Monday, 4 March 2013

Faithful in executing justice

We live in an age where everything is instantaneous and quicker. We are attracted by the fastest services and settle where we are benefited in the shortest span of time. I don’t think anyone in this world would prefer to wait unless it is promised, or been ensured of the assured consequences. Thinking about the great task entrusted to Moses and Aaron to get the Israelites who were in bondage to be taken out from Egypt, these two great men would have thought probably in the first encounter with Pharaoh, he would let the people in bondage go. But as you know the story, it did not happen that way. We read in Ex 10:3 where Moses and Aaron paraphrases the Lords voice by saying “…How long wilt thou refuse to humble before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me.” and then at the same time we see the desperation of pharaoh’s servant too as they articulate in Ex 10:7 “…How long shall this man be a snare unto us? Let the man go, that they may serve Lord their God: Knowest thou not yet that the Egypt is destroyed.” The desperation to see things happen quicker, developed on both sides.

 David in Psalms groans seeing the wicked spread and that he brings infamy to the Lord. In Ps 74:10 David questions “How Long, O God shall the adversary reproach? Shall the enemy blaspheme thy name forever”? Do you see relevance? I am sure everyone at some point of time had to wait for a short period, and yet larger number for a longer period of time, and then when it gets still longer our inner heart cries, “how long”. Yes waiting is not very easy especially when you are waiting for justice or may be a favor. You need to have a greater level of Faith and Trust to be serene in such situation. After much communion with the Lord and through the experiences David in Psalms states in Ps 40:1 “I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard my cry.” Nothing can go unnoticed my friend. Solomon in Prov 15:3 states “The eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the evil and the good.” You don’t have to try various means to get the Lord in action, the Lord is sovereign and always in control.

And then if you recollect your readings from Habakkuk the prophet starts the book Hab 1:2 by asking a question “How long O Lord will I call for help..” He is frustrated to see the wicked gaining strength and “..Justice is never upheldHab 1:4 and mostly perverted. And we notice his questions become even more sharper as we read in Hab 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to approve evil and you cannot look on wickedness with favor, why do you look with favor on those who deal treacherously,,” We look around and see the surfacing of corruption in all level and how sad to know that there are much possibility to become victims and sometimes sufferers. How do we go about it? The prophet finds out the answer and articulates in Hab 2: 4 “… the righteous will live by faith.” and ends the book by saying “The Lord God is my strength” Hab 3:19. I think the greatest gift and blessing we need is to see our faith being strengthened and understand that God is our strength.

Prov 13:12 Says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” What do you wait for? Why do you wait for? Is your waiting justifiable and then what do you desire to achieve by waiting? In all this do you see God as a central figure? Just keep thinking and sharpen your thoughts on the light of the word of God and close communion with Him. I would like to draw your attention to the verse of Hope in Rev 10:6 “that there will be delay no longer”. Where do you stand? Do you justify your deeds? Or you think it’s high time that you introspect your life and get right with the Lord so that your waiting makes sense, definitely not to expect the evildoer to perish but the Lord of justice to restore righteousness and justice. Is 42:3 says “A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish, He will faithfully bring forth justice in the earth,” and in 42:4 “He will not fail nor be discouraged till He have set justice in the earth.” May the Lord God help us to maintain righteousness and exemplify the standard for righteous living, and He may help us to trust on the Lord that our longings are not spent in pain but with Hope and shaping our lives in Him. God knows your aspiration and desire. Prov 10:24 says “…the desire of the righteous will be granted” because “the desire of the righteous is only good..” Prov 11: 23.


David Raj

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

"The MASTERS who are ruling US"

“O Lord other masters besides you have ruled us, but through you alone we confess your name.” Is 26:13

Who controls us?  How are our decisions being influenced?  Whom do we follow in real life? Whose style do we follow?  Who is our icon? What fascinates us? Who are we when we are in private? If you happen to give some thought on these, and ask yourself such pointed questions and may be more, then unquestionably the real image of yourself is displayed, and you know what predominately holds you and who controls you. How often in the Bible we find the Lord underscoring that there should be no God beside Him that we should worship or look onto, and even warns us not to make gods in any forms and shapes. Sadly most often for our convenient reason we interpret other gods to the deities that resembles to the idols and religions only and not to some of the habits that we aren’t free yet, and to the negative behaviours that has captivated us.

This above verse conveys that at one point of time there were masters besides Him who ruled them, but then through HIM alone they confessed and were delivered. For some people it is the power that rules them, and to some the position, to some the entertainments of the world, for some the lies, for some the gossips, for some the infidelity in all forms, the list goes on. Micah 2:1 says “Woe to those who scheme iniquity, who work out evil on their beds! When morning comes they do it. For it is in the power of the hands.The masters that rule you and the choice that you make to be ruled by them together leads you the stage of wretchedness Rom 7:24. How often we make meaning from what matters to us, and attach meaning to anything important to us. If this is what we are then we better review who is ruling us and who our masters are. Quite often it is seen that we do what we want to do based on how it is going to benefit us, and then we use the word of the lord to justify what we do. Sadly all have their own rationale to make others believe, that it is from the Lord. It will be great if we try doing some spirituality check and consider our ways as said in Haggai 1:7, and get closer to God in reconciliation and have our Lord Jesus as our Master.

Micah 3:11 says “Her Leaders pronounce judgement for a bribe, Her Priest instructs for a price And her prophets divine for money, yet they lean on the Lord saying, Is not the Lord in our Midst? Calamity will not come upon us” We see the prophet Micah speaking the strong words of the Lord. I pray that we do not fall under the deceit thinking the Lord is our master when actually we are controlled by different rulers that is leading us to disaster. We are so familiar with the story of Samson in Judges, who vehemently took the Lord for granted while he was under the captivity of sin. And we read in Bible that the Lord departed from him, but he did not know that the Lord has left him and was trying to perform as usual Judges 16:20. A personal review in the light of His word, and conviction from the Holy Spirit will help us to see that we confess Him alone. Micah 4:5 “Though all the people walk each in the name of his god, as for us,  we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”  What a strong assertive statement is made here. Can we confess strongly that we will allow our eternal Master our Lord Jesus Christ to rule us?

May God Bless us as we continue in the journey to know Him more and have our Lord Jesus Christ as our Master.
