Thursday, 14 February 2019

"My name is Legion, Sir!"

We have too many a response to describe who we are. Most often we like to show the images we displayed in the social network, the designations we hold, the news about us in the air. But who are you really, behind the avatars you’ve created for yourself? What are you masking? What are you afraid of? What are you hoping for? Where are you going?

Jonathan Martin in his book ‘Prototype” comments“We are subjected to a thousand different voices competing for our attention. We present images of our lives through Facebook, Twitter, or other alternate realities, that are perhaps more reflective of who we want to be than of who we really are. It’s so easy to manipulate our “identity” to suit the differing expectations of our home, school, work, religious, and social communities.”. Never before have we had so many forms of communication at our disposal, and yet our sense of loneliness and alienation has reached epic proportions. In an age of relentless self-expression, do we have any idea who we really are?

Whether or not we believe in the reality of demons, a truthful response to the question for many of us would be, “My name is Legion . . . for we are many.” Many voices, many activities, many interests, many influences. It will be worth recognizing the true you in order to make a meaningful journey. It can be sometimes the self-righteousness that can have a better advantage of us, and we want to present ourself differently.

John Rice in his book “Good Man Lost” puts it this way, “Self-righteousness is the most wicked of all sins because it covers sin, excuses sin. It leaves no room for penitence, which God so greatly desires, and feels no need for mercy, which God is so willing to give. It is the most dangerous sin because it is the one least likely to be confessed and forsaken and least likely to be brought to God.”.

What would fascinate all regarding you is the very fact that you are close with Jesus. If you notice in this case, it wasn’t the sight of a tormented man injuring himself with stones that frightened the Gerasenet people. Similar to our present days, they had become accustomed to all the noise and violence. Not even the spectacle of two thousand hogs running headlong into the Sea of Galilee could supersede the sight of a former demoniac sitting next to Jesus, clothed and in his right mind, that struck fear in their hearts (Mark 5:15).

People would rather see the demonized man continue to harm himself than the terrifying possibility that his transformation raises new avenues for what it means to be human.

In another case it is recorded that people were amazed to see something strange in disciples and it is recorded like this, “When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognized that they had been with Jesus.”. Acts 4:13 CSB. All that will matter if you are the exact mould of what God wanted you to beYour genuineness and unambiguous life in Christ will attract every other person. You don’t necessarily have to present different profiles.


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