Recently in my blog to the public (non-Christian crowd. You may click to read HERE),
I addressed a sensitive issue about man trying to protect God and His
religion with all his effort. In the process rioting and killing took place.
This has happened in the past and continues to happen in many nations around
the globe. People are desperate to protect God, religious buildings, monuments,
shrines, and religion at all costs. Logically, it can be justified because man
erected the religious building, monuments, and shrines, hence, it’s his duty to
protect the structure. Religious monuments and shrines are considered as the
dwelling place of God, therefore religious sentiments overtake the actual faith
on God. Sadly, we Christians are not excluded from it. Today, the Church sentiments
are stronger than Christ’s Mission. When I say Church sentiments, I mean the
Church building (space), which is considered holy place in the sight of the
Mistaken priorities are always dangerous. There is an amazing lesson we learn from the last miracle before Jesus’ Crucifixion. Jesus healed a man wounded by one of his followers. The book of John Records it in 18:10 “Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.” Then He healed apostle Peter who wielded his weapon in anger and thought it was his duty to save Jesus. David Cassidy in one of His writings points this fact, “When the Church wounds the world in a misguided effort to defend itself and Jesus, it reduces the capacity of people to hear the Gospel. Judas sought to destroy the mission of Jesus through his betrayal. Peter sought to defend the mission of Jesus through violence.”. How strong and powerful this statement is.
Kyrie Elision states this, “Jesus did not leave Peter unmended anymore that he left Malchus bleeding and broken. Peter was commanded, “Put your sword away.” We don’t save the Savior. All of the saber-swinging has to stop. It was the first step in peter’s journey to heart-breaking repentance.” Jesus heals both the wounded and the one who inflicts the wound. You and I cannot protect God the Almighty. The Savior does not need saving. Mercifully, He heals those who wound as well. I have hope today not only for the wounded but the ones wounding; that’s how magnificent the mercy of the Savior is. But yes, He wants you to be the Church, more so, a mobile Church so that wherever you go, you have a space to accommodate people in.
God does not need our support for His existence, He exists eternally and at the same time we cannot protect the Church buildings too. According to 2023 World Watch list of Christian persecution, every day 12 Churches or Christian buildings are attacked in many cases razed down. This number is still low. The actual figures may be more. Our mission and priority are to carry the Great Commission and reach out to many lost souls as possible. Do not allow the mission to suffer in your struggle to protect the Church institution. Let us not forget, Jesus replaced the grandest temple and predicted its destruction which happened in AD 70. What He left for us is to carry His commission.
Christ’s Mission is conveniently ignored in all sense. Massive campaigns are held, conferences happen, planning and strategizing of ‘how’ questions are debated and at the end what we normally end up seeing is when large amounts of money is transacted it results in projection of unrealistic accomplishments. Someone somewhere is constantly trading the mission for money, just as Judas traded Jesus, transacting Him for a few silver coins. Protect the mission at all costs. As Philip Nation reminds us, ‘Let us not forget being “on mission” is not the vocation of a few select Christians who are international missionaries but the great privilege for every Christians. The antidote for spiritual decline in the Church isn’t in a clever strategy, rhetorical skill, entertaining kids, or impressive musical performances. It’s in discipling believers to live out the revolutionary mission of the gospel.'
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