Our decisions are influenced each day by so many factors for example, from trying
to be good, to giving up on certain things that we once decided, returning to
our earlier decisions, deciding on a deal, abandoning a deal and so on and
so forth. Circumstances and context are so powerful that it can shake our
conviction at any point depending on what the conviction is based upon. Most
of the time we arrive at a conclusion through the experiences we went through,
lessons learnt and then we decide and make certain decisions. The same
decisions aren’t a guarantee that we would stand by it all our Life. If life
seem promising and enchanting, we may make a new one and go with it.
The next is determination, we determine in our hearts to stand
by or withdraw from certain things based on a conviction that we derive from
our inner conscience. The same is influenced by our commitment and devotion to
A point of caution here should be that at any point our
decisions shouldn't be based on our feelings because it can be disastrous.
Another important thing is that Psychologists claim our action and
decisions of doing things depends on either to avoid pain or gaining pleasure.
This will fetch us a lot of problems and can be disastrous. Both, circumstances
and convictions can be misleading if we do not base our decisions on
finding the will of God and hearing from Him. It is challenging because we can
support our decision after we have made one and draw God's support towards it
or wait on the Lord and be prepared to either stand with a newer one or abandon
because it doesn't suit God's parameter.
Do not forget, you were deliberately planned, specifically
gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth by the Master Craftsman (God).
When He gazes upon you, He doesn’t see an ordinary lump of clay. He sees a
beautiful work of art, uniquely molded and shaped according to his loving
design. There is a customized plan for you already by our sovereign God,
therefore align your perspective, decisions and conviction in the word of God
and hearing from Him. Don't allow time and chance to win your ambiguity. Stand
with God's plan for you and find His promises from scripture supporting
Eight tests for Decision making
1.Scriptural Test – “Has God already
spoken about it in His word?” (2 Timothy 3:16)
2.Secrecy Test – “Would it bother
me if everyone knew this was my choice?” (Proverbs 11:3)
3.Survey Test – “what if everyone
followed my example?” (1 Timothy 4:12)
4.Spiritual Test— “Am I being
people-pressured or spirit-led?” (Galatians 1:10)
5.Stumbling Test – “Have I prayed
and received peace about this decision?” (Romans 14:21)
6.Serenity Test— “Have I prayed and
received peace about this decision?” (Philippians 4:6-7)
7.Sanctification Test -- “Will this
keep me from growing character of Christ?” (2 Corinthians 3:18)
8.Supreme Test – “Does this glorify God? (1 Corinthians 10:31)