Friday, 24 May 2019

Prophecy vs prediction / Adjustment theories

The general purpose of prophecy and prediction is the same: to tell what will happen in the future. However, their source of authority for this information is very different. Prophecy relies on the authority of God-given information. True prophecy is therefore never wrong because it always carries the authority of God's truth and character. On the other hand, prediction is based on man's ability to determine what may happen in the future. Prediction is sometimes right but often wrong because it depends on man.
 We all have witnessed so many prophecies made by people over the recent election in India. Prayer was mobilized, discussion panels set, some even passed examples of other countries how things suddenly changed against all the odd expectation. Continuous circulation of encouraging WhatsApp messages claiming victories, and then the recent result that have shook if not all, at least the innocent believers for sure.

Significant men of God, leaders, Pastor's made several claims that things is going to change completely, some were too specific to name it, few had the audacity to prophecy saying a complete new set of leadership is going to take over, just to find they and all who followed them were miserably disappointed. How do we take this? Don't we even realize that God is bringing all things to culmination? In this whole process, God had to unmask the true identity of many people whose life were contradicting all through.

The heights of evil is manifested. Sadly, many Christians and Churches are in miserable stages living to their full expectation scraping to make a pleasant survival when they have to demonstrate holiness and exhibit God's love and judgement in this world. It looked like we all were trying to choose between the bad and the worse. Let's not forget one Haman catered the reverence and focus on God for all the Jews who were likely to be destroyed. Esther had to bring all people together to confess and pray for the nation to see things changed for real to their favor. Now we will soon find adjustment theories sweeping in, people trying to falsely comfort each other. It's time we all retrospect and identify our wretchedness and ask God to help us. Let's not forget to notice that Churches outnumbered, people were effective witnesses, only during the extreme environment. Be prepared to stand as a true witness for God in any situation.

You will continue to find, some who are not prophets claim the gift of prophecy. The Bible teaches that one test of a true prophet is whether or not his prophecy always comes to pass. Deuteronomy 18:22 states, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." People who falsely claim the gift of prophecy are in danger of the judgment of God. It is a serious offense against the Lord.

As to prediction, all men try to do a little of this. However, even in this, we should be careful. Consider this passage from the book of James: James 4:13-16 ".. ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.".

We are not to brag or boast of our knowledge of tomorrow. Things may turn out as we expect, but they may not. We should always speak of the future with humility--"If the Lord will" or "Lord willing." These actions will keep us from the sin of false prophecy and the pride of prediction.

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Thursday, 16 May 2019

Visiting Jesus and returned disappointed

"When the young man heard that, he went away grieving..." Matthew 19:22 CSB

What a joy it is to keep hearing God loves us and will bless us, our family and we will get all that we desire. We will be the head and not tail and we will be receiving in abundance, right? Jesus flips the coin in this real time incident when a young man who approached Jesus to know if he qualifies for the kingdom of God. He is the person who followed all the commandments ardently from his young age and wanted a confirmation of eternity.

Jesus' response grieved him severely. Not because he was not assured of the eternal life but because it challenged him on the summarized greatest commandment which starts like this; "The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39 CSB. This guy was satisfied with only giving all that he owed to God alone. Jesus clarified by saying   

“if you want to be perfect go, sell your belongings and give to the poor,  and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mathew 19:21. He never thought about his services to fellow neighbors and his responsibility towards poor which demanded sharing his resources, probably because he thought it is only for him and for his loved ones. The response from Jesus made him so uncomfortable that he went away grieving. 

In reference to Jesus' response, our perfection status depends upon our willingness to focus our attention towards poor and helping them with our resources, and there are no substitutes to it. In the book of Acts Paul says how he set an example for all of us. "In every way I’ve shown you that it is necessary to help the weak by laboring like this and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, because he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”. Acts 20:35 CSB. This is a great principle which does not sink in us deeply. 

You remain blessed in your giving and not in your strategy to receiving. Most often people get disappointed because certain enhancements or blessing comes with a cost, and we just don't want it. There is an incident about King David planning to buy a field from Araunah to build an altar. Araunah refused to accept the money, obviously who would want to accept money from the king who comes in person? David response in 2 Samuel 24:24 is just amazing where he says “No, I insist on buying it from you for a price, for I will not offer to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”.  

The second example is where we understand the context of Paul where he says he worked with his own hands to support himself and those who were with him. (Acts 20:34). How often from the Bible such demanding context where it involves the spending of our own resources towards ministering to the needy gets blurred because it hurts us. There are no alternative whatsoever, your service to God and to the less fortunate is the strong qualifier. 

Have you pondered over the sins of Sodom more than all the wickedness quoted in the book of Genesis, you will notice the same in this book which says like this, "Now this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters had pride, plenty of food, and comfortable security, but didn’t support the poor and needy". Ezekiel 16:49 CSB. May God use our ministry to poor a model in the nation.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Is it well with you?

2Ki 4:26  "Run, I pray thee, now to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.”

Incident of a  great woman (Shunamite) from Shunem who lived in 887 BC is recorded here.  Shunem which is the city in the tribe of Issachar that lay in the road between Samaria and Carmel, a road that Elisha often travelled. This woman kept a good house and was very hospitable, her husband having a good estate and his heart safely trusting in her and in her discreet management. It is noticed that Elisha was accommodated in this house during his journey, and taken care very well. Being exceedingly pleased with the quietness of his apartment, and the friendliness to his entertainment, Elisha began to consider with himself what recompense he should make her. And Elisha’s servant Gehazi reminded Elisha that she was childless, had a great estate but no son to leave it to. And then the story says that Elisha promised a son to be born to her, and it happened accordingly. 2 Kings 4:17.

