
Wednesday, 9 February 2022



Photo Credit Nicola Grace

I have had the privilege to hear from many speakers and know from books about people who have strayed from the calling and did contradictory things to the mission articulated by Christ. It was usually about people who renounced their faith, similar to an anti-Christian or having a mission resembling a cult. With my 25 years of association with innumerable Churches from varied denominations, Pastors and leaders from all over the states in India, I found many who are doing great work, having a big Church, highly recognized and esteemed, but unfortunately, following a Shadow Mission.

The fact is, if we don't embrace our true mission we all have what is called Shadow Mission. We all soon adapt what satisfies us and our ego. A Shadow Mission is an authentic mission that has derailed, often in unnoticeable ways. Part of what makes the Shadow Mission so tempting is that it’s usually so closely related to our gifts and passions. It’s not 180 degrees off track; it is just few degrees off track. Today, you find Churches, ministries, and Christian Organizations gaining popularity, increasing revenues, publishing interesting Ministry reports and articles but the true numbers are manipulated to gain personal popularity than to actually reach out to the unreached. The knowledge of the problems that impede the mission work is familiar to all the Christian leaders, yet most of the Churches and Christian leaders are addressing those that gives them personal security and happiness instead of Christ’s mandate.

The book of Esther is often referred to, when addressing the Shadow Mission. Book of Esther refers to people of Israel who lived captive in Persia around 470 BC and Ahasuerus ruled 127 provinces between India to Cush. He had immense power and he wanted to show his power to all. But he was weak inside, he needed people to continue to look for mutual submission, mutual admiration, mutual challenge and mutual love. He wanted to show the beauty of Vashti to all the dignitaries and officials who were drunk, lustful and sinful (Esther1:11). We all know the story where Vashti refuses (Esther 1:12). But he had his flattering officials quickly help him to fulfil his Shadow Mission. They helped the edict being spread throughout the land. How deplorable the king turned out to be as you continue to read the story in the book of Esther.

Genesis 1:27-28 talks about God’s first mission statement to reflect His image, His nature and be responsible human being, but sadly man adapted his own Shadow Mission to be like God and be in full control of himself, to satisfy his ego. Man quickly forgot that his mission is to care for all that God created and flourish working together with God. We find so many characters from the Bible who wanted to fulfil their Shadow Mission. For example, Solomon pleasure, Jonah’s escape, Pharisees attitude, of holier than anybody else, Pilate washing his hands and escaping responsibility, Simon’s sorcery to have a spectacular ministry, were the characters Shadow Missions. There are many such characters we can quote from the Bible. However, the urgent question that needs a desperate answer is, is your mission without corruption? Is it free from not serving the Shadow Mission?!

When talking about the Shadow Mission, F. F. Bruce quotes, ‘Time and again the temptation came to Jesus from so many directions to choose less costly way of fulfilling that calling than the way of suffering and death but he resisted it to the end and set his face steadfastly to accomplish the purpose for which he had come into the world’. Do you remember that in the desert Satan tempts Jesus to achieve the mission without having to be in hunger, without pain and to have the Kingdom for Himself? He refuses them all!

You and I were created to have a mission in life. We were made to make a difference but if we do not pursue the mission for which God has designed and gifted to us then most likely we will find a substitute mission. If we live in the absence of purpose without an authentic mission, we will be tempted to drift into autopilot mode to let our lives centre around something unworthy, something selfish, something dark - a Shadow Mission.

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