Thursday, 20 September 2018

Christian witness through Technology?

Jesus modelled the conventional methodology of evangelism where He went about doing good and healing all who were sick, liberating people who were under the tyranny of evil and sharing the message of the kingdom of God (Acts 10:38). The journey of Jesus was arduous and challenging, quite often pushed, humiliated, turned down to enter the city and in some cases was begged to leave the place, yet Jesus was relentless in what He was assigned to do by His Father by personally reaching out to people.

Present day evangelism has almost replaced this personal touch by usage of technology. Ministries use various portals - Websites, social media, Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube for example, to communicate the Gospel.  I don't intend to rake up a debate as to which of these portals are effective and draws people to Christ. I want to definitely echo with Apostle Paul who says in 1 Corinthians 9:22 “…So that I may by all means [in any and every way] save some [by leading them to faith in Jesus Christ]” AMP.    What stands as a concern is that in most cases the content in the literature and in all portals addresses Christian groups exclusively and appeals to Christians only. Unless one is equipped to reach people through a different stand point, we will remain strangers to them. Note this is not about compromising. 

Most of the Christian leaders and lay people are in at least one WhatsApp Christian group. You will concur with me that you are flooded with devotional messages, Bible verses, quotes, videos, etc which accumulates to mass junk and needs a delete quite frequently, How great would it be if each person decides to share a quote or a thought with a Non-Christian friend and lead him/her to Christ? Think about it. We all need encouragement from each other but more than us are the people out there who need a Savior. The other thing is that people find you and include you in their group (without asking your permission) and start bombarding you with messages and forwards. Sometimes it’s amusing when a person is surprised to find himself/herself in a group and leave the group with frustration wondering who added them. It verges in nuisance sometimes. Christians, lay people, pastors’, leaders are busy forwarding umpteen messages most of it counts to nothing more than junk.   

R. Stanley from Blessing Youth Mission often challenges us with these words, “We are busy Evangelizing the evangelized, Christianizing the Christians, Baptizing the baptized, converting the converted and neglecting the neglected.”. Sad yet so trueMost of the time people derive happiness thinking they are fully involved in sharing and encouraging Christian people. The truth is very different. 

In the flipside we hear of pastors and evangelists facing severe persecution in parts of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and many parts of Northern India and also in different parts of the world. People are trying to connect with people in person and are braving persecution. According to World Watch list 2018 India ranks 11th in terms of the intensity of persecution. You can download from the given link to know which rank your country falls in terms of persecution. what is our contribution to these poor missionaries?

Can we give a serious thought to stop evangelizing Christians and educate one another to be a witness for God in the true sense? If it is technology then is good to ensure that one does not intend to promote himself or his organization but to lift Christ alone. My plea is that if we could encourage people with sound knowledge to write articles, pen down their thoughts that can be sent to the general crowd, in workplaces and any other platforms where non-Christians make up the majority.

David Raj

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