Wednesday, 23 August 2023

What are you doing with the seed?


By the word ‘seed’ we all know what it is meant for. The basic, straight, and specific purpose, that is grows to be sown back. We don’t need to have a degree to understand this simple idea. But in Christian world this meaning is smothered, stretched, and extended to give a new purpose and a meaning. Read this verse carefully, “Now the one who provides seed for the Sower and bread for food will also provide and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”. 2 Corinthians 9:10 CSB. I have heard it quite often this interpretation that says money and resources given to a person are for the purpose of sowing back to receive more.

This chapter 2 Corinthians 9, urges Christians in the Corinthian church to follow through on their commitment. They had agreed to participate in a collection for suffering Christians in Jerusalem. Paul says he should not even need to write to them about the collection, which he calls the "ministry for the saints" (2 Corinthians 9:1). The offerings in the New Testament were very different from the Old Testament tithes, which is still practised and emphasized conveniently for a specific advantage. Let me clarify this. The offerings are inclusive of giving to Church, for Missions (1Timothy 5:17-18), Relief work (Acts 12:25; 1 Corinthians 16:1; 2 Corinthians 8:4; 8:7 9:12; Hebrew 13:16 and for Widows and Orphans (1 Timothy 5:3; James1:27).

Today, the concept of tithes is continued to be on the top of the Christian priority because the leaders know if the mandated percentage is removed then the giving, amounting to that 10% percentage will drop down, for sure. Therefore, this concept stays as the number one rule in the Church institution. Scripture never mandates a specific amount each Christian or church must give. Paul even refuses to name a percentage of income or belongings. Instead, God's word sets a standard according to what each person has decided to give. Well, the intention of the blog is not about inducing a conviction to make a believer give, but to sow themselves for the Great Commission; the mission Christ mandated for all.

I usually say this that the congregation is the under-utilized, unempowered, unengaged people group for the mission work. Most of the Christian research study states that more than 90% of Christians have never shared the gospel even once in their lifetime. Unfortunately, it does not alarm the body of Christ. We have robbed the congregation of its purpose for Christ’s mission. Attending the Church, week after week and paying their offerings become the top, satisfying and only priority for all the people. Pastors and Leaders, if you have people following you then they are the seeds that you need to sow back in to make them fruitful and multiplying.

In this context let me point out what Solomon questioned, “Why is there money in the hand of the fool to buy wisdom, when he has no common sense or even a heart for it?” (Proverbs 17:16 AMP) As a metaphor why is one holding the seeds as part of congregation when the leader does not use them for the right purpose. Why are they not equipped to be effective gospel sharers in their sphere of influence. Burk Parson made this powerful statement, “Just because there's a church building on every corner doesn't mean the gospel is preached on every corner.”. Church is the people, the disciple of Christ, the word overused little more than 260 times than the word Christians which is used only 3 times in the New Testament. Discipleship today, has become a training program and a certification course. Dear Church, don’t just hold them accountable for not paying the Church offerings or failed attendance for the Church activity, but for sharing the gospel which is everyone’s responsibility. Every individual is a mobile Church, don’t institutionalize the person.  Consider the way Jesus operated. John Mac Arthur puts it beautifully, “Jesus' entire ministry was in the street, in the field, in other people’s homes, in synagogues, on the road, on the sea, with only occasional retreats into isolation to restore His energy, rest His body, and fellowship privately with His disciples.”. Jesus' purpose is our purpose too.

Remember the parable of the talent, which is usually referred to business and exhibiting one’s skill set, but what if it is about the seed the people. We are supposed to be used for discipleship and multiplication. Many are like the guy with one talent preserved it safe and were called useless. We know how he was condemned to eternal damnation. “And throw this good-for-nothing servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 25:30 CSB. Our responsibility lies in sowing the seed to get the maximum produce as said in John 12:24 "Truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces much fruit.".


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Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Gospel becoming a choice and convenience for many!


This blog committed to ignite Churches and the good believers to move from their safe comfort zone and be where they are supposed to be. If you carefully notice you would find that we are often a good Church believer but a failed disciple maker. The reason I keep emphasising on this topic on mission is because the Great Commission, the mandate of Christ has been successfully substituted with “good” programs that has the potential to build spiritual life, ensure active participation in the Churches and build financial security as the result of people’s participation. The Church is happening but the going out never gained momentum at all and in most cases stagnated, and worst polluted. Probably some of the below mentioned reasons can help the people to move from the common spiritual fallacies.

The world of the Church members is the Church and Christian Circle: Every attention of the Church member is Church focused and limited to Christian association only.  Is it bad? Not at all, but what has happened is that they failed to see the world around them. Either they are misled or hijacked.  The world is among us – as our neighbours, our co-workers, friends, and relatives – but we fail to see them as sheep without a shepherd (Matt. 9:36). Somehow, we hear the words of the Great Commission without recognizing the opportunities around us to develop gospel-centred friendship.

Pastors fail to model the Great Commission task: Leaders whose ministries are built on the Bible often do proclaim the mandate. Unless a pastor bleeds for his neighbours and the nations to know Christ, the church he leads will not live out this burden. Most often the Sunday 2 to 3 hours Church Service depending on your Church Culture and denomination becomes the priority. The success of the Church, meetings are only gauged by the attendance, participation, and offerings, which is the ABC model i.e., Attendance, Building and Cash. How can one expect their Church members to reach out in their sphere of influence? Failure to see the passion in their Pastors and Church leaders for soul have doused their hunger for souls.

Churches tell them to go, without teaching them how. My experience in working closely with Churches and leaders from around the world I have noticed this, though many churches tell the people to share the gospel with their neighbours but seldom train them to do so. People are challenged to go to the nations without adequately assuring them of training and support. When we tell without teaching, we shouldn’t be surprised when our churches only talk about the Great Commission.

When people are seen as asset and source of income. As hard as this statement sounds, it is true. The believers are seen as income source that is why if a believer especially a big giver stops attending his usual Church, they are sought in all possible manner to ensure they are back. The false ideology that if he has stopped coming to his Church and goes to other fellowships they are seen as lost and will never make it to eternal home. The Church is regretting because the person is probably a major income source. These are bitter truths but is a common spectacle.  This is not a problem for the Mega Church. Here, people find the Church for affiliation and identity. You can come anytime and can choose to stay anonymous and may even stop anytime. You will never be noticed.

Today, sharing the gospel has become a matter of convenience and the last priority for many, in general. Hardly people are thinking about it. In such situations it forces me to question their encounter with Christ they claim in the first place. One cannot experience the gift of salvation and not talk about it. Something is seriously amiss, don’t you think so? Peter and John in the worst situation when they were threatened and warned to not speak about Christ said this, "for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20 CSB. This is the language of the disciple. Probably if I must rephrase in today's context then it would go like this, "we are unable to stop speaking about what we have experienced and what the Bible tells us to do". The Early Church had one top priority and that is to share Christ. What is your Church priority? How many people are active in sharing the gospel in your Church today? You have all programs to build them spiritually. But what does that mean if he/she has not been able to lead one person to Christ. Think about it!


You may read the last blog HERE


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