We are all so familiar with the sharp
instruction in the book of Habakkuk that demands documenting the vision in
order to create the urgency of the work. But is it really happening? Or it is
just one more set of instructions of the Bible we wish to absorb based on our
convenience and refer it for convenience. Let me bring the verse down which
goes like this goes, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets,
that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but
at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it.”
“We need to write our
vision down in clear, compelling language so that it grips our hearts. A
clearly written vision statement frees us from confusion so that we can “run”
instead of wander, stumble, or go backward. A clear vision overcomes inertia
and produces the inspiration to run toward our goals.”. Zig Ziglar. Though we may
experience ups and downs, delays and disappointments, these won’t stop us
if we keep our eyes on our purpose and on the One who has given it to us.
Let me bring to reminder few people
from the Bible as an example, who were able to come up with a strategy to
accomplish what God intended, and in some cases toward a successful mission.
1 Joseph was a man
who interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh, came up with a robust strategy to save
the nation from the severe famine (Genesis 41:34-37)
2 Moses was
successful in interpreting the vision he received concerning the building of
the tabernacle. In Exodus 25:40 it was instructed, “Be careful to make them
according to the pattern you have been shown on the mountain.”. And Moses
brought in all components of the work into a definite plan to build the
tabernacle for His glory.
3 David presenting
the plan of the temple to his son Solomon (1Chronicles 28:11-12). This made the
work of Solomon easy and structured and it was the magnificent
temple, which became the place of abode for the almighty God.
4 Nehemiah was
apprised of the problem that the walls were broken (Neh1:3) and it records that
he wept, mourned, fasted and prayed for a number of days (Neh1:4) but then he
did not stop there. He converted into a work plan and accomplished the mission
of building the wall in 52 days.
I can keep quoting so many others who
were successful because of the structured definite plan derived from the
vision, I trust the examples of the great people I pointed out tell us
something very serious i.e. to have a proper strategy and work plan.
Woodrow Wilson puts it beautifully, “We
grow by dreams. All big men are big dreamers. Some of us let dreams die, but
others nourish and protect them, nurse them though bad days . . . to the
sunshine and light which always comes.”.