And then we find that the boy grew and quite often use to accompany his father to the field. One day it so happened that while the boy was in the field with his father he had a severe pain on his head and was then taken to his mother who made her to lie on her knee and to her shock sees her son die.  A child she did not ask for, nor prayed for.  The need was felt by the prophet and according to the word of God was born on the appointed time has now passed away. She did not wail nor called for people. But this Shunemite lady who then made a brilliant move by making the arrangement to meet the man of God Elisha, who lives in Carmel which is about 15 miles from her home. And it is said when Elisha beholds her from far 2 kings 4:25 asks his servant Gehazi to run and ask the three prominent question of which the first one is brought for our inspiration.

Is it well with you?
It was noticed that even in this most painful situation the shunamite lady was able to keep herself cool and her dependency on God and to the man of God remained unshaken. It is vital to understand that your wellness is most important before you try to check or address others wellness. And then your wellness cannot be disturbed by factors within or without.  Most of the time we are caught up in the myth that we are the saviors, forgetting the strong reminder, that there is no savior beside the Lord. IS 43:11 and try to take care of others wellness before checking ours. Your wellness is more important before you help others. And it is certain that your wellness depends upon how stable your relationship with God is.  If you are not sincere in the first commandments Loving God with all your your Heart soul and Mind, you will fail in the second commandment, LOVE OTHERS. Second commandment is subject to the First great commandment. And it is important that your Change need to be significant before you expect the change in others. And secondly need to understand that the wellness starts with one’s mind.

Here is what Zig Ziglar says “You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind; you can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.  Think about it in this light: Your input determines your outlook.  Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. Consider: You are where you are in your financial, family, mental, social and physical life because of the thought process which has been yours throughout your life.  If you want to change what you are and where you are, then the thought process must change”.  Young people should be careful of what you put in. Most often knowingly and unknowingly we fill this mind by all that we desire and later lose control and become like a city that is broken and without walls Pro25:28

Thomas Cadylnle remarks “Be very, very careful what you put into that head, because you will never ever get it out”.  Prov 23: 7  Says "For as he thinks within himself, so he is.." Sociologist say that most introvert individual will influence 10000 people in his or her lifetime. This means that those around you can be blessed or hurt by association with you and the choices and actions you make, both privately and publicly. You are like a fragrance as said in 2 Cor 2:14, SALT” in Mat 5:13, “Light” in Mat 5: 14, “Temple” in 1 Cor 3:16. In all this the only thing that portrays is that our wellness does not benefit us alone, but others too and draws them close to God.

Your commitment to God should be visible to others and made an opportunity to read you as said in 2 Cor 3:2Ye are the epistles written in every hearts, known and read by all” Do not be self-contended in what you are. Michael Ramsden puts it this way “We often may think of ourselves as good people, especially when we compare ourselves to other people whom we do not like” and even somebody else puts it this way “You cannot become a saint by comparing yourself with a sinner.”  You need to be well and gain yourself first so that your wellness increases and reaches out to those who need to be well.  How true when the question is directly pointed to us in Mk 8:36 “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his own Soul? Therefore consciously work your wellness in the Lord and definitely you and your family will be blessed.




Thursday, 9 May 2019

Church Connection!

One of the biggest challenges in Churches worldwide is creating a connection among believers and improving horizontal relationships. Church goers strangely settle themselves to be self-absorbed, self-sufficient, self-centered and move and exist as independent bodies. And when it comes to young people they seem to be even more disconnected from the Churches today. Churches make no meaning to them. No doubt, it is a global problem, but it is important that Church leaders understand the gaps and narrow it down to fix the missing links. Someone beautifully articulated this, "Churches for our forefathers was a commitment, for our fathers, it was an inheritance, for us it is a convenience and to our children it is a nuisance.".

One of the primary reasons which stands as a concern in creating the irrelevance is when the vision and mission of the Church is not clearly articulated and when there are no measurable goals, no milestones as to when they are going to achieve what, then it is nothing more than a mere religious institution functioning to exist like any other entity.  Nobody in that case will be responsible for any task, because in real there may be actually no task and no project except the Sunday services and people leaving satisfied by giving their offerings. All are satisfied except God. A W Tozer comments, ""What has the church gained if it is popular but there is no conviction, no repentance, no power?" 

Today many Church goals is only about raising funds for a project that is confined to erecting a building and it doesn't lead to a sustainable program, which means there are not much requirements for the members involvement towards structured mission work, than to attend Church as a formality and leave with no conviction. Congregations may only be tuned to the needs of the pastor alone and never find the necessity to find the need to relate with the fellow believers and extend any support to build each other. 

Let us not forget what Apostle James said which I am reiterating quite often in my blogs, " Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27 CSB. Many people practice spirituality in isolation and mind, that's not the reason Christ established the church. Church is compared to a body that works in perfect harmony. You are responsible to keep your relationship with God intact and as well as to reach out to those who are suffering.

Ray Ortlund, Pastor of the largest Church in Nashville, Tennessee puts it forthright, which does make a lot of sense in many Churches today. "When our churches succeed because they are really well-run businesses, and the pastor is, in reality, a prop on the stage, then it isn’t ministry anymore; it’s brilliantly packaged crowd control. And judgment is not far off."  The Church when it will be in a position to articulate the vision with all its components meticulously and make available the blueprint where it will involve the members, young people, children to spiritual sustainability and meeting the needs of our community and nation then, it will for sure ignite the spirit of volunteerism and make them support the goals of the Church and create an effective connection and display the early Church pattern..
