Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Building a Robust Strategy

The word strategy is becoming more and more conversant in every field of human life. All field of science have started using it to build their organizational plan around it. The Wikipedia defines strategy this way; “it is a high-level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions.”

We notice in the Bible how Joseph translates Pharaoh's dream into a robust strategy. Gen 41:34-46. Joseph with a divine spirit had an astounding encounter with Pharaoh and used his gift to interpret his dream. A point to be noted, interpretation of dreams was not a recent gift Joseph developed, God has gifted him that ability from a very young age. God revealed to Joseph about the future happenings and developed him for a greater purpose. Joseph learnt to exercise personal management and professional management at a very high standard. Irrespective of several hardships lashing at him consecutively, Joseph remained consistent in every area of his life and exhibited spiritual maturity.

Pharaoh met Joseph in a completely disoriented mental status because of the recent disturbing dreams he had. Little did the king realize that the dreams were from God and it was about the future status of the nation. His leadership team unfortunately had no clue and were absolutely unprepared  to even fathom the implications of his dream. Joseph becomes the spokesperson for God. He not only interpreted the entire dream but also drew up a watertight strategy to save lives and build the nation.  The basic stages of building a strategy from the dream is typo graphed in the following figure:

I am sure each Church was started with a vision/mission as revealed by God. It will do a world of good if Churches ask themselves the question if our vision/mission is strategically deciphered and disseminated so that the impact of what we are investing today becomes meaningful and measurable in the future. Habakkuk 2:2 says “…Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”. The verse is demanding that our vision is documented and translated into action plan, so that the reader is motivated to run with the mission.

The leaders and the core team (may it be from church, or organization, or small groups) to ponder on these questions and reconsider if it is not very active;

1.      Where have we been? (this will help the leader reminisce on the early days and recognize            successes along the way).

2.      Where are we today? (give status on the current state of church, organization, institution)

3.   Where we hope to be in the next 3, 5, or 10 years?

May our dreams and vision be translated and become strategic and Holistic in nature and be a blessing to our community.


Thursday, 15 February 2018

If Jesus is physically present now

How many times we thought if God was physically present to address the most demanding challenges of the present times and of our lives. Right? 
During the desperate times, when we come to a point that we can't take anymore with the evil surpassing over everything, we are left clueless. Sometimes in a flick of a moment we want it to be true to have Him walking around us in person. 

Looking back in the Bible when Jesus was in this world moving with the people, we noticed the political situation was not better, actually worse. There were classes among the people, friction and huge differences between clergy and laity and in fact continual plots against God Himself. And the world thought they can't have God live among men. Fear of God ruling and taking over was making them insecure, Power play was heightened and as a result killed a God who was giving life and making a radical difference in individuals.

History would again repeat and murder this same God if He chooses to live among us physically once again. What people are in search is a God who is not existing and unknown. Paul says in Acts 17:23 "I notice in an altar inscribed "To an unknown God" and it so true even now, when we believe god to be superficial.  We want to fashion our own God, customized to our own specifications and give us more wealth and prosperity alone. We promote selfishness and live as per our own standards.

Therefore, I am convinced it is a blessing to be substituted with His spirit dwelling among us and to have the Holy scriptures testify about Him. We have a reason and a privilege to trust in our God who is real and to walk in the path He has paved for us, as the song that says "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus". We have a privilege to feel Him every moment in our being, if we are rightly connected to Him. He is now more personal and felt every moment unlike during Jesus time in the earth where we have to physically commute to reach where He is. If we believe in the deity of Christ then we have all the assurances and unfailing promises to help us and take us through every situation.