How crucial is having a vision for you? It is the holy grail
that's reiterated in Christendom today. Without a doubt it is the
most crucial thing in life because Bible states that "Where there is no
vision people perish....." Proverbs 29:18 (KJV). In other
words without a ‘vision’ we cannot unfold the purpose of
God in our life. Martin Luther explains vision this way, “You
cannot move from where you are until you see beyond where you are.”. You
must have a dream otherwise whatever is not your vision can never be your
portion in life. You will lose the purpose for what you have
been created, if your heart cannot conceive.
“A vision provides the focus for the ministry and will enable the leader to keep his followers to move in one direction towards the ultimate goal. It is the skill of an effective leader to articulate the vision in such a way that everyone understands it and wants to participate in it. A vision statement provides direction and a target for the church/organization or even individuals. It is a tool to help the organization fulfill what God has called it to do.”.
A clear Vision provides 3 things.
Why we are here: Our purpose
Where are we going: A picture of the
What guides us along the way: What
we value!
Stay with me as I unfold how to culminate to a vision
or a dream. Finding a vision to move forward towards a specific mission is not
conditioned to dreams alone. Let me categorize few major heads to find
direction to unfold the purpose in your life:
A specific
vision/dream from God or God speaking to man for achieving a specific
Pharaoh had a
dream (Genesis 41:1-7) for Egypt which was wrapped in mystery. Joseph had an
opportunity to unfold it to a specific, meticulous strategy and workplan.
Moses: God spoke
to Moses in Mt Sinai to build the tabernacle (Exodus 24:18; 25:8)
Jeremiah: God
specifically called Jeremiah to warn Judah and return to Lord God. (Jeremiah
A strong
desire or aspiration to fulfill something for God:
David had a strong desire to build a place, an abode for God
(1 Chronicles 17:1-2). What is your burning desire and how it falls under the
Biblical framework.
about the Problem and getting the person to act. (Can be from God or from
an anointed man of God):
God reminded Moses of the serious problem Israelite were
facing, the slavery in Egypt. Moses was asked to be the conduit and bring
the people out from bondage (Exodus 3:7; 10)
Esther was
challenged by Mordecai to redeem the Jew who were soon prepared to be
annihilated (Esther 3:13; 4:8,14)
Getting to
know about the problem and act on it:
Nehemiah: He
heard about the broken walls of Jerusalem and was burdened and acted on
it (Nehemiah 1: 1-4). The problem that is overwhelming you is the
missionary call to act upon it.
Obedience to
the edicts of God:
Edicts of God are as follows -
Great commission is
to preach the gospel and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20)
Great Commandment of
God is to love God and to love the neighbors (Mark 12:30-31), and
Great Compassion is
to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of the strangers, help the
sick, visit those in prison etc. (Matthew 25:36-40).
Here, no one is exempted. Everyone who is His disciple is
mandated to be involved in the mission of God.
It's worth to ponder which of the above categories you fall
under as a Church, organization or individual. May God help you in fulfilling
His purpose in your life through visions and dreams.
(To influence people on vision, strategies, developing
a Ministry blueprint for Church and organization through seminars is my
ministry. I would be glad to help you out in the same for your ministry.)