Friday, 7 September 2018

Profound question that needs Profound answer.

While I was walking back home after running some errands along with my daughter who is twelve years old, casually yet curiously she posed me this question, ‘Will you go to heaven?' As any normal confident Christian, unhesitatingly my answer was 'yes off course'. Her follow up question was, 'how do you know that you will be going to heaven?'. I have done enough of public speaking, conducted seminars, writing blogs for Christian world and a blog for secular public and was part of several international training programs; yet it was not easy to give a convincing answer simple and spontaneously. How convincing will the answer be if this question was posed to you?

The first response the mind scans and intends to blurt out is your spiritual discipline you follow without fail, like how much you pray, read Bible, go to church regularly, give all your offerings to your church. But if you analyze and find, in one particular area if you have not done very well off late, then probably your confidence level is not very encouraging. If you notice our assurance to spend our eternity with God usually depends upon how well we are able to follow the daily spiritual routine. Not bad at all.

What if you do not have the required burning desire to fulfill your daily spiritual schedules? You are trying to follow because you do not want to upset your parents, your spouse or your mentors. Warren Wiersbe in his book "Too Soon to Quit" puts it this way on what spiritual discipline means: 'Any activity that can help me gain power to live life as Jesus taught and modeled it.' Not the other way around quantifying how much we follow the spiritual disciplines. Join with me as I continue to unravel this in the following paragraph.

Christianity is so simple that we stumble over the simplicity. In real life where every act is likely to be a business transaction, example we give to get back, we do good in order to be returned with good, so we think the same when it comes to God. It is important to note that one is convinced that the Bible is the word of God. Faith plays a vital role in Christian life unlike any other religion trying to find God by doing good works. When Jesus said 'I stand at the door and knock if any one calls me in I will come into him'.(Revelation 3:20), It is important that one believes He definitely did when you opened your life gate to Him, and in John 1:12 it says 'But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name.'. The fact when we invite Him by making a prayer of commitment He comes in and transforms us completely and thereafter our desire to speak to Him daily in prayer, read Bible more and feel guilty when one messes comes in naturally and that’s the power of God’s transforming work one could only understand if he or she has genuinely accepted Jesus as his/her personal Savior. 

The next important thing which everyone should delve deep is when Jesus comes in our life He changes the hunger preferences too. Our desire to love Him more and love others genuinely increases. We stop pleasing ourselves and pleasing Him more, our mind is filled with His thoughts and this urges us to pray more, read His word more and share the joy and confidence to anybody and everybody. Thereafter, it's all about relationship, which is the major difference between Christian faith and other faiths. The peace of God rules the heart in full control and you believe completely that you will spend your eternity with God. I would like to conclude telling - The true indicator of spiritual well-being is growth in the ability to love God and people. If we can do this without the practice of any particular spiritual disciplines, then we should by all means skip them. Your transformation exceeds over your spiritual discipline.

  Check this video and be blessed.

David Raj

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