depends upon what  you put in to your mind.

Human Brain and Thoughts

A small understanding of human brain and thoughts is highlighted for our understanding. It is said that an average dimensions of the adult brain: Width = 140 mm/5.5 in, Length = 167 mm/6.5 in, Height = 93 mm/3.6 in and at birth our brains weigh and average of 350-400g (about 4/5 lbs), as adults the brain averages 1300-1400g (about 3 lbs). It is estimated that our brains produce as many as  30,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day depending on how 'deep' a thinker we are. Further it is said that we have 42 thoughts per minute and in that 65-80% of our thoughts are negative. And it is said that 4 positive thoughts are needed to change 1 negative thought. How true we prove to God’s portrayal of despair seen in Gen 6. The Bible says in Eccles 7:29 “…. God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices”.

"Thinking" precedes “Doing”

If your thinking is holy and Godly your action becomes pleasing to God. Most of the Sin is committed in our minds. Can we ask God to purify our thoughts and consecrate our lonely and silent area of our life which is what the Lord is interested in. Normally we are good and admirable to others based on how good we present ourselves, but remember  the inner you is visible to the Almighty my friend, and he says in Pro 12:2 “He will condemn a man who devises evil” and in Pro 17:20 “He who has a crooked mind finds no good” This year if we intend to acquire good from the Lord then it is important that we feed  the mind  with what is pleasing to the Lord, and in the meditations of the word and  worshipping the Lord the almighty. Let us take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ as said in 2 Cor 10: 5 and be Renewed in the spirit of our mind as seen in Eph 4:23. I am seriously thinking on this 2 simple principles as articulated by Paul in Eph 5:17 Understanding what the will of the Lord is in every situation and allowing it to happen, and then in Eph 5:10 Trying to please the Lord always in every situation and then to say confidently, “We have the mind of Christ”.


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