Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Surprises or Shock ahead-Watch out!


As Christians our familiarity with the nature of God - His goodness, kindness, gentleness and most importantly the blessings are something we don't want to miss. Our God is a God of surprises. Yes, He does always surprise us. Especially, when we go through a bad phase or rough patches, His divine intervention, and provisions at the point of our need, when we least expect, surprises and overwhelms us.

Jesus constantly assured that all who come to Him are never disappointed. The words of Jesus as recorded in the Bible as, "...all those who come to me I will never cast out." John 6:37. What an assurance?

There is also another side of Jesus, where He warns as through His parables and teachings that He would surprise many by calling a large group as strangers. The large group includes people who claim to be Christians, Pastors, prophets, people with gifts of healing and celebrities of Christendom. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly keep ourselves in check so that we are not disappointed at the end. The end can be devastating for people who have lived their life full of lies. This verse is worth pondering over. "The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own authority. My people love it like this. But what will you do at the end of it?”, Jeremiah 5:31 CSB.

The parable of ten virgins is the best example through which He warned us. In the parable, the five foolish virgins were remarkably similar to the wise. They were prepared to meet the bridegroom, initially their flames did burn for a period of time, they were impacted by the delay of the bridegroom and both the foolish and the wise were tired and slept - "when the groom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep." Matthew 25:5 CSB.

The five virgins who are tagged as foolish virgins were so close to meeting the bridegroom yet missed the chance forever. The parable narrates when the bridegroom took away the five wise virgins, He shut the door to the foolish five despite of their pleas to be let in. But the sad part is the bridegroom failed to recognize them. “He replied, ‘Truly I tell you; I don’t know you!’  Matthew 25:12 CSB. They just became strangers to Him. That’s the biggest shock of their lives. What a pity?

The same scenario will happen to the spiritual giants which we see in Matt 7 21-23 where the prominent people who influenced so many will become strangers to our Lord Christ Jesus. Let me quote v 22 'On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, drive out demons in your name, and do many miracles in your name?’ The response becomes the greatest surprise for all. It says, "Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you lawbreakers!’ Matthew 7:23 CSB. Our Lord would fail to recognize and in addition condemn such people vehemently as lawbreakers. Many are going to be shocked to know after death, that this will be the case if they continue to use Christ for their personal benefit.  We don't live with a Christian brand to make it. Don't take His goodness for granted.

Ponder the following questions in the light of His word: These questions will refine our perspective and give clarity to our life lived here on earth.

  • Who are we in Him?
  • What have we secured for Him?
  • What have we secured for us?
  • What are we trying to build?
  • Why are we doing what we are doing?

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