Thursday, 22 November 2018

Dare to throw a challenge

“How long will you waver between two opinions? (18:21)
1 Kings 18:20-40
The story of Elijah challenging the king and the Baal worshipers is breathtaking. It is so dramatic that it appeals to our mind and challenges us, time and time again. I am challenged by the fact how could someone dare to try the unusual and demonstrate the power of God standing alone as a protagonist. What an audacity to stand the ground firm and keep bombarding with propositions to challenge their dumbness and infidelity towards the living God. The story is so dynamic and animated that it makes a great sermon, even motivating for children. But I am afraid if anyone today would want to try something closer to show how big God is.
 Magicians and illusionists perform live and are so spontaneous but note, prior to the public show they make a rehearsal in private with all the specifications sketched and drawn in the mind. They are sure of every move while they trick the audience. But in the case of Elijah it was completely different, this is a first time, on the spot, unique act. What makes so special about this whole incident is his daring faith on God, He knew God better than the situations. If you notice in this incident, Elijah made the challenge easier for the people who wouldn't acknowledge the true God but increased the severity of the challenge unimaginably difficult for himselfThe water was overflowing all over the altar, the trench was overflowing too. (1 Kings 18:35). After making the situation extremely challenging, he makes a simple, short unselfish Prayer, immediately heaven opens and people see the mighty power and act of God, rest is history which we are all familiar with.
As people of God at the foremost, are we convinced that our God is living and Big enough? And do we possess the required faith that He will never let us down however intimidating the situation can be? Most of the times we are not successful because we give specification to God to makes things happen as per our expectation and that’s the disappointment unfortunately. David Bowden quotes “God is often absent in the ways we desire, but present in the way we most require”. How often we want to hide and go invisible when we are in a plight and in some desperate situation. If we come out victorious we make a public testimony, otherwise we align our perspective based on the situation and continue to remain invisible. Can we ask God to increase our faith in order to live an extraordinary supernatural life? The only successful way to have so is to soak oneself in the word and build an unselfish relationship with God. In Romans 10:17 it says “ comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ.”’ NASB. 
His power and acts are timeless. Acknowledge Him with a sincere and honest heart. British preacher Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy used to say, “Faith is not believing in spite of evidence-that’s superstition-but obeying in spite of consequences.”. Having faith does not mean never having doubts or questions. It does mean remaining obedient. The same Elijah after the magnificent performance in Mount Carmel was intimated when Jezebel challenged to kill him the very next day. Elijah ran from there and asked God to take his life, but the Lord did not give up on him. He sent his angel and provided a hot meal to nourish him and then instructed him to resume his journey to 'Horeb' the mountain of God. After every challenges you throw to satan you are likely to be attacked by the evil in order to crush your faith you demonstrated recently. Henry Kissinger quotes "Every success only buys admission ticket to a more difficult problem", but be of good courage, God will not abandon you. God is bigger than all your misfortune, most difficult challenges and unfavorable contexts, just trust on him for a breakthrough each time.
David Raj

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