Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Is Salvation a one time grand event?

"Being a Christian does not mean we’re any better than unbelievers. We are still just as sick as anyone — we just have found the doctor. Remember, Christianity is not about morality. It’s about grace.”.
It is great to narrate the salvation experience and inspire others and draw them close to Jesus. For some it can be decade before and for some two or three years ago, based on when they received Christ. But the story does not end there, after the experience we are expected to keep growing in His love and absorb His image and display to the world. In the book of Romans, Paul reminds us once again of the salvation, but this time in Romans 12:11 Paul says “Besides this, since you know the time, it is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep, because now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.”.

Paul is cautioning all of us to wake up from sleep, because for the simple reason that we do not become complacent and think salvation as one-time grand event and not conscious enough today about how we are keeping ourselves holy and displaying Christ to others. For the ones who has lost the savor of the grand experience it is time to know that the salvation is nearer yet again than you first believed.

Paul to the Philippians in (2:12) NIV says “..as you have always obeyed… continue to work out your salvation in fear and trembling.”. Salvation does not stop after the first great event, we ought to continue in working out the salvation and keeping it lively and fresh. In (2:13) of Philippians it says “For it is God who works in you...”. It is a journey where we are assured that God is working too in us to get our salvation completed. Now let me make a point here, if you held on to only verse 12 you will be Armenian and if you held on to verse 13 alone you will be Calvinist and if you held on to both then you will be Christian.  

Christians should be distinct from the world in how we live. Sanctification can be painfully slow. What we speak of is not perfection but a new power, a new purpose, and a new direction. We have a mantle to carry on. Our Savior has worked a mighty change in us.  Ask God to help us live more boldly and be the salt of the earth, and shine more brightly. May the distance to salvation be nearer and closer to us always. Continue to work out your salvation in fear and trembling.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Fighting the deception- Great men of God and small men of God

Present day Churches and Ministries' have classified the servants of God based on popularity, familiarity and power. As clothes of Jesus were divided among the people by casting lot (Matthew 27:35) today the glory of God is forcefully divided among common people. This stolen glory has elevated some to think they have descended from heaven and are angels. A quote so aptly puts the intention "In the Christian world, leaders are in danger of using their callings as a cover-up for self-actualization or “wish fulfillment”. In those places, our dreams become our rights; our popularity determines our success; our needs can become our necessities; and our celebrity is interpreted like it’s an anointing,” Saxton.
If you notice, the Bible records a little summary of Jesus' intention while he narrated the parable of tax collector. "He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and looked down on everyone else:" (Luke 18:9 CSB). We know in the parable, who was accepted at the end. Actually, the whole Bible focuses its attention on the ones who are humble at heart, despised and insignificant. It is the people today, who exalt some on the throne and make them God and lower others to a doormat. Paul questions in his book to Romans this way, "So why do you condemn another believer ? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God." (Romans 14:10 NLT). These are some of the ethical issues that Church and His children need to fight against. And mind, we all will have to stand before the Judgement seat. All glory belongs to Him alone while it is said, “I will not give my glory to another.” (Isaiah 48:11 CSB).

People of God and people in the ministry, do not rob the glory of God. Remember Barnabas and Paul when they were treated as God after they healed a man who never walked (Acts 18:9), they immediately responded and reacted. In fact, the Bible records, "The apostles Barnabas and Paul tore their robes when they heard this and rushed into the crowd, shouting:" (Acts 14:14 CSB). How many are willing to deny for themselves the royal treatment and advocate for the ones who do the ministry in difficult areas and are surviving with much difficulty? 

Jesus when talking about John puts this so beautifully- "I tell you, among those born of women no one is greater than John, but the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” Luke 7:28 CSB. Though John was counted so special but even the least will be greater in the kingdom of God.

Today, it is so sad to see how even certain ministries and preachers are given extra importance over some who do a great ministry. They impact people yet are not accepted and supported because they do not hold a high status. Stop displaying partiality, drawing importance one over another. Sometimes these ordinary people are making a significant impact through their ministries.

These are some hard truths no one dares to address. James in his book articulates it blatantly, especially when he points out how we treat someone who is rich and someone who is from a low status. "haven’t you made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?" James 2:4 CSB.

Find out the ones who are making the best opportunity to impact the people with the gospel and extend your support rather than giving all your resources to the one who is already obscenely rich always strategizing to attract more support. Let me make a point here. Some are given a false hope that they can fulfill the Great commission by solely supporting financially. This is not true at all. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:16 "For if I preach the gospel, I have no reason to boast, because I am compelled to preach and woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16 CSB). Each one of us are responsible to preach the gospel and make disciples. Join hands and be a partner with whichever ministry or individuals who stand to fulfill this mandate.

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Friday, 5 June 2020

What is your message for Non Christians?

In recent times YouTube channels, Vimeo, social media, Podcasts and many other platforms are filled with Christian messages for Christians. There is no dearth of Christian messages to hear from your favorite platform based on your choice. I have debated on this topic in my previous posts. Every day, thousands and thousands of new videos, posts are put up by people from all over the world. We are blessed with innumerable Christian messages and Christian resources but we need to ask some serious questions before we are too excited about this fact.

In all that we hear and actively involved, how has all this impacted us? What are the outcomes? The ready answers are, that people are growing spiritually, they are getting close to the Lord. But is that all there is to it? People forget that there are two sides of Holiness for example James 1:27 says, “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”. Keeping pure and holy definitely yes, but then reaching out by your acts of kindness and gospel is not made obsolete just because we are incapacitated in many ways.

Let me draw your attention to the book of Corinthians. The apostle Paul founded the Church in Corinth. A few years after leaving the Church the apostle Paul heard some disturbing reports about the Corinthians Church. They were full of pride excusing sexual immorality. Spiritual gifts were being used improperly, and there was a huge misunderstanding of key Christian doctrines. Therefore, he poses this pertinent question on the ways the gifts of the Holy Spirit were used. 1 Corinthians 14:14, “what is the outcome then?”.

Generally, the final outcome of individuals and Churches in most cases is to obtain the spiritual gifts, example the gift of prophecy, or speaking tongues etc. and keep growing in the Lord. But here Paul makes it very clear that exercising spiritual gifts per se is not the final outcome or an end goal in itself. If you carefully read in I Corinthians 14:12 he says, “So also you, since you are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek to abound for the edification of Church.”. The early Church was more active in creating an impact in the lives of each other, edifying one another, stimulating one another, exhorting one another. The gifts of the Holy Spirit did not operate in isolation. We are by all means to use our gifting to draw people closer to God and to the mission Christ has given to us.

Now, how are we impacting the Non-Christian world? How are all the spiritual gifts, great worship, persistent prayer translated in taking the mission to the outside world? Let us be reminded as the Bible uses Christians to these metaphors, “You are the salt of the earth”, (Mat 5:13) “You are the light of the world” (Matt 5:14) “you are the fragrance (2 Cor 2:15). Have we forgotten that there is a mission given to us, other than to preach Gospel and attract people to Christ? Then why are so many people today unable to reach out to the Non-Christians irrespective of all their spiritual gifts? Do you see the chasm? Let us not forget that each one of us are responsible to edify Christians and remind them of Christ's mandate; the Great Commission and simultaneously spend a considerable part of our time to reach out and connect to the Non-Christian friends.