Monday, 1 March 2021

Faithfulness a rare commodity


Faithfulness is one of the primary characteristics of our Lord God. The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 7:9 “know therefore that your Lord God, the faithful God…” and Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:9 states “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord.”. God demands us to be faithful. There are no grey areas in faithfulness, either we are faithful or faithless. Today, the so-called spiritual giants who enjoy fame go about flaunting their ministerial greatness and activities but God alone gauges the faithfulness of an individual.

Solomon poses a pertinent question in Proverbs 20:6, “Many men will proclaim each his own goodness but who can find a faithful man?” This means we can brag about our activities, have enormous fund flow, jetset around the world as an itinerant preacher or evangelist, be accurate in our discourses, be theologically sound, but lead  a life of utter contradiction of being unfaithful to God and oneself. Theodore Roosevelt states, “It is better to be faithful than famous.”.

Faithfulness of people can be selective. People choose to be faithful when its demands are high. Whatever the demands, the degree of our faithfulness is always open in God's sight. As we are culminating to Christ's coming, there is an increase of debauchery and unfaithfulness among Christian celebrities that's being exposed and shaking Christendom. It is surprising to know some of them survived for years leading a life of dichotomy and deception. Many Christians assume they need to hide their misgivings to protect the name of the Lord and as a result the intensity of the explosion rips through individuals, societal and religious entities. Jesus warns, “For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light.”. Mark 4:22.

God is more concerned about our faithfulness than our accomplishments in His name. Diane Langberg the Christian Psychologist states, “We do not protect the name of Jesus in the Christian world using godly words to cover ungodly deeds. God wants purity in the kingdom of heart not the appearance of it in a system that has to lie to make it seem as if it is present.”. Paul in Romans 3:3-4 states, “What then? If some were unfaithful, will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Absolutely not! Let God be true…”. God remains faithful. God’s faithfulness can never be negated by man’s unfaithfulness. Let's take this to heart, God is primarily interested to see how faithful we are. No one can be labelled a spiritual giant just because he/she is gifted, highly talented, and able to turn many souls to Christ. Our purity and holiness matters much before evangelization. Let us not forget that we will face innumerable opportunities each day to slip and our soul to be ruined. The desperate cry of David in Psalms 12:1, which reads, “Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases! For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.”. Unless we are God conscious there is every chance we will fall. May God help each one of us to remain faithful in His vineyard.

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