Thursday, 28 December 2023

Set right what is left undone in 2023 – Titus 1:5


The Epistle to Titus was written in approximately A.D. 66. The summary and purpose of this small book was to document Paul’s many journeys which he wrote to Titus from Nicopolis in Epirus. The letter lays down the qualifications to look for leaders in the Church. He also warns Titus of the reputation of those living on the Island of Crete (Titus 1:12). Paul makes a statement which should never be forgotten. “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for doing anything good.” (Titus 1:16). The biggest disappointment today in Christendom is to witness those who talk about the Body of Christ, Great Commission and Global missions, yet live an unholy and a contradictory life, blissfully ignorant that they are detestable to God. In this book Paul instructs the elders (pastors), overseer or even for that matter an ordinary lay person to be blameless, not to be arrogant or hot-tempered, nor an excessive drinker, not a bully, not greedy for money, not to be rebellious, filled with empty talk etc. (Titus 1:10-12)

Today people are focusing more on accomplishing things than living a holy life. Accomplishment can be a cover for achieving one’s selfish motives. When only accomplishments are celebrated, then it is dangerous. We assume that familiarity, popularity, and abundant resources will help accelerate the gospel, forgetting that God’s mission in this world does not depend on our favour. The foremost requirement is to be holy (1Peter 1:16), faithful /Trustworthy (1Timothy 1:12) and maintain a clean conscience before God (Acts 23:1). And in this book Paul adds by saying “…holding to the faithful message as taught, so that he will be able both to encourage with sound teaching and to refute those who contradict it. (Titus 1:8-9).

Rather than taking stock of our achievements, work progress and accomplishments, can we retrospect and take stock of areas of our genuine relationship with God first and then obedience to the Great Commission? Your attendance to Church services, or promptness in paying your tithes/offerings or observing religious rituals are of no use without a genuine relationship with God. The pharisee claimed to pay his tithes regularly and fast twice a week (Luke 18:12), the young man claimed to observe all the commandments of Moses (Matthew 19:20), a leader like Theudas, or Judas the Galilean (Acts 5:36-37) claimed to be somebody and used Christ for their selfish agenda. They were all found guilty and unacceptable. Beware!

In recent times any spurious activity in Christendom is welcomed and popularised. Spiritual heresies and garbage are channelled through famous Christian leaders/celebrities and pastors. We all want to believe everything is okay. Not really! We are in danger, and we need to check and test if you are in the Lord as Paul Says in 2 Corinthians 13:5 ESV “Examine yourself to see you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realise this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in You? – unless you fail it the test.”. Jesus was not famous but faithful to His father and obedient till the point of His death. 

 Let me give you an excerpt to explain this point:

“Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another obscure village, where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty, and then for three years He was an itinerant preacher.

He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never owned a home. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never put his foot inside a big city. He never travelled two hundred miles from the place where He was born. He never did one of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but Himself.

While still a young man, the tide of public opinion turned against Him. His friends ran away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth while He was dying—and that was His coat. When He was dead He was taken down and laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

Nineteen wide centuries have come and gone and today He is the centre piece of the human race and the leader of the column of progress. I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, and all the navies that ever were built, and all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that One Solitary Life.”  - James Allan Francis (1864–1928)

What an estimate about our Master and Savior Jesus Christ? Do you wish to take this time to set things right and address those areas in your life which are left undone in the year 2023?

 You may read the last blog HERE


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Tuesday, 19 December 2023

GO & Tell Vs Show & Tell!


If Jesus had given the best sermons only on the way of life, probably He would have had a large following who would have dedicated a permanent magnificent worship structure for Him, parallel to Solomon’s Temple and synagogue in Jerusalem City. Whereas He preached on repentance, Kingdom principles for life ethics, the hope of eternity and showing people a way to inherit the eternal kingdom. Yet He gathered large crowds who came from far and near searching for Him. It is interesting to note that Jesus never thought about managing this crowd, preaching to them over and over, using a particular facility and commissioned people to Go and Tell what He was teaching. He continually moved from one location to the other – villages, towns and cities - preaching about the kingdom of God. (Luke 8:1).

The purpose of His coming was to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Hence, before entrusting with the Great Commission (Matt 28:19) and with the supplement commission (Acts 1:8 ) i.e., to be a witness, He showed how to do and what to do. The Gospel of Mark records that Jesus appointed the twelve disciples to be with Him, to help them observe Him closely, learn how He does things and then to Go and Tell to others (Matt 3:14). John in his book 1 John 1:1-2 states this "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us—  that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.". What the disciple witnessed by being with Him and watching Him closely was to follow Christ and share to the whole world about the greatest sacrifice Christ made for the sins of the world (1John 2:2). This was the crux of his letter.

Today, the pulpits are sophisticated and commercialized. People are instructed to “Go and Tell” without the “Show and Tell” model. More than 90% of any Church crowd aren't budging. The Church has settled with the convenient teaching of “Giving” model - Give and Give more. The Gospels teach us how until His crucifixion, Jesus went from place-to-place walking and preaching about the Kingdom of God. Present age has made the Gospel a luxurious propaganda. Music, entertainment and social services have replaced the urgency to share the Gospel, as they are the only ones that attract the crowd and eventually are financially advantageous. The leaders are happy assuming their Church Mission and Gospel mission are on track. 

People need to see how you share, influence people with the gospel. The right ones who experienced the true salvation are unstoppable. They are just waiting to see the leaders’ evangelistic lifestyle and to follow their footsteps. Show them, don't just tell them! David Cassidy states "There's a lot of "Go & Tell" in our faith but it is always to be accomplished with heavy amounts of "Show & Tell" confirming the effort.  Praying for the unity, mutual love, and humble, credible witness of brothers and sisters today.".

 You may read the last blog  HERE

